Copyright (C) 2003 Metalink Ltd ( Author: Rodionov Sergey This program is distributed under terms of GPL (see LICENSE) sipbomber - tool for testing SIP-protocol implementation (RFC3261). Current version can check only server implementation - UAS (UAS are proxies, user agent servers, redirect servers, and registrars). This test use data files from ------------------------- Version 0.8 Release notes Now compiles with recent version of gcc, tested with Fedora Core 4. Solution was sent by "Kroma Pierre" ------------------------- 0. Installation This program was tested under Redhat9 only. To compile type "make". You need correct QT installation (I.e. QTDIR environment variable must be present in system). Run "sipb_main". I. Send-Recv Tests 1. Parameters (Overview of general parameters) sip server - ip or hostname of sip-server (any UAS) udp port - server udp port tcp port - server tcp port transport - type of transport. you can choose UDP - udp transport TCP - tcp transport. We send and recive use the same tcp-connection TCP(broken) -tcp transport. We send and recive use the different tcp-connection (after send we broke first connection) ANY - we random choose transport ========== reparse rand param - in almost all tests we create packet from BNF grammar. This parameter mean maximal quantity of not mandate element in BNF-rule. If you want to create large packets get this parameter bigger. n-send - quantity of reruns of test. n-resend - quantity of resend particular packet, if we not receive anything after this packet. resend timeout - Time in millisecond which we wait of receive packet before send next packet (or resend this packet). ========= username, user host name, password - this parameters are used to create valid request. reset grammar - With this parameter you can reset some BNF rules. For example, it can be used to make packet more simple (by default we reset LWS=1*WSP and WSP=SP in init gramatic LWS = [*WSP CRLF] 1*WSP and SWS = [LWS]) ( for example you can make LWS=1*SP ) max content len - We can add random content to some packets. This parameter controls maximal length of this content. 2. Tests For all tests we describe single iteration of test (n_send parameter mean number of such iteration). OPTIONS_* tests can be used for test any type of servers REGISTER_* tests can be used for test registrat implementation INVITE_* tests can be used for test "sip-server" (registrar + proxy) CERT_TEST test can be used for test any servers that work with INVITE. ------- OPTIONS_valid --------- Behaviour: 1. send valid OPTIONS request. packet may can be two general types: - Max-Forwards>0 and addressed to Server - Max-Forwards=0 and addressed to anybody 2. wait response. -------- OPTIONS_bad1 ---------- additional parameters: "max change len" and "number of change" Behaviour: 1. create valid OPTIONS request. 2. make random change in this request . We randomly change "number of change" parts of packet. Parameter "max change len" describe maximal length of this change. 3. send this packet 4. wait responce. -------- OPTIONS_req -------- Behaviour: 1. Create valid OPTIONS request but add Require field with some random options-tag. 2. Send this packet 3. wait responce (server must send 420 responce). ------- OPTIONS_totag ------ Behaviour: 1. Create valid OPTIONS request, but add To-tag (we create packet inside non-existent dialog) 2. Send this packet 3. wait responce (server must send 481 responce). ------- REGISTER_valid ------- Behaviour: 1. Create valid REGISTER request (for it we use "username" and "userhost name"). We create REGISTER with single Contact 2. Send this packet 3. Wait responce. If we receive challenge for authorization (401 responce), create valid REGISTER with credentials and send it (after it wait next responce) ------- REGISTER_mcont -------- Behaviour: similar of REGISTER_valid but may create two Contact in REGISTER. ------- REGISTER_cseq -------- 1. Create first REGISTER request with first Contact 2. Send this packet 3. Wait responce. If receive 401 -> make authorization 4. Create second REGISTER request with second Contact. But we can change CSeq (+ or -) And can change Call-ID 5. Send this packet. 6. Wait responce. If receive 401 -> make authorization (then analyze last packet: we check server's work with Cseq and Call-ID, rfc3261 10.3 for detail) note: if server ignore second packet it's error (even CSeq in second packet equal or less CSeq in first packet , And Call-ID the same)! ------- REGISTER_del -------- Behaviour: 1. Create first REGISTER request. 2. Send this packet. 3. Wait responce. If receive 401 -> make authorization. 4. Create and send REGISTER with request to delete record (we can send expires=0 or Contact=* and Expires field = 0). 5. Wait responce. If receive 401 -> make authorization ------- REGISTER_mcdel -------- (multi contact delete) Behaviour: similar to REGISTER_del, but we can send packet with two or more Contact (and can delete all or particular Contact) ------ REGISTER_expir --------- additional parameters: expires Behaviour: 1. Create first REGISTER request (and set expires parameter of Contact to expires). 2. Send this packet. 3. Wait responce. If receive 401 -> make authorization 4. Sleep for expires*2 seconds! 5. Create REGISTER with empty Contact (for check our Contact) 6. Wait responce. If receive 401 -> make authorization Comments: - Very RECOMMENDED to try run this test with expires=1. -> test check implementation of "403" Interval To Brief responce -------- REGISTER_mcexpir --------- Behaviour similar to REGISTER_expir but we can send request with more than one Contact... ------ INVITE_sv_caller and INVITE_sv_callee --------- INVITE simple valid test. IMPORTANT: for use you SHOULD run both test in parallel. additional parameters: username - name of caller user username2 - name of callee user password - password of username password2 - password of username2 pause - pause between REGISTER and INVITE Note: user host name -- MUST be real hostname (Where you run sipbomber). Because we make REGISTER with this hostname (and server send INVITE to this hostname) INVITE_sv_caller Behaviour: 1. Make REGISTER (sip:username@user_host_name:) a.) Send REGISTER b.) Wait responce. If receive 401 -> make authorization 2. Make pause (in millisecond) 2.1 Create INVITE packet. 3. Wait responce. If receive 407 -> make authorization (PROXY AUTHORIZATION IS STILL NOT IMPLEMENTED!) 4. If receive 1xx --> wait next packet. INVITE_sv_callee Behaviour: 1. Make REGISTER (sip:username2@user_host_name:) a.) Send REGISTER b.) Wait responce. If receive 401 -> make authorization 2. Wait request (we wait INVITE from INVITE_sv_caller) 3. May be send provisional response (150) 4. Send 486 or 200 response --------- CERT_TEST ------------- read for detail this test is implementation with test-suit data from this test. Before run this test you may copy testcases directory from c07 packet to ./ directory (or change "testcases dir" parameter then run test) additional parameters: "CERT From" - to replace "CERT From-Address" - to replace "CERT From-IP" - to replace "CERT To" - to replace "Teardown list"- list of teardown methods "testcases dir" "teardown timeout" - (in millisecond) "t-t timeout" - (in millisecond) "test timeout" - (in millisecond) Behaviour: 1. Read list of testcases from "testcases dir" 2. Make each test: --read INVITE packet from test. --make replace for all known tag ( ) --send packet --wait "teardown timeout" (may be receive something) --read Teardown packet from test. --for each method from "Teardown list" create Teardown packet (make replace for all known tag + ) and send it. -- after each teardown packet we wait "t-t timeout" milliseconds (may be receive something) -- wait "test timeout". End, run next text.