_____ _ THE _ _ |_ _|__| | ___ ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ _ _ __ (_)___| |_ | |/ _ \ |/ _ \/ __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ _____| '_ ` _ \| | | | '_ \| / __| __| | | __/ | __/ (_| (_) | | | | | |_____| | | | | | |_| | | | | \__ \ |_ |_|\___|_|\___|\___\___/|_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|___/\__| MONTHLY ============================================================================= Issue 6 telecom-munist.phonelosers.org Fall 2003 ============================================================================= ____________________________ | | | INTRO | |____________________________| OMGZORS! Another spectacular issue of the Telecom-munist! Sure it's not worth the time it took to come out with but if you complain I'm going to have to kick your ass. Because of our new site my interest in working on the Telecom-munist and other related material has been refreshed. By the way if your'e looking for a webhost I highly recommend Cal's. Cheap as hell and the service ain't half bad either. Thanks to Yauch, Kizzle, and Gordo for submitting articles this month. Drop by irc.freedom-uplink.org port 6667 #freedom-uplink sometime because it gets pretty nifty in there. Uhhh that's about it. I feel like such a whore. -IDLR ____________________________ | | | Contents | |____________________________| 1.Introduction cluction, what's your suction? 2.Celebrity Number 3.How to Get Free Candy (Humor) 4.Fun With 3-way Calling and Party Lines! (Humor/Prank) 5.Our friends dad is funny (Humor) 6.Giftcard Fraud Made Easy (Informational) 7.Abusing Courtesy Phones (Informational) 8.Practical Applied Dumpster Diving (Informational) 9.Random shit I typed to add more to the issue (Humor) ____________________________ | | | Celebrity Number | |____________________________| Everyone remembers Screech right? Well that's good, cause I didn't get his number. But what I did get is his mom's number. I know this because he used to go to school just a couple blocks from where I lived and used to hang out in the same video game store. He also hit on my mom at a BBS party around 93 or 94. So do us a favor and hit on his. -Idler Danella R Diamond 353 E Center St Anaheim, CA (714) 758-1377 (714) 991-7109 ____________________________ | | | How to Get Free Candy | | By Kizzle | |____________________________| Candy is getting so expensive these days its almost a dollar for a pack of gum. Times are hard, you need a way to get it for free. Pick a store that isn't very big, preferably with some old hag at the register. Go in and find the candy you want, I recommend blue bubbilicious gum. Look around to make sure there are not any cameras or people watching and stick it in your pocket. Now go buy a 5 cent piece of bubble gum so you don't look suspicious. When the bitch at the register says something snotty like "have a nice day" shoot her in the face. It may seem a bit drastic but chances are she was watching some hidden camera and was going to call the cops anyway. Haul ass out of the store (after grabbing some Little Debby's of course). You Bitch 0 o /|\ __ /|\ | | | | / \ | | / \ /|\ | Buy 5 cent gum here Being an expert on how the police work and reading countless training manuals, I know they will probably try to find you. When they come act like you don't know what's going on. Go and talk to them, when they get out of the car...wait for it... shoot them in the face. Steal the cop car and run over any witnesses and remaining officers. Shortly after this the military is going to get involved. Few know this but police cars actually have bazookas in the trunk. Grab it along with any ammunition you may find. Make your way home and when you see a big group of tanks and soldiers fire off a few rounds with your new toy. They should get scared and run away. Now that the police and military are out of the way the only thing you need to worry about now is spy satellites. Luckily you can hack them by using tools from 2600.com/tools /w3willfuckj00upzor/haxz0ring/gibson/sathack3000.zip. Send them crashing into peoples houses you don't like. Congratulations you now own the town. Now that you are the police and military you can help yourself to any candy you want. Hell you can even make a law forcing all the children in the town to bring you their candy. ____________________________ | | | Fun with 3-way Calling and | | Party Lines! | | by LordSnax (DBK) | |____________________________| This is one of the greatest ideas of all time, and if executed properly, is good for at least 5 hearty laughs and maybe a couple of chuckles. I heard someone once got a chortle out of it, but I'm not sure I believe it. Anyway, pay attention. We're all familiar with party lines. At least, I'm assuming we are. Shit, we probably aren't. Well, party lines are for losers who want to hook up with random Mexican chicks in Southern California but are ugly and have no life so they have to talk to random chicks on the phone and hope they get laid. Basically, a bunch of people call in, talk, are all Mexican, blah blah etc. They tend to have a "one on one" chat feature, which is what we'll be using. Moving on... We're all familiar with hookers. At least, I'm assuming we are. If you're not sure what a hooker is, ask your mom to tell her about her job. Hookers have a tendency to put ads in local publications, usually complete with a fake picture and number they can be reached at. When you call, they're very aggressive about coming over so they can blow you and take your money. Here is where the fun begins! Call a party line. Press the button for a one on one chat thingy, then immedietly flash over and call a hooker. About the time the hooker answers, the party line dude will be saying "hello." The hooker will hear him, and assuming it's just a guy calling into get laid, will start talking real sexy like. The dude, meanwhile, has no idea he's talking to a hooker. He'll ask her questions about herself and try to be smooth. Eventually, they will agree to meet at his place for some "fun." Be sure to get the address of the house, and head on over so you can watch the hilarity! The hooker will show up to his house. Depending on the service, they'll either go inside and fuck or the chick will demand money first. If it's the former, the dude will have no idea what's going afterwards when she starts demanding money. Then, a big dude from the escort service will come in and beat some ass. If it's the latter, you still get to watch a funny argument between a hooker and a loser. Sometimes' the guy will even agree to pay! A ha ha ha. Give it a try, it's hilarious. ____________________________ | | | Funny Dad | |____________________________| Our friend's dad is weird. He is funny. He often says things that make no sense. This is a space which will be devoted to them. Here's this months, courtesy of Max Power. MaxPower789X: what are your thoughts on the Telecom-munists?! Rdkill: ...lets sese Rdkill: see* Rdkill: ..tele com -munists Rdkill: should tell all they want Rdkill: . least as I see it Rdkill: then again.. Rdkill: thas the tele -way of life Rdkill: =X Hahahahahaha! see, he totally rules Haha he just said this to me: DimeBag Kyle: i need a job and no one will hire me :'( Rdkill: change...ur name to.. Dominquies Hahahahaha He rules. ____________________________ | | | Giftcard Fraud Made Easy | | By Idontlikerabbits | |____________________________| Thanks to Target's stupidity we now have a failproof way to get some free merchandise. Target allows the use of giftcards online without any credit card verification. All you have to do is get the 15 digit card number and the 8 digit access number. Like this card, Card# 041-200-636-103-985 Access# 10523704, which has a balance of 10 cents, feel free to use it. Punch in the numbers on the site and order away, but first you'll have to get those numbers which is a pretty simple process. All you have to do is walk into your local Target, pick up a giftcard, write down the card# and access#(you shan't be needing the event#), and place the card back on the rack, preferablly in the front where someone is likely to buy it sooner. The great thing about this is that Target probably hasn't had a problem with this yet because there isn't scratch-off stuff like most phonecards now-a-days. There are many different giftcard styles at Target and some "cuter" ones tend to sell more than others. You can tell which ones this are by pretending to be a soccer mom and choosing a gift card. Another good target(pun not intended) is the wedding themed giftcards because people tend to put more money on those than any other, but they're bought less frequently. Wait a week or so and then go on Target's website and use the giftcard balance checker. If you're lucky there'll be a balance and you can order to your hearts content. I wouldn't suggest having merchandise sent to your house though, especially if you're going to do it a lot. Getting a P.O. box and abandoning it after a month seems like the best way to go. Just remember not to be an idiot. The best thing to get on the site would obviously be electronics, music, movies, or video games. They also seem to have some computer hardware now, but nothing really great. Oh yeah, neither I nor anyone else is responsible for your actions, and I'm not telling you to do anything. ____________________________ | | | Abusing Courtesy Phones | | By El Gordo Uno | |____________________________| DISCLAIMER ---------- I neither endorse nor encourage the theft of calls or theft of any kind. You should not attempt what is written here under ANY circumstances. This is written for purely educational purposes and again should not be attempted Background ---------- Have you ever seen those phones hanging in most office buildings and schools? Ever wanted to make free calls with out being caught? Well using courtesy phones all this is possible and more. What to do ---------- This method has worked for me but its not set in concrete. I would try and develope a plan of my own using this one as a guide. 1.Find a phone There all over the place. Ill leave this part to you. If you can't find one then theres no hope for any of us. 2."Schmoozing" Also known as Social Engineering Heres the step that might give you a bit of trouble. You actually have to TALK TO SOMEONE! Now don't panic Ill walk you through it. It will go something like this: You: Hi can I use this phone? Skank: Sure. As long as its a local number. You: Ok SKank: Dial 9 twice to get an outside line then place your call. You: Thanks Mr/Mrs Skank! Thats it. Yes its really that simple to abuse a common courtesy. A word of caution though. Don't act suspicious or wear a black "leather" trench coat with dark glasses. It tends to make people nervous. Confidence makes the whole thing work. Don't act like your doing something wrong and remember "please" and "thank yous" don't hurt either. 3.Makeing Your Calls Now I know what your thinking. "WOW Gee golly Ill start dialing some phonesex numbers and make calls to Russia!" You don't think they're that stupid do you? Most courtesy phones have 1-900 blocks and international call blocks. Now that does'nt mean you can't get all the directory assistance and long distance calls you want. All you have to do is dial 411 then you get an OP who will ask you how you want to bill your call and all you say is "I'd like to bill it to this fone cause I'm at home and I'm a lonely little phuck up". Its that easy just don't do it 5 days in a row from the same fone they might catch on. For long distance calls just do the same thing and don't act like too much of a retard. In Conclusion ------------- As long as your not a moron that should work. __________________________________ | | |Practical Applied Dumpster Diving:| | The Chuck E. Cheese Experience | | by Yauch | |__________________________________| Dumpster Diving (or Trashing)has many practical uses. The two most common are getting restricted information, and aquiring items of some value or use. This particular article will have to do with the latter, aka getting phree stuph. Basicly it's all summed up in the title but I figured this'd be a good enough artical for the Telecom-munists. (Ed - And how!) Today kids we're gonna be trashing at Chuck E Cheeses. The Idea fist came to me when my buddy had just quit working at CEC. Lets call him Jello. So Jello myself and Vedder find ourselves at CEC's utilizing the last of the tokens Jello had aquired from his most hated job. We spent them mono- polizing the air hocky table and marathon games of TMNT the arcade game. Not turtles in time mind you but the older harder one with the product placment from pizz-hut. Before long my intensely prone to gambling friend Mr. Vedder decides he's gonna try to "Win it big" at cyclone. Cyclone is one of those games which no enjoyment is brought by playing cept you may win a few tickets. Basicly legalized thinly disguised roulette wheel for up and comming gambling addcits. he spent a good 30 tokens when some lady accross from him drop in a few and won the jackpot. He was pissed but all of us together still had a good deal of tickets at the days end. We bought a crap load of little rubber ninjas cuz everyone knows ninjas are badass. As we were leaving I asked Jello where the ticket shreader was. He replied that they just threw away the tickets. Of course my hackerly mind went to work quickly and the night we were back with a SUV and mischief on the brain. The haul: 3 bags of nearly all tickets we had about 9 thousand tickets. We put them in lile stacks of 100, slapped them in a breifcase and went and bought a couple of crappy remote control cars. Other potential uses: Maybe you could sell them on Ebay, you can take them to other arcades with ticket counters and get some of their crap, also great for impressing little kids. Other then that it's kinda useless but an interesting application of field phreaking techniques. Also this is a good way to take a shot at capitalistic greed. Getting somthing for nothing is crux of greed. Those who provide this illusion while at the same time ripping people off are evil. Those that do this and market primarily words minors are teh 3v1L!! I belive chuck e cheese's and other estabilhments like it can be very entertaining. However the whole ticket thing is wrong. Especialy the games where the only reward is tickets ie no inherient fun involved. Thus by removing tickets from the dumpster and then utilizing this currenty to purchase the bigger items and thus removing temptations for youngsters to go "ticket mad" helps to defeat some of the demons of captalism. ____________________________ | | | Random Shit I Typed to Add | | More to the Issue | | by IDontLikeRabbits | |____________________________| One time there was this guy named "Ralph". Now "Ralph" was an interesting man, he had no pancreas. Now I don't know where the pancreas is located or what it does, but I do know that it was mighty odd that he didn't have one. Maybe he wasn't born with it, hell, he might have sold it on the black market, but it just wasn't there. People would come up to "Ralph" and ask, "Ralph, what ever did happen to that pancreas of yours?". "Ralph" would reply, "Bmmmm mmmf aruuummm booooum" because he didn't have a mouth either. _____||______ | | | | | | | | |____________| || _________ || __________ |_______|_____||____|________/ \___________________________/ \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sail Ho! It's the SS 31337! ____________________________ | | | fin. | |____________________________| Well that's it for this issue. Pretty dissapointing, much like Kyles genetalia size, huh? Castlevania(all three of them) and Wolfenstein 3d for gameboy advance kick ass. That is all.