Transcriptions from 'Off the Hook' Continued..:

But you know what I would like to see? We did this last week. We called up local information and we heard for the last time the NY telephone recording. Now, lets see if they have, as they said they would on Jan 1st, changed everything... I think it's very important that we do some checking up here. Ok, there is our trusty dial tone..and we are going to..No we are not going to call anywhere cause I guess we didn't pay our touch-tone fee...Did we?...Now, ok, lets try another line...Hey! No, we didn't pay the touch-tone fee on any of our lines apparently...lets try...there we go...(dials number) lets see what happens...

Operator: New York Telephone

Emmanuel: Oh I'm sorry I thought this was NYNEX..

Operator: OK

Emmanuel: long...well apparently she didn't know either! Wow! Nynex what's that? It doesn't work on Information bout that? Lets try 0+ calls and see if that's any better...(dials number) lets call ourselves...oops (dials again)

Let's see what happens (recording: New York Telephone) Oh what is going on here?..I mean come on - I wrote the check out to NYNEX, I've been complaining about NYNEX all week! I haven't said a single bad thing about NY Telephone since Jan 1 because they don't exist anymore. Now what do I see? I see NY telephone vans, I see NY telephone tariffs and I see NY telephone on the phone. What is a person to do?..well Phiber this is your last show.

Phiber: Yes it is.

Emmanuel: At least for the next well how long do we estimate that they'll lock you up for?

Phiber: Roughly 10 months or so...

Emmanuel: Well, that's quite a time, that should bring us to October..of this coming year..its been..pretty crazy and pretty hectic I would imagine..the last couple of are actually supposed to report when? Friday?

Phiber: Yeah that's right.

Emmanuel: At a place called schulkill PA. Where you will be spending time and hopefully you will be writing to us at the radio station since you won't actually be able to be on the air.

Phiber: Yeah, I will certainly try to write at least.

Emmanuel: Any thoughts you wanta give...? By the way good article in the village voice.

Phiber: Yeah I was really happy to read it...I thank Julian DeBell for writing such a nice article.

Emmanuel: It's the one with Beevis and Butthead on the cover? its not Beevis and Butthead it's Clinton and Bush?

Phiber: No it's supposed to be our former and current actually its Mayor Koch...It's Koch and Juliani.

Emmanuel: In the form of Beevis and Butthead, so pick up the Voice and check out the article, nice picture too..I haven't actually seen it yet I am just going on what other people have said to me.

Phiber: Open the page why don't you?

Emmanuel: What page is it on?

Phiber: I don't know.

Emmanuel: This newspaper has about a thousand pages in it so I don't know which page to go too..

Phiber: Page 44

Emmanuel: I hope your not just saying that...oh look look, there you are! The byteman of Alcatrazz they are calling you, "Phiber Optic goes directly to jail". Wow...well that's that's this week in the Village Voice..

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