
This is the section of the site where we house all our multimedia. 
Yeah, its pretty much all in the name.


Hello from the prank call section. Here are a few prank calls we've done,
most of then aren't really that funny but I don't care. All calls are in mp3
format. If they dont work by just clicking them, right click and try saving

Judas, Big-E, and DBK leave a message for Meteroa(see Russian Surplus cartoon)

Bobby Blue - 77k

Cheese Sammich - 122k

Friend - 63k

Johnny B and the Pharmacy - 91k

message from DBK: don't waste your time listening to this. seriously. - 44k


Here's some pictures that we've collected, taken, and or created. 

tcompropcopy.jpg - A cool propaganda poster submitted by Yauch
tc.jpg - "TC" Spelled out with oreos on the wall by Sarah
tc2.jpg - same as above
logpaint.gif - a logo
image43.jpg - Kyle being his badass self at the our HQ
image42.jpg - our HQ
idlrid.gif - A photoshopped ID of IDLR
telecom3.gif - another logo
pretzel.jpg - its all in the name
lindild.jpg - how Linear passes the time
genius.gif - Ren, Stimpy, Lenin, Peewee, Jason Fox, the Unibomber, and boy on phone.
boobs.gif - a telecom-munist avatar
tellabel2.gif - our first sticker.
tellabel3.gif - our second set of stickers
tellabel4.gif - our third set of stickers
stickers.jpg - our fourth sticker variation
banner.gif - a telecom-munist banner.


Some cartoons, I use the term cartoons loosely, much like I
use your mom.

Kyle Gets a Sword

Russian Surplus

The Telecom-munists and the Holy Whale!

Mao's stand up comedy!