The Stupid Golf Story!

One day, as I was sitting at home eating Trix and reading Return of the King for the fiftieth time, I recieved a phone call. This phone call was from none other than IDLR, who said that he had found a bunch of golf balls, and suggested that we do something stupid with them. I agreed wholeheartedly, and since we're desperatley in need of content on this site, I suggested that we record our events with my digital camera of love in a blatant rip off of 100mph. IDLR agreed. After picking up dog shit and doing laundry, IDLR was on the way to my house.

Upon his arrival at my house, we decided against hitting the balls onto the freeway and in favor of hopping a few barbed wire fences and braving the perilous paths that led to the all mighty River of Death. One of the disks the pictures were stored on broke, so you don't get to see such classics as "DBK smacks a tree really hard in anger" or "IDLR uses beer bottles as golf balls, much to the chagrin of DBK who has glass flying into his face" or " The Telecom-munists find a table and chairs in a no trespassing area and have tea." Oh well. HERE IS TEH BEST STUFFS!!!!

After braving the barbed wire fence to gain access to the river area, the Telecom-munists come across a cell tower and some other goodies.[celltower.jpg - MISSING]

DBK proves he's a man by hopping the fence to check out the scene, and horribly disfigures his once beautiful face in the process.[barbedkyle.jpg - MISSING]

Some random scenery of the path we're on

More random scenery

A very touching scene...

IDLR sets up a ball and takes the first swing of the day

IDLR misses terribly and eats shit

IDLR gives it another shot

Holy shit, he can actually golf! Notice the splash way off where his ball landed.

IDLR fishes out one of DBK's well placed shots for him.

Another one of kyle's awesome shots

What a large golf ball.[bigsplash.jpg - MISSING]

The best shirt this side of Texas

A cool picture of a golf ball skipping

DBK takes a picture of himself so murd0c has something to pleasure himself to

IDLR after a succesful day of golfing.

On our way out, we realize we could have walked through the gaping hole in the fence instead of wasting minutes crawling under it.[fencehole.jpg - MISSING]

There were more pictures, but the disk got fucked up. Oh well. Coming soon: The evil tunnel sewer escapade of death!