Old News

11.01.2004 Well, it's been quite some time since I've written here, but I know people still check this page from time to time. So, I figured that I'd provide a few updates. First of all I'm very sorry if you've sent me email and I've been slow to reply (or missed your email altogether). I've been pretty busy in the intervening months between now and my last update here and really haven't had the time to devote to Snort-Wireless that I had hoped. Hopefully this will change in the future. On a more interesting note, Daniel Walther has sent me a patch that adds support for storing the 802.11 frame in a database along with the alert info. I haven't had the time to integrate this into the tree, so I'm going to post it here for download. Daniel has also written a quick writeup on how to patch Snort-Wireless and use the patch, which is also linked to below. There have been others (Hi KF!) that had been working with me to write a patch quite a while ago, so I'll start digging through my mail archives and possibly post those here as well. Some day I'll get around to getting all of them into the main source tree. Until then I apologize. In unrelated news, it looks like I'll be writing a Snort related article for O'Reilly's Security Devcenter to be published in near future. I'll post updates as I know more.
04.02.2004It's been hard for me to get back into developing Snort-Wireless after finishing the aforementioned book (Network Security Hacks from O'Reilly). Anyway, I've packaged up the final release for Snort-2.0.1 in an effort to get everything back on track. This is basically all of the changes that were in Snort-Wireless-2.0.1-current. You can download this final release for the Snort-2.0.1 series below as Snort-Wireless-2.0.1-alpha03. In the meantime I'll be working on getting everything ported to all of the versions between 2.0.1 and the current release of Snort (2.1.2). In addition I've received some excellent patches from people interested in the project, but haven't had time to look at all of them. So to whet your appetite, I'll be making them available for download separately from the Snort-Wireless distribution.
01.29.2004The book is mostly finished now and is heading into production, so I'll be able to return to work on the project shortly. Snort has seen several releases in the intervening months, so the first thing I'll do is get the patch to work with the current release. After that's been done work on new features will commence...
11.14.2003For those of you that are going to ISSRE 2003, an IEEE software engineering conference, I will be participating in a panel discussion on OSS reliability. Feel free to stop by and say hello.
11.05.2003I just noticed an article on wireless intrusion detection systems over at SecurityFocus that mentions Snort-Wireless.

Copyright © 2003 - 2005 Andrew Lockhart
Last modified: Mon Jun 13 17:07:11 MDT 2005