$2600 Vol. 21, No. 1 - Staff
Editor-in-Chief:Emmanuel Goldstein
Layout and Design:ShapeShifter
Cover Design:Dabu Ch'wald
Office Manager:Tampruf
WritersBernie S., BillSF, Bland Inquisitor, Evil Corley, Dalai, John Drake, Paul Estev, Mr. French, Javaman, Joe630, Kingpin, Lucky225, Kevin Mitnick, The Prophet, David Ruderman, Screamer Chaotix, Seraf, Silent Switchman, StankDawg, Mr. Upsetter
Webmaster:Juintz, Kerry
Network Operations:css, mlc
Broadcast Coordinator:Juintz, Pete, daRonin, Digital Mercenary, Kobold, w3rd, Gehenna, Brilldon, Chibi-Kim, lee, Nico, Logix, Boink, John
IRC Admins:daRonin, Digital Mercenary, Shardy, The Electronic Delinquent
Inspirational Music:Boards of Canada, The Huts, Elvis Costello, Deodato, DJ Danger Mouse, Coil, Jean-Michel Jarre, Debby McClatchy, Tenacious D
Shout Outs:Edgar Allan Poe

"We have never had vulnerabilities exploited before the patch was known."

    --- David Aucsmith, CTO of Microsoft's Security Business and Technology Unit, February 2004.

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