_____ _ THE _ _ |_ _|__| | ___ ___ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ _ _ __ (_)___| |_ | |/ _ \ |/ _ \/ __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ _____| '_ ` _ \| | | | '_ \| / __| __| | | __/ | __/ (_| (_) | | | | | |_____| | | | | | |_| | | | | \__ \ |_ |_|\___|_|\___|\___\___/|_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|___/\__| MONTHLY Published by The coalition for blind bowlers... ============================================================================ Issue 1 www.telecom-munist.rottenass.com June-July of 2002 ============================================================================ ____________________________ | | | Introduction To This 'Zine | |____________________________| A clear warning ahead of time, this isn't very good. In fact theres not that much of a technical side to this "zine". It's more of a "phreaking related entertainment" type thing. But i guess anyone could read it and maybe get something out of it. And in most peoples opinion it will probably suX0r m4d 4ss. But on the plus side its formatted right so you can even read it in old dos's edit.com. Uhhh I'm just going to quit typing now. If you want something more technical and less funny may i suggest phrack(www.phrack.org). --IDontLikeRabbits ____________________________ | | | Contents | |____________________________| (shouldn't this have been before the introduction?) 1. Introduction By IDLR 2. Celebrity Number By IDLR 3. Death of the Payphone (Article taken from some news site) 4. 1 in the morning and bored on AIM By IDLR 5. Good 'ol Johnny B. By IDLR 6. Conversations with Curtis Lee Jones By DBK and Max Power 7. How to Hide Your p0rn By DBK 8. A List By DBK 9. Multimedia 10. Letters to the Editor ____________________________ | | | Celebrity Number | |____________________________| Each issue we will divulge a known celebrity's number and maybe their address. Our unlucky victim this week is Dr.Drew Pinsky from the radio show Love Line. Love Line is a national call in radio show and it probably is in your neck of the woods too. There is also an MTV version of Love Line. You might know Drew's co-host Adam Carola from his show on Comedy Central "The Man Show". Adam also helped create the crap we know as Crank Yankers. Now I have nothing against Drew but we have to have use someone and he was picked out randomly this time. Enough of the bullshit aside, here's his info. Drew Pinsky 2050 Huntington Dr South Pasadena, CA (626)799-4151 ____________________________ | | | Death of the Pay Phone | |____________________________| When was the last time you used a pay phone? Somewhere between cellular phones and the Internet, the traditional pay phone has almost died, and as hip new technology takes its place, savvy business owners know that getting on the Web now is more important than ever. The nose-dive begins The first death knell tolled when service was deregulated, and pay phone prices shot up as high as $.50 in some parts of the country. No longer could Travis Tritt croon, "Here's a quarter, call someone who cares", and find anyone who could relate to his country music melody. Not to mention the surprise expense of using a credit card or phone card to make a call - a 20-minute call usually costs around $25, but the caller doesn't realize this until they get their phone bill. Can I get my money back, please? Then, along with the deregulated prices came deregulated customer service - if a phone eats your money, no one cares(Not true, RBCP of PLA fame got lots of cash from calling customer service and telling them it ate his coins - IDLR). The once-clean pay phones now are clogged with grime, gunk and other questionable foreign particles. I recently heard that the average Manhattan pay phone carries over 50,000 different germ types on its mouthpiece. Ew, ew. Here comes the future But the final nail in the coffin for the pay phone industry came as cellular phones and their services became dramatically less expensive. Once only the plaything of the rich and famous, cellular phones are now almost a standard in every 16-year old's arsenal. I'll bet that most of you reading this have at least one cell phone in your household. Where do we go from here? So what's the pay phone industry to do? If you're like BellSouth, you bow politely and exit the business as quickly as possible, gearing up for the growing phone/Internet/video game kiosk market. "The pay phone as it is today -- there is no growth," said Peter Catalena, founder of NetNearU, a public Internet access terminal and software business that recently agreed to provide AT&T, Bell Atlantic, GTE, and Sprint with kiosk terminals. "The good locations have all been taken, and what were good locations aren't good locations anymore. Here, there, the Internet is everywhere The kiosk idea is taking advantage of the fact that most people want to check their e-mail just as frequently as they check their voice mail, and that surfing the Internet and checking stock prices is a great way to spend lag time in an airport or subway station. As Internet kiosks kick even more pay phones out of commission, it becomes all the more important for every business to have an online presence. Sorry, Superman As the Internet and the cellular industry take over even more of the traditional markets, the standard pay phone is quickly going the way of the cassette tape Walkman and the VCR - great technological advances for their time, but just about outdated. Though it looks like Clark Kent will have to find some place else to change into his Superman tights, at least he'll be able to check his e-mail as he does it. ____________________________ | | | 1 in the morning and | | bored on AIM | |____________________________| These aren't really that funny but... hell, I dont have a damn excuse. ______________________________________________________________ You have just entered room "NBA Chat." kbryant238: oh LilM0mma69 has left the room. Knutetufan4520 has entered the room. kbryant238: didnt know they makin one Iam Stibbar: NBA is for smelly black people Iam Stibbar: hahahahahhahaha kbryant238: u racist? __________________________________________________________________ krazyguy3452: ne1 wanna trade pics,chat, play T or D, or play on the mic wit a horny 15 m IM me i press 234 (age doesnt matter) Iam Stibbar: 234 Iam Stibbar: What about sexual preference? (guess he didnt see this - IDLR) krazyguy3452: hi Iam Stibbar: asl? krazyguy3452: 15 m va u Iam Stibbar: 35/m/or Iam Stibbar: so your in to this internet stuff? Iam Stibbar: hello? Previous message was not received by krazyguy3452 because of error: User krazyguy3452 is not available. ____________________________________________________ Iam Stibbar: ninja, your names tex from now on darkninja4576: nope darkninja4576: just ninja Iam Stibbar: quiet down tex darkninja4576: or clyde Iam Stibbar: its either tex or kkk member Iam Stibbar: so well just leave it at tex darkninja4576: ok tex sound real good Iam Stibbar: tipped any cows lately? darkninja4576: no Iam Stibbar: chhhh Iam Stibbar: youre not a real texan Pizuzz: thats texist Iam Stibbar: i bet youre from new york ___________________________________________________________ Iam Stibbar: so wheres everybody from Iam Stibbar: it makes it easier for me to make fun of you ___________________________________________________________ BallinItUp7123 has entered the room. Iam Stibbar: hey ballin BallinItUp7123: holla Iam Stibbar: your black arent you AllRockDrummer69: RACISM AllRockDrummer69: *cough* G1D1D: WHO'S RACIST??? Iam Stibbar: not racism Iam Stibbar: just obvious ____________________________ | | | Good 'ol Johnny B. | |____________________________| This is just a short little essay I wrote about my neighbor, Johnny B. I think he's the perfect target for anyone and has a personality to rival that of Dino Allsman(www.phonelosers.org) In the next issue I may include some prank calls to his house and other crap about him, but what ever. I just like making fun of people more stupid than I(ohhh m4d english skillz). Here's the essay. --IDLR ------------------------------------------------------------------- Johnny B. was a simple man, he liked his beer, his football, and his woman. He took up for in personality and public drunkenness for what he lacked in stature being only 5 feet tall and 230 pounds. Now I'm not saying that he was ugly, but Johnny B. was one ugly son of a bitch. He had black curly hair down to his shoulders and a dark complexion. His whole wardrobe consisted of Hawaiian shirts, shorts, and constantly wears those 1930's paperboy hats. In fact most people have said that Johnny B. is a shorter version of the musician Santana. Johnny B. spends at least ninety percent of his time in his garage. Now his garage isn't what I'd call a normal garage, it's most prominent feature being a urinal. Aside from all the Budweiser posters his garage contains a pool table, big screen television, a rack with at least 30 different Hawaiian shirts, and an air conditioner. If Johnny B. spent at least half the time fixing his garage doing other things, he probably wouldn't have the most dilapidated looking house on the street. Before Johnny B. moved in, his house had the best yard on the block, now it consists of dirt and a six-foot square patch of dead grass. He removed all the other grass because he claimed that he was going to put in cement. I don't know what would be worse, a front yard full of dirt, or a front yard full of cement. Besides having an awesome house, Johnny B. has an even better vehicle, a 1950's green Chevrolet pick-up truck. Well, its more rust colored than green nowadays. I usually know when good 'ol Johnny B gets home about three blocks before his arrival from the sound of his truck. Some of the greatest features of his truck are its bumper stickers, consisting of "Work Hard, Work Union" and other union supporting stickers as well as an Oakland Raiders sticker. Johnny B. had one of those blinking lights installed on the truck, I don't get why because no one would ever want to steal it, and he doesn't roll the windows up anyway. But the greatest thing of all is when Johnny B. is drinking. He's spurted out great slogans such as "Hey man, I'm Johnny B., I don't fuck around" while building a fence, which promptly fell over the next day. And yes, he does refer to himself as Johnny B. He becomes quite aggressive when he's drunk making sure to yell at every one of his neighbours and slam a couple doors repeatedly while he's at it. And when his electricity goes out because "He's working on the wiring" he never fails to ask if we can run an extension cord to his house. I can only imagine what Johnny B. was like when he was a kid, or even worse, what his family was like. A couple weeks back a city worker came by and took some pictures of Johnny B's house. After being warned that he might be cited he actually started to work on his house. Within a day he had some plastic lawn furniture and fake grass in his patio area. He's been digging in his sandlot so I think he may actually plant some grass. He claimed the reason that his house's exterior is dilapidated because he's spent nearly $50,000 on the interior of the house. I'm guessing $45,000 of it was spent on beer he drank while fixing it because it still looks like shit. ____________________________ | | | Conversations with | | Curtis Lee Jones | |____________________________| If you visit the PLA (www.phonelosers.org) your probably know who Curtis is. If you don't, I'll tell you now, he's the greatest hacker ever known to mankind. With his supercomputer and central phone system he can take anyone out. Here's some conversations Dimebag Kyle and Max Power have had with him. ___________________________________________________________ DimeBag Kyle: What's up Curtis DimeBag Kyle: You there dude? DimeBag Kyle: Dude, don't ignore me because youre too m4d 1337 DimeBag Kyle: mr DimeBag Kyle: hahahahahahaha CURTTEDDYBEAR316: RegAvoidRes: UMB\0000 Mem=c95c0-ce23f(ffffffff:0:0) RegAvoidRes: UMB\0001 Mem=ce240-d03ef(ffffffff:0:0) RegAvoidRes: UMB\0002 Mem=d03f0-d043f(ffffffff:0:0) RegAvoidRes: UMB\0003 Mem=d0440-d09df(ffffffff:0:0) RegAvoidRes: UMB\0004 DimeBag Kyle: Oh no! DimeBag Kyle: It's your central computer system! CURTTEDDYBEAR316: Devices verified: 0 Checking for: Manual Devices Checking for: Programmable Interrupt Controller QueryIOMem: Caller=DETECTPIC, rcQuery=0 IO=20-21,a0-a1 DimeBag Kyle: haaahahahahahahahah DimeBag Kyle: wow, that sure is 1337 DimeBag Kyle: mr port 24 is open DimeBag Kyle: and 36 DimeBag Kyle: sending some email huh DimeBag Kyle: i better not nuke or flood those DimeBag Kyle: your central computer system might stop me DimeBag Kyle: i got a book on it at my liberry DimeBag Kyle: aww, is curt teddy bear mad? DimeBag Kyle: he cant m4d h4x0r me? DimeBag Kyle: because hes a moron? DimeBag Kyle: look at me, im curtis, im a retard and port 54 is open because im a big bad DNS server fan ____________________________________________________ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: :::::loaded portworm acc/open MaxPower789X: what does that mean CURTTEDDYBEAR316: 10% CURTTEDDYBEAR316: 20% CURTTEDDYBEAR316: 30% CURTTEDDYBEAR316: 40% CURTTEDDYBEAR316: 50% CURTTEDDYBEAR316: 60% CURTTEDDYBEAR316: 70% CURTTEDDYBEAR316: 80% CURTTEDDYBEAR316: 90% MaxPower789X: i ought to report you CURTTEDDYBEAR316: 100% acc/file ,m s dos/ MaxPower789X: what does that even mean CURTTEDDYBEAR316: Number of verify functions called =30 CURTTEDDYBEAR316: RegAvoidRes: UMB\0000 Mem=c95c0-ce23f(ffffffff:0:0) RegAvoidRes: UMB\0001 Mem=ce240-d03ef(ffffffff:0:0) RegAvoidRes: UMB\0002 Mem=d03f0-d043f(ffffffff:0:0) RegAvoidRes: UMB\0003 Mem=d0440-d09df(ffffffff:0:0) RegAvoidRes: UMB\0004 MaxPower789X: uh...you wanna stop that CURTTEDDYBEAR316: Devices verified: 0 Checking for: Manual Devices Checking for: Programmable Interrupt Controller QueryIOMem: Caller=DETECTPIC, rcQuery=0 IO=20-21,a0-a1 CURTTEDDYBEAR316: y u came to me CURTTEDDYBEAR316: do u like ur pc yes or no MaxPower789X: what the hell are you talking about CURTTEDDYBEAR316: call me a queer i fry ur computer MaxPower789X: what? MaxPower789X: dude, if you dont shut up im gonna report you CURTTEDDYBEAR316: Checking for: Numeric Data Processor QueryIOMem: Caller=DETECTNDP, rcQuery=0 IO=f0-ff Detected: *PNP0C04\0000 = [6] Numeric data processor IO=f0-ff IRQ=13 Checking for: Logitech SoundMan Checking for: System Board Detected: *PNP0C01\0000 = [7] System board Checking for: Motherboard Resources CURTTEDDYBEAR316: not by ur pc maybe by phone CURTTEDDYBEAR316: now its up to u want ur computer if not fuck with me and ill fry it as i am now CURTTEDDYBEAR316: Checking for: Intel 596 compatible Network Adapter Checking for: HP Omnibook 600 series Checking for: System Bus CheckInt86xCrash: int 1a,AX=b101,rc=0 SetVar: PCIBUS= Detected: *PNP0C00\0000 = [9] Plug and Play BIOS SetVar: PNPBIOS= Checking for: Advanced Power Management Support Detected: *PNP0C05\0000 = [10] Advanced Power Management support Checking for: Dockable Portable Checking for: PS/2 Style Mouse QueryIRQDMA: Caller=DETECTPS2MOUSE, rcQuery=0 IRQ=12 MaxPower789X: what the hell CURTTEDDYBEAR316: dont ever im me or say bye ur pc MaxPower789X: are you a hacker? CURTTEDDYBEAR316: see i am that fucking good to fry ur pc ...the loser site is shit but i know computer and how to fuck them up so do u want to fuck with me and call me a queer well do u MaxPower789X: are you a hacker? CURTTEDDYBEAR316: this is info in ur computer i can do lots to u very ez MaxPower789X: why..i didnt do anything to you MaxPower789X: who are you anyway CURTTEDDYBEAR316: QueryIOMem: Caller=DETECTFLOPPY, rcQuery=0 IO=372-375 Detected: *PNP0700\0000 = [13] Standard Floppy Disk Controller IO=3f2-3f5 IRQ=6 DMA=2 Checking for: Serial Communication Port QueryIOMem: Caller=DETECTCOM, rcQuery=0 IO=3f8-3ff QueryIOMem: Caller=DETECTCOM, rcQuery=0 IO=2f8-2ff CURTTEDDYBEAR316: u im me so now what do u wa CURTTEDDYBEAR316: oh and called me a queer MaxPower789X: seriously....what the heck are you talking about CURTTEDDYBEAR316: MaxPower789X: is a queer boy a boy thats queer MaxPower789X: technically, if i did say that, i didnt call you a queer boy CURTTEDDYBEAR316: Number of functions called = 292 Devices detected: 17 CURTTEDDYBEAR316: look what did u im me 4 MaxPower789X: what the fudge? i didnt IM you...you IM'ed me CURTTEDDYBEAR316: wrong oooooooooo u im me CURTTEDDYBEAR316: then go b4 i do more to ur computer CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ps yes i a hacker 1 of the best out MaxPower789X: whats your hacker name CURTTEDDYBEAR316: no just go ok i dont want to hert ur computer ok just go and b cool k MaxPower789X: no, whats your hacker name MaxPower789X: seriously _______________________________________________________________________ DimeBag Kyle: Hey Curtis DimeBag Kyle: I have a serious question DimeBag Kyle: What kind of music do you listen to? CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ask ur mom fuckface DimeBag Kyle: Just out of curiosity DimeBag Kyle: Uh, she wouldn't know dude DimeBag Kyle: Don't be a faggot for once and answer my question, moron DimeBag Kyle: Look, it's pretty easy - I'll go first DimeBag Kyle: I like pretty much everything but am most partial to heavy metal DimeBag Kyle: How about you? CURTTEDDYBEAR316: yes she would she sucked my cock asshole now run off lil boy u got school DimeBag Kyle: I don't see how that pertains to her knowing what kind of music you like DimeBag Kyle: Make sense, moron DimeBag Kyle: Why the fuck are you scared of answering such a simple question? DimeBag Kyle: What are you scared of? DimeBag Kyle: Like you said, I'm a kid DimeBag Kyle: I'm a 16 year old kid, what am I going to do? DimeBag Kyle: Just answer the question DimeBag Kyle: Tell your wife to brush her teeth CURTTEDDYBEAR316: tell ur mom wipe my cum off her mouth DimeBag Kyle: I would, but she's not here right now DimeBag Kyle: I'll take the message, though CURTTEDDYBEAR316: she's here getting fucked in her ass by me DimeBag Kyle: Wow, you can type and fuck at the same time DimeBag Kyle: Apparently the only talent you have DimeBag Kyle: It sucks being outwitted by an adolescent, huh? CURTTEDDYBEAR316: 1111000100000100000000000010000001001001000000000000100100100100000000000 00100010010010~acc:aol/password***_*********** ms dos file ;port 320 ip***.***.***.** acc:loaded 10:30/aol =run DimeBag Kyle: ohhh crap DimeBag Kyle: Here we go with the fake hacking again DimeBag Kyle: Curtis CURTTEDDYBEAR316: tell heather i payed for a hit on her DimeBag Kyle: I'm actually familar with the art of "hacking" DimeBag Kyle: Don't try to scare me, moron CURTTEDDYBEAR316: u cant hack ur zipper dick DimeBag Kyle: I'm sorry, I don't know Heather DimeBag Kyle: I can't deliver the message DimeBag Kyle: I don't have a zipper dick DimeBag Kyle: I do, however, have your IP CURTTEDDYBEAR316: go find what i sent u punkass kid,,,hack that lmao @ u DimeBag Kyle: Uh oh! DimeBag Kyle: What's next? DimeBag Kyle: Sub_7? DimeBag Kyle: A Trojan, perchance? CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DimeBag Kyle: Uh oh, he's going crazy with the tilde's! CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DimeBag Kyle: Tilde = essential to all 1337 h4x0rs CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~~~~~~ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~~~~~ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DimeBag Kyle: I concur. CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~ CURTTEDDYBEAR316: ~~~~~ DimeBag Kyle: Rate limits DimeBag Kyle: are a bitch DimeBag Kyle: yes? ____________________________ | | | How to Hide Your p0rn | |____________________________| How to Hide Your p0rn If you're a truly 5up3r 13370 p|-|r34x0r/h4x0r, then you look at porn. You're also probably 16 and live with your parents. If parents or younger siblings find your porn, bad things could happen. Example: Mom - "Oh my! ::angry yelling:: Murray, come here!!!!!" 13370 h4x0r - "Damn it, Mom, for the last time, call me DestructoGod789!! It's my 1337 h4x0r name!" Mom - "You won't be doing any 1337 h4x0ring for a while, young man. How do you explain THIS?!?! ::pulls up p0rn::" 1 h - "Er...uh...You see Mom, I'm a heterosexual adolescent male and I can't get any action, so I need to look at porn!" Mom - "You're a heterosexual GROUNDED male!" Dad - "Do I smell smoke? Because somebody just got burned!" ~End example So, in order to prevent travesties like the one above, utilize the following techniques: Technique One - It's All in the Name When you download your super 1337 p0rn, it usually has a name like "XXXCherly01.mpg" or "HotFuck1.jpg" or, if you're Tr0n, "GayThreesomeCumMovie.mpg" This is kind of obvious, don't you think? This can easily be prevented by saving it as something else. When you're doing the Save As thing, make it something your family knows you're interested in. For example, you might save it as "Metallica - Master of Puppets.mpg" if you like Metallica, or, if you're Tr0n, "GayThreesomeCumMovie.mpg" because he's interested in gay sex. Get it? Got it? Good. Technique Two - Location, Location, Location!! If you have intrusive parents or siblings, they probably look through your stuff every now and then. One way to prevent this is the "thousands of folders of doom" technique. What you do is, choose a folder for your p0rn. In this folder, make 10 other folders. In each of these, 10 more folders, and so on and so forth. Only you know which one contains the goodies! Mwahahahaha! Alternatively, make a file at the end of each folder reading "WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT MY STUFF?!?!" Good times. Another easy thing to do is make a folder and give it a boring name. Something like "School Stuff.", or if you're tr0n, "gay porn collection. Unless your family is full of losers, they won't bother looking in these. Technique Three - Destroying the Evidence Once you're done with something, there's no point in leaving it on the ol' CPU. It takes up space and leaves incriminating evidence. There are a couple of steps for a complete removal of all p0rn. The first thing to do is actually delete the file itself. After you do this, go to the recycle bin and delete that one item only. There's no point in emptying the whole thing, as that's rather suspicious. After this, make sure it's not in the Documents folder. You can just do "Clear Documents" if you want, but again, that's rather suspicious. Depending on your version of Windows, you can either delete the file from the documents or just open up a bunch of random crap until it's gone. Next, you've got to go to the ol' History file and delete all the porn stuff in there. Now you're all set! Good times. Here are some more ideas from IDLR: Take all your crazy cool ebony porn and put it all in one archive, .zip, .rar, it doesn't really matter. Now put a password on that zip. Next put it in any directory you choose. Goto DOS prompt and rename the file something like brd12h.dll or something that looks important. When you want to look at your porn just right click the icon and open it with winzip or winrar or whatever the hell you use and type in the password. The password can easily be cracked by anyone with enough computer know how but it just adds some extra security. Why Was This Article Written? Because I'm bored as hell and IDLR asked me to write something. Fuck off. ____________________________ | | | 12 Things I Do/Don't Like | |____________________________| Things I Don't Like: 1. Stupid people who think they're smart. 2. People who make lists of things they don't like. 3. Punk rockers/activists who want to make a change! 4. Famous people who have no talent. (Limp Bizkit comes to mind.) 5. Tomatoes. 6. People with horrible grammatical skills who mix up you're/your their/there/they're and too/to/two on a regular basis. Things I Do Like: 1. Porn. 2. Heavy metal music! 3. Tomato by-products. 4. Punk rockers who don't give a shit! 5. Mountain Dew: Code Red, Chocolate milk, and Gatorade. 6. People who make really stupid lists just to take up space and speed up the already behind production process of the Telecom-munist Monthly! Another high quality piece by Kyle ! ____________________________ | | | Multimedia | |____________________________| I've decided to post some multimedia supplements to the zine. This will consist of lots of random shit I find on my computers' hardrives. For this issue we have for you; Foxtrotphot.gif - A Fox Trot comic by Bill Amend Battery(S&M).mid - A Metallica song in midi format. 25c.wav -\ 10c.wav -|--Always handy red box tones 5c.wav _/ we_char.gif - Some old ass bell system advertisement cactus001.jpg - cactus? cwp_alf.jpg - A picture of Alf on the phone Adamtalker- Like the Arnold calls except with Adam Carolla from Loveline, Crank Yankers, and The Man Show. ____________________________ | | | Letters to the Editor | |____________________________| From: "Hotmail Member Services" Subject: Protect your Hotmail account this summer Date: 6/02/02 18:34:03 Protect your MSN Hotmail account this summer If you’re taking a vacation this summer, you’re probably going to stop your newspaper delivery and make sure your mailbox doesn’t overflow. But don’t forget there are also a few things you need to do to safeguard your e-mail account while you’re away. First, you must log in at least once every 30 days. If you don’t, your account will be deemed inactive and closed, and all your messages and contacts will be deleted.* Second, don’t let your account go over the 2MB storage limit. Inboxes have a way of filling up fast, so be sure to check every so often and delete unwanted or large messages. If you don’t, the Hotmail Janitor will randomly delete messages until your account is reduced to 2MB. You can avoid the potential pitfalls of leaving your account unattended by signing up for MSN Extra Storage. For only $19.95** a year, you can take a vacation from your e-mail account, and know that all your messages will be there when you get back. MSN Extra Storage offers a variety of benefits, including: 10MB of MSN Hotmail storage five times what you’re getting today The ability to send and receive larger attachments up to 1.5MB per message 30MB of MSN Communities storage the perfect place to store photos Exemption from account expiration policy you’ll never have to worry about losing your account You get all this for only $19.95** per year, so get MSN Extra Storage now! -------------------- No thanks -- IDLR ____________________________ | | | fin. | |____________________________| Our website is www.telecom-munist.rottenass.com We like www.phonelosers.org and www.odelay.com We don't like too much ketchup on our french fries.