Defeating Intrusion Detection Systems
by SnakeByte (
This article will present some ideas which will make it possible to perform a portscan on an IDS protected system without being detected.
It will also offer an intruder several other possibilities to fool around with a firewall, giving him other advantages. This paper is not about TCP/IP or other lower protocols, but deals with higher protocols which can be abused to get to the wanted goal. I will present some Perl source code here and try to discuss possible countermeasures.
I got into this, when I thought of a possibility to perform a TCP full connect scan to a host, without having to reveal my real IP. It should to work on every system easily, so it can also be realized without the possibility to create raw IP packets - like on some Windows Systems or UNIX systems - without having root privileges. So it should be something like the FTP bounce scan, which uses a FTP server to get the wanted information.
The FTP protocol allows us to connect to a FTP server, and make it connect to our own computer, so you force the server to connect to you. Due to the fact that it is possible to connect to every port with this, you can check if a port is open by analyzing the reply we get from the FTP.
The scan works by first setting the IP and port with the PORT command, and then initializing the transfer (by doing a LIST or GET request).
If we got a 425 Can't build data connection: Connection refused. we know that the port is closed. The 150 and 226 replys tell us, that we just tried to connect to an open port. To perform such a scan you can use Nmap with the -b option.
But nowadays, most FTP servers will not allow such a scan, they check if the port on the other side is really a FTP client, and if not they reply the same error message they give when the port is closed, so other methods need to be created.
This way of portscanning a host has another big disadvantage. It does not allow the attacker to get banner information while scanning, which is often useful in getting information about the running daemons and to create tools which automatically exploit them. In addition to this, the TCP full-connect port scan gets detected by every IDS.
So the first idea I got into my mind was to use a proxy. Using proxies is a very common method of masquerading an IP when you are connecting from a local area network to another net, to which a router controls traffic. A lot of SOCKS proxies are freely available for everybody and often get used for IRC war clones and other things.
So I quickly wrote a Perl script, which just connects to a SOCKS4 or SOCKS5 server and tries to make a connection to the target host. If it retrieves an error, we know that this is a closed port. If we receive an established connection, we have an open port and can retrieve the banner.
#!/usr/bin/perl # # Usage : # # <SOCKS-PROXY> <SOCKSPORT> <TARGET> <STARTPORT> <ENDPORT> # # # written by SnakeByte [ ] # # use Net::SOCKS; if ( @ARGV < 5 ) { print "\nThis tool performs a portscan on a host,\n"; print "over a socks proxy to hide your IP\n"; print "and to make it possible, to see ports, which\n"; print "are blocked to certain IP Ranges\n"; print "written by SnakeByte [Snakebyte\]\n\n"; print "Usage : \n"; print "sockscan <SOCKS-PROXY> <SOCKSPORT> <TARGET> <STARTPORT> <ENDPORT>\n\n"; exit; } print "sockscan by SnakeByte [ SnakeByte\ ]\n"; $proxy = @ARGV[0]; $proxyport = @ARGV[1]; $target = @ARGV[2]; $startport = @ARGV[3]; $endport = @ARGV[4]; print "scanning $target ...\n"; my $sock = new Net::SOCKS( socks_addr => $proxy, socks_port => $proxyport, # user_id => $ID, # user_password => $pass, protocol_version => 4 ); for ( $i = $startport ; $i <= $endport ; $i++ ) { $f = $sock->connect( peer_addr => $target, peer_port => $i ); if ( $sock->param('status_num') == SOCKS_OKAY ) { print "--- Port $i open ! --- \n"; # here we could easily retrieve a banner } $sock->close(); } print "\nScan finished..\n";By scanning a host from another IP, an attacker is able to go around firewalls by using a SOCKS proxy. If the proxy is inside a privileged IP range, the firewalls allows us to bypass. It is also nice for scanning the SOCKS proxy itself by using the loopback IP (, which will also bypass most local firewall settings. This will not work with all kind of SOCKS proxies because some of them have settings to forbid them to connect to the loopback IP or the local IP at all.
This is very nice for scanning a host anonymously, but how can we use this to defeat an IDS? Most Intrusion Detection Systems check for a limited amount of connections from a secific IP to different ports in a specified amount of time. A list with some dozen, or even hundred SOCKS proxies, can be retrieved on several webpages, so we can simply change our script to use a different SOCKS proxy for every port at random. So IDS systems will not log a scan because the connection attempts are coming from several different hosts. This allows an attacker to perform a distributed scan without having to install some Trojan clients for scanning on other hosts.
But what exactly is the advantage of such a scanning technique in contrast to a normal, non-distributed scan?
When you connect to a single port on a target machine, no IDS will think this is an attack and thus will not take any countermeasures. But if you connect to several ports in a short time, every decent IDS knows this is a portscan. So what we are trying here is to make every host just connect to a single or a few ports, so the IDS will not detect an attac. Each host just connects to a few ports after waiting some time when they are choosen from the list again.
#!/usr/bin/perl # # Usage : # # <SOCKSFILE> <TARGET> <STARTPORT> <ENDPORT> # # # written by SnakeByte [ ] # # use Net::SOCKS; if ( @ARGV != 4 ) { print "\nThis tool performs a portscan on a host,\n"; print "and to make it possible, to defeat an IDS , which\n"; print "by scanning from various socks proxies\n"; print "written by SnakeByte [Snakebyte\]\n\n"; print "Usage : \n"; print "sockscan2 <SOCKSFILE> <TARGET> <STARTPORT> <ENDPORT>\n\n"; exit; } print "sockscan2 by SnakeByte [ SnakeByte\ ]\n"; $proxyfile = @ARGV[0]; $target = @ARGV[1]; $startport = @ARGV[2]; $endport = @ARGV[3]; print "scanning $target ...\n"; open( FILE, "<$proxyfile" ); @proxylist = <FILE>; close FILE; $a = -1; for ( $i = $startport ; $i <= $endport ; $i++ ) { $a++; if ( $a <= (@proxylist) ) { $a = 0; } ( $proxy, $proxyport ) = split( ":", @proxylist[$a] ); my $sock = new Net::SOCKS( socks_addr => $proxy, socks_port => $proxyport, protocol_version => 4 ); $f = $sock->connect( peer_addr => $target, peer_port => $i ); if ( $sock->param('status_num') == SOCKS_OKAY ) { print "--- Port $i open ! --- \n"; } $sock->close(); } print "\nScan finished..\n";An example proxy list will look like this: you can see, it is very easy using these techniques to perform a distributed scan. Of course it is very slow, but I think this can also be adopted using different threads, so you connect to more than one SOCKS proxy at a time.
But then you need a list with enough proxies so they don't repeat too fast. This is very nice to fool some IDSes, but an intruder should not use this from his own PC because there might be some SOCKS proxies logging all connection attempts which might be used later by a sysadmin to search for the source of an attack.
But SOCKS proxies are not the only ressource for such information gathering. We can also abuse WinGates with exactly the same effect. We know that WinGates are also very often public available on the Internet. And, most of the time, the admins are too lazy to set a password on them, making them available for everybody. This makes it easily possible to (ab)-use them for port scanning.
#!/usr/bin/perl # # # This script has been tested with Wingate 4 # and performs a portscan over a wingate telnet proxy. use IO::Socket; $proxy = ""; # the wingate ( telnet proxy ) $proxyport = "23"; # port $target = ""; # target host $StartPort = 1; # portrange we scan $EndPort = 100; for ( $targetport = $StartPort ; $targetport <= $EndPort ; $targetport++ ) { print("Port $targetport ..."); $s = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $proxy, PeerPort => $proxyport, Proto => "tcp" ) || die "wingate down..\n"; $send = "$target:$targetport\n"; print $s "$send"; $a = ""; read $s, $a, 85; if ( $a =~ "Connected" ) { print " open !\n"; # print "$a\n"; } else { print " closed\n"; } close $s; }And another very common kind of proxy can be abused for scanning. We only need to make little change to the source above. HTTP proxes also allow everyone to connect to whatever is wanted. Of course, they close the connection to the target host directly after retrieving a page or banner. But this is not a problem because we don't want to send data. We just want to retrieve.
We scan a host by performing a GET request to the target port on the proxy. The proxy then connects to the port and if it is closed it will directly reply with a "503 - Service unavailable" error. If the port is open, it will connect and send us the reply of the listening server. A problem is that the proxy does not close the connection on its own, so if the port is open we need to wait until the connections from the proxy to the target times out in order to retrieve the banner. If we don't want to grep banners, we can speed things up by checking if we retrieve the 503 error after some waiting (5-10 seconds) and, if not, we close the connection and assume the port is open.
#!/usr/bin/perl # # # This script has been tested under debian # with Squid 2.2-Stable 5 # and performs a portscan over a http proxy. # use IO::Socket; $StartPort = 1025; # portrange we scan $EndPort = 1050; $target = ""; # our target host $proxy = ""; # the http proxy $proxyport = "8080"; for ( $targetport = $StartPort ; $targetport <= $EndPort ; $targetport++ ) { print("Port $targetport ..."); $s = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $proxy, PeerPort => $proxyport, Proto => "tcp" ) || die "proxy down..\n"; $send = "GET HTTP:\/\/$target:$targetport\/ HTTP\/1.0\n\n\n\n"; print $s "$send"; read $s, $a, 30; if ( $a !~ "503" ) { # check if we get a 503 error from the proxy print " open !\n"; # print "$a\n"; # or the banner ( uncomment this line to see the banner ) } else { print " closed\n"; } close $s;The only problem when using HTTP proxies for port scanning is that they normally don't allow connections to every port, but only to port 80 and ports greater than 1024. The best fix for this problem would be to add a check in the HTTP proxy, which checks if there is really a connection to a webserver.
As we can see, a potential attacker has a lot of different ways to retrieve information about open ports and running services going undetected because of the distributed scan. And, in addition to this, he also has a chance to bypass firewall settings on the proxy servers as well as on other servers by choosing the proxy in an IP range that is allowed to pass.
What can be done to prevent the abuse of this? All those proxy protocols have an option to just let those people connect and verify themselves with a login and password. But these kind of security settings are not very often used.
Intrusion Detection Systems should be reconfigured so that they don't rely on scans coming from a single IP, but on the connection attempts to closed ports per time. In my opinion, distributed port scans will become more and more common, so the IDS should be adopted to detect such scans.
All tools presented here can, of course, be improved a lot. Things like scanning with multiple threads will speed up the scan. Choose target ports at random to prevent a simple fix of an IDS and maybe choose the proxy servers at random too, just to be sure.