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The Seattle Stranger

December 1994


This is a documentary about computer hackers made for computer hackers, which is why its so good. But how does it play to those of us who don't know the difference between phreaking and trashing? Great. It's got the perfect balance of introductory material and technical mumbo-jumbo to keep us entranced through the whole thing.

Included in the movie are profiles of some of the more famous hackers, such as Phiber Optik, the very first person to go to prison for electronic trangressions (10 months in prison for conspiracy to break into federal computers, or something), and Agent Steal, a talented hacker turned FBI informant.

Unauthorised Access lets you see and hear from those people that big corporations and the government are so afraid of, and makes you think, "Hey, smart people can be interesting, too." It explores the hacking scene across the country as well as in Holland and Germany.

By the way, phreaking is a hardware-based, technical method of breaking into the phone system, while trashing is simply corporate grabage picking, looking for both hardware and telling documents.

Unauthorized Access plays Saturday at 911 Media Arts. Reviewed by A.S.

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