_____ _ THE _ _ |_ _|__| | ___ ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ _ _ __ (_)___| |_ | |/ _ \ |/ _ \/ __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ _____| '_ ` _ \| | | | '_ \| / __| __| | | __/ | __/ (_| (_) | | | | | |_____| | | | | | |_| | | | | \__ \ |_ |_|\___|_|\___|\___\___/|_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|___/\__| MONTHLY JESUS SAVES, you ten dollars off at Roy's House of Bibles! ============================================================================ Issue 5 telecom-munist.rottenass.com Summer 2003 ============================================================================ ____________________________ | | | INTRO | |____________________________| Greetings and salutations you silly fucks, Oh yes. Summer time has arrived. This is good news for all 15 of our fans. Why, you ask? Now that I am no longer wasting time doing nothing in school, I can waste time working on the site and writing terrible articles. Prank calls will amass like jelly.(?) I can start actually promoting the site. It will be beautiful. Well, that's the goal, anyway. I'll probably get lazy like always. And now it's time for a few words from IDLR! -Kyle No, No it's not. -IDLR ____________________________ | | | Contents | |____________________________| 1.Intro 2.Celebrity Number 3.Technical Article?!?!: The Second Coming 4.How to Order From McDonalds 5.How to Kill Yourself by Jumping Off a Cliff: An ASCII Diagram* 6.My Apologies 7.Ode to Telecom-munnist 8.The Art of Manhole Exploration ____________________________ | | | Celebrity Number | |____________________________| Oh yes oh yes, it's time for this issues CELEBRITY NUMBER!!!!!111 Keep in mind I got this info from Murd0c, who is a known liar. I haven't verified it for myself yet, so it might be bullshit. If not, though, it totally rules! Behold, KEVIN SMITHS INF0zzzzz! 732-251-5105 Jenifer & Kevin Smith 21 4th St OLD BRIDGE NJ 08857 This is the guy who plays silent bob and directed clerks, mallrats, dogma, chasing amy, and all the other jay and bob shit. ____________________________ | | | Technical Article?!?! | | The Second Coming | | By DBK | |____________________________| Well a couple of stupid douchebags found last issues "technical article" useful, so I figure I can capitalize off the stupidity of the average person and write about another "hacker trick" than anyone who's not totally lame knows of -- anonymous e-mail through telnet! w00t! After all, better hits from dumbasses than no hits at all! Anyway, here we go. Step one: Do a google search for mail servers. Pick one of these bas boys at random and you're good to go. Step two: You don't really need to do this, but it makes you look cooler. Open up DOS Prompt and type in "telnet (mailserver here) 25" . 25 is the port y'all be using, which be doin da email n shit. Step three: Turn local echo on in telnet if you're stupid and need to see what you're typing. Afterwards type the following in: HELO (mailserver) MAIL FROM:(whatever email address you want to appear on the email) RCPT TO:(whoever youre sending the email to) DATA (enter the message here. tum de dum. i h4x0red j00 lol!!! etc. When you're done, hit enter then type a period and nothing else and enter. Then exit telnet.) . Congratulations, you are now a 1337 h4x0r. If the person you're mailing isnt a dipshit, they can look at the headers and find out who sent it. Bust out some proxies or some shit. Anyway, I've gotta appointment with your mom. See you later. ____________________________ | | | How to Order from McDonalds| | by Murd0c | |____________________________| Hey Kids! Its me, Murd0c, they couldn't keep me out of McDonalds as a youngin' (Probably thats why I am so FAT!). So, now I will spread my knowledge about Mickey D's to the masses. The Enterance: This is a BIG step, actually going INTO the McDonalds. Don't worry about the homeless person begging for money, he won't bother you for too long, DONT MAKE EYE CONTACT. Okay, are you inside now? Good. Now, where to go now? Pick A Line DAMNIT!: Okay, so there are lines of people in the McD's, which one? Well, the one on the far left is filled with rapidly detorirating old people, I don't want to hear stupid questions about fiber being asked to stupid employees. Hrm, whats next? The next one is populated by militant black gang members, you, most likely being a pasty white dude, would want to stay away from this line. Okay, next option, oh, look at this, a guy with liberty spikes 2 feet high and a FUCK WORK patch, this guy looks like a straight shooter, lets pick this line. Ah, and after 3 seconds of waiting, we are confronted with a pimply faced teenager and a huge menu in front of you. WHAT NEXT?!!!! What Food Poisoning Do You Want Today?: Okay, so now the counterperson is demanding you order, confused, you start to convulse on the floor in a fit of despair becuase you can't read. But, luckily for you, they have picture menus (Pick.Thure.|Mhen.Youse) for you to use. If you can read, I hope, then know this: DONT EAT THE CHICKEN! For it is not chicken, but beef. I swear to God, I worked at a McDonalds AND an Arby's they DO NOT use real beef in their chicken. Tell the counterperson with erupting pores that you want a #1. If you are a stupid shithead, a #1 is a Big Mac, can't go wrong there. For a drink, pick a orange soda, since those are good. MMM! Money, NOW!: The rude counterperson will now demand compensation for the foodstuffs (if you call it that) that he brought to you. "5.40 please" And you rifle around your pockets, idly asking if he accepts red box tones, and pull out a roll of 'quarters' and tell the bitchass ho to keep the change. Which brings up the next BIG question. Where to Sit?: Oh dear christ, look at this place. Kids running around, old people complaining and decomposing, rival gang members getting ready to rumble. You know what, I figured something out just now. Why the fuck would you eat at McDonalds? Do you desire salmonella? I know I don't. Drop the food and run out of there as fast as you can. Remember to run sideways to dodge bullets. Conclusions: This article was brought on by NyQuil and too many 'special' brownies. Thanks mom. ____________________________ | | | How to Kill Yourself by | | Jumping Off a Cliff: | | An ASCII diagram* | | By IDLR | |____________________________| 0 <--You. /|\ , _____/_\_ | / / | | | | | _________ | / 0 <--Do this. / /|\ | , | / \ | | | | | | | | | And now you're dead. | |______0_\/_\/_________ ____________________________ | | | My Apologies | | by DBK | |____________________________| Words alone cannot express the deep shame I feel. I'm so terribly sorry. You have my deepest condolences and I promise you I'll never do it again. The remorse I feel is second to none. I know it may sound like bullshit, but I swear to you that I didn't mean it. I regret it more than anything I've ever done in my life. Indeed, I am deeply sorry for the time you wasted reading this and the time I wasted writing of it. HAHA PWNED BITCH. ____________________________ | | | Ode to Telecom-munists | | By Murd0c | |____________________________| The Telecom-munists keep me happy inside The telecom-munists turn the tide by the sea I reside. When you are with the telecom-munists you not hide. The telecom-munists will never race you, they go at their own pace. If you ever try to cross them, they will hit you in the face. The telecom-munists taught me how to kill even though Kyle doesn't rhyme with kill, still. I Dont Like Rabbits is over the hill. Weather hanging on Cal's or just with your pals. The telecommunists are always there. Weather you are fighting a bear, or staring at the sun. If you ever leave the telecom-munists, be assured your life is fscking done. Baddass bitches from California, the land of free, they still like to smizoke some treez. Kyle the sexy bitch, and IDLR* his whore they ride on steeds, now and forever more. *Pronounced here ID-LER. ____________________________ | | | The Art of Manhole | | Exploration | | By El Gordo Uno | |____________________________| El Gordo Uno graciously let us recycle one of his old articles from the 100mph site at www.new100mph.com. The issue would have probably been delayed again. So everyone visit their site cause it has a lot more cool shit than ours -IDLR ======================================================= Things to Bring --------------- A Small Flashlight A Prybar Dark colored clothing (Not Camo) A Good Excuse "I uhh.. Dropped My wallet down there!" Optional -------- A Camera so the Feds have lots of evidence against you A Cactus to chuck at passing people BACKGROUND ---------- In the 80's when phreaking was at its height, many files circulated claiming that there were many treasures to be had in GTE and various other Telephone Company manholes. Well inspired by reading these and other files the good people at 100MPH decided to do a little investigating ourselves. We learned a lot and we want to share what we learned with the rest of you. What Went Down -------------- Usually about every other weekend 100MPH gets together together to do this or that work on various projects and such. Well Last November I think it was near Thanksgiving we decided to get down with our bad Phreaker selves and see what was to be seen in one of these manholes. During the week we scouted out a few by there giveaway Octagonal pattern on the covers. Most of them also have some sort of logo like a phone or they say "PAC Bell" or "Sprint" even "GTE". No-0ne would have accompanied us but he was at his Aunts celebrating the holiday on the coast I believe. Venom and I (El_Gordo_Uno)decided on one in the middle of the side walk about 15 feet from our local CO. It wasn’t a big deal though because 100MPH is in a relatively rural place with a poor Verizon which can't afford security guards or things of that nature. Its not like were destructive or anything so if a concerned citizen ever happens upon this file fear not. Being the curious little fooh's we are Venom approached the manhole and attempted to lift it. Its then we realized... WE DID'NT BRING ANY TOOLS! No worries though we headed down to a place of education we both knew of that has a scrap metal box outside. We borrowed 3 metal rods: 1 Aluminum, 1 Steel and 1 Rebar. It would have been nice to have a car because the Manhole and the scrap box are about a mile apart but we were each around 15 and only Venom had his license but no car. Once back at the Manhole I pulled out my l33t0 digital camera and proceeded to catalog the event for the 100MPh site which can be found at http://www.new100mph.com at least it could as of 10/06/02 at 1:49 AM. Well we inspected the Manhole pretty thoroughly and found that it had indents around the lid so something could be to pry it off. Probably so Lineman could open it up to make repairs and things of that nature. Being the larger of us I decided to try the Aluminum rod first. The lid was MUCH heavier than I first thought and all I succeeded in doing was bending the rod in an "L" shape. After a few tries me and Venom worked out a system of putting 2 rods on one side of the manhole and we would jump on them. The lid moved a bit each time and within a couple minutes it was laying half way off. The thing must have weighed at least 30 pounds easy. To our surprise cops past by a couple times and they either didn’t notice or they didn’t care. Venom was getting jumpy because people were driving by more frequently and I was starting to wonder myself. So I decided to screw waiting and I just pulled the sucker off with some sort of Phreaking strength I didn’t know I had. Now that the thing was opened we both stood in shock. We had actually done it. I pulled out a flashlight and looked down. Well there was a Trunk running down the wall and a small ladder thing but it went down about 5 feet and it would be hard to get back up. The wires were had a thick black rubber covering and the Trunk was pretty well armored. The floor was covered in dirt and it was sort of wet since it had been raining. It didn’t look like it had been opened in a long time maybe 15 or 20 years. There was no sudden release of poison gas or anything like that and we didn’t go blind. Lucky us right? There was an erector set like structure on the walls that looked like it might have at one time held wire pairs in place. Maybe notes or even a place to hang a light while the Lineman did there dirty work. Since we didn't actually go down I'm not sure if there was a nook in the wall to hold stuff which I've read about. In Conclusion ------------- All in all we didn't find much though the experience was great and I think with a little more exploring we could find some neat stuff. On the way home we pried the lid of another up and it had trunks running across the ceiling and what looked like a plastic bucket at the end of the room. I do say room too because it was much larger then the one we explored. The one we looked at was like 4X4 Feet and this one was more like 5 feet wide and 10 feet long. Is there really a bounty of Telco related crap in Manholes? In my opinion yes some do 100MPH is in a relatively rural area and things are not serviced regularly I think threes a good chance some Lineman back in 1982 left a handset down there so the next Lineman could service some lines then it was just forgotten about. The Best thing to do is get a couple friends together and under the cover of darkness have some fun! ____________________________ | | | fin. | |____________________________| Our website is www.telecom-munist.rottenass.com *It's actually ANSI, if it was ASCII I could use that cool little smiley face.