This was taken off of the upl's page, since he did this with no way for us to respond back,
we'll do it here.


board temporarily down. in the meantime, a note to the sub-par "group" Telecommunist:
rabbits: sub par? by far! eh and its only two of us.
What's really silly, is you making assumptions about me assuming.

I agree it would be silly to make assumptions about one's personal knowledge/commitment to a particular ideology based on their lack of discussion about such ideology. If I did that, I would have to assume that I myself have little knowledge of non-market economies. I don't delve much into my personal politics on any site (not too far anyway). Even Team Activism never dealt with my personal politics, rather it served as a platform for political debate, discussion, and news/information distribution.

So no, I make no assumptions based on the lack of political content on your site. Rather, my opinions are based on your behavior.
I suppose you need an explanation.

I first learned of your "dislike" for me from someone who had apparently talked to you, later relaying to me something silly about you not liking me because I wasn't a true or real socialist, or some other similar comment. Which is funny, because like I said, I've never gone too far into my personal politics, and it would be hard for you to make such a judgment without knowing my values/opinions/ideologies, or at least knowing me. You know neither me nor my politics. Nor have you ever really been witness to my actions.
rabbits: the thing about relays is that they arent very reliable, because neither me or kyle remember
saying anything about not liking you because your not a real communist, considering we just
use the telecom-munist in our name as a pun, and because of my fondness of the history
of russia. I dislike you because youre you. 

I was later reminded of your dislike for poor little linear baby via this thread.

Now, based on this thread and previous comments you've made about me, it's pretty easy to point out your lack of understanding of communist/socialist ideology.

How, you ask?

Well, you're immediate write-off of my commitment to socialism without any prior knowledge of my convictions and your decision to mock and/or despise me because of it demonstrates blatant elitism.

Why does this matter, you further inquire?

Your elitism towards a "not-really-socialist" (if I were, indeed, not Socialist for whatever reason) tells me two things about you:
Again, i dont give a rats ass about socialism, russia was a badass country. any country who can keep the people
that oppressed for so long must have been doing something right.

A) Your lack of a sense community, or lack of willingness to build and maintain a community. It's pretty impossible to be communist without such pro-community feelings. Here I am, a person of supposedly similar ideological viewpoints, and instead of recognizing the potential solidarity in/of our personal politics, you write me off. Even if I wasn't on-target with my views, someone with a true understanding of community and henceforth communism would try to build that understanding within me. But you're obviously not interested in community, thereby invalidating any claim you could make of subscribing to a communist ideology.
I have no political views, if i like something, i like it, if i dislike something i dislike it.
B) What's much worse than the previous point, is that your display of elitism shows a glaring ignorance of perhaps the most simple and basic communist value: classism = bad. Elitism is classism, obviously, and if you're going to subscribe to a classist viewpoint, my friend, then throw any notion you have of yourself as being a communist/socialist out your market-economy window. Hooray for capitalism, right?

So yeah - I make no assumptions based on your lack of political content. It's been a pleasure clearing that up for everyone.

Feel free post funny pictures of me with dildos below to prove how wrong I am.

And for everyone else's sake, who'd rather not be stuck with these little rants, I won't even begin to get into how the homophobia hinted at in that doctored picture of me is counter-communist.
Calling someone a fag isnt homophobic, neither is altering a picture of them holding a dildo. If i was
homophobic i probably wouldnt let the telecom-munists be associated with murd0c.

and now kyles response.

Let us dissect this gross ignorance and idiocy.  First off, thank you for
informing me that my "group" is "sub-par."  I wasn't aware that there was an
acceptable medium for judging "groups", but what do I know?  I'm just some right
wing moron!  Anyway, he then spews out this gem -- "I first learned of your
"dislike" for me from someone who had apparently talked to you, later relaying
me something silly about you not liking me because I wasn't a true or real
socialist, or some other similar comment."  Well, I don't know who you've been
talking to, but you're terribly mistaken.  Whoever said that has no idea
whatsoever what they're talking about, and you're an idiot for believing what
say without checking the sources.  You could have even :gasp: ASKED ME!

You then moronically run on with "proof" that I don't "understand" Socialism
based on my behavior.  Sorry, dipshit, but I never said I was a practicing
Commie.  I have an understanding of Islamic extremist terrorism, too.  Does that
mean I'm going to go blow up a building?  Your whole "argument" is based on

[quote]Feel free post funny pictures of me with dildos below to prove how
wrong I am. [/quote]

No thanks, I'll just use common sense.