┌───────────────────────┐ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ │ │ █ █ █ █ █ █ │ │ █ █ █ █ █▀▀▀▀ │ │ █ █ █ █ ▄ │ │ ▄▄▄▄▄ │ │ █ █ │ │ █ █ │ │ █▄▄▄█ │ │ ▄ ▄ │ │ █ █ │ │ █ █ │ │ █▄▄▄█ │ │ ▄▄▄▄▄ │ GONE IN 360 SECONDS │ █ │ Linux/Retaliation │ █ │ ~ qkumba 2021 └───────────────────█ ──┘ When you think of Linux viruses, you probably think of simple direct-action infectors that just append to the last section and change the entrypoint. Well, here's one that does a little more than that. YOU DROPPED SOMETHING Let's start with the dropper that starts the whole sequence. The first thing that the dropper intends to do is seed the Random Number Generator (RNG). The RNG is WELL512a (Well Equidistributed Long-period Linear), a RNG with good distribution and small generator size. Unfortunately, the dropper has a bug where the time() call is made after the seed is stored, instead of before, so the result is not used and the seed is always zero. As a result, all replicants follow the same initial sequence until they start infecting files. That's not a good way to start. The virus is composed of 275 blocks of code, each of which performs some small operations. This is a rarely-used technique, introduced by the BadBoy virus for DOS over 20 years previously. The blocks exist in order to allow them to be encrypted and decrypted individually. This prevents the complete virus code from being dumped from memory and analysed freely. The same idea was used by the Elkern virus for Windows a decade earlier, and remains a powerful technique. However, this virus takes the idea even further: the blocks are not self-contained subroutines, but rather arbitrary numbers of instructions, split to reduce the amount of code that is exposed at any one time. The blocks can also call each other freely, since the virus keeps track of the call-depth, and can recrypt the individual blocks as they exit. To encrypt a block, the encryption routine begins by choosing a single random number as the basis for selecting ten instructions randomly from table of operations which are used to permutate the encryption key. This permutation seed is saved along with the encrypted block, to allow direct decryption later. The table is composed entirely of two-byte instructions, and includes duplicate entries (12/30, and 15/31, are identical), presumably to pad the size of the table to a power of two: ROL DL, 1 (0xD0 0xC2) ROL DH, 1 (0xD0 0xC6) ROL EDX, 1 (0xD1 0xC2) ROL DL, CL (0xD2 0xC2) ROL DH, CL (0xD2 0xC6) ROL EDX, CL (0xD3 0xC2) ADD DL, CL (0x00 0xCA) SUB DL, CL (0x28 0xCA) XOR DL, CL (0x30 0xCA) ADD DH, CL (0x00 0xCE) SUB DH, CL (0x28 0xCE) XOR DL, CL (0x30 0xCA) ADD EDX, ECX (0x01 0xCA) (12) SUB EDX, ECX (0x29 0xCA) XOR EDX, ECX (0x31 0xCA) BSWAP EDX (0x0F 0xCA) (15) MOV DL, DL (0x88 0xD2) ADD DL, DH (0x00 0xF2) SUB DL, DH (0x28 0xF2) XOR DL, DH (0x30 0xF2) NOT DL (0xF6 0xD2) NOT DH (0xF6 0xD6) NOT EDX (0xF7 0xD2) NEG DL (0xF6 0xDA) NEG DH (0xF6 0xDE) NEG EDX (0xF7 0xDA) INC DL (0xFE 0xC2) INC DH (0xFE 0xC6) INC EDX (0xFF 0xC2) ROL EDX, CL (0xD3 0xC2) ADD EDX, ECX (0x01 0xCA) (30) BSWAP EDX (0x0F 0xCA) (31) The operations affect only the edx register, or part thereof, since that is the register that holds the encryption key. The ecx register holds the number of bytes left to encrypt, allowing for position-dependent permutations of the encryption key. Note that since the number of random instructions is even, and the table contains a collection of instructions that are mirrors of each other, for certain keys the permutation will undo itself. Further, the virus uses only half of the value returned by the RNG, and allows that half-value to be zero. As a result, the half-value will be zero 50% of the time! This means that 12 of the 32 instructions in the table have no effect on the initial value of the key. However, the virus has a mitigation for this problem: the encryption key is permutated further by iterating across an anti-debugging routine. The intention here is that if the anti-debugging routine is altered in any way (for example, by placing breakpoints in it) then future decryption will fail. SYSCALL OF THE WILD The virus carries a table containing syscall numbers that are "safe" to call, along with a description of the number and type of parameters, and the expected failure code for when the call fails. This table is used as an anti-debugging measure elsewhere in the virus code. The dropper encrypts this table next. To encrypt this table, the dropper begins by calculating the CRC32 of the unencrypted table, using the ISO-3309 reverse polynomial (0xEDB88320), and then encrypting the table using the same random-key-permutation technique as for the code blocks. Here, again, the virus uses a truncated value from the RNG. In this case, the value is truncated to less than one quarter of the original value, so there is an approximately 81% chance of a zero as the initial key! This encryption pass is different, though, because the virus discards the permutation seed value after it is used. Thus, in order to decrypt the table, the virus is "forced" (really by choice) to iterate through all possible combinations of the ten random instructions, and to calculate the CRC32 each time of the resulting decrypted data, until the calculated checksum matches the checksum that was saved in the table before the table was encrypted. This technique is known as Random Decoding Algorithm(*), first used by the RDAFighter virus for DOS in 1996. By using the technique on small data blocks, the performance is acceptable while still offering some level of protection against casual reverse engineering. The virus uses RDA to encrypt both the infected file's data section address and the hooked prologue magic value. Obviously, in the dropper neither of these values is set yet, but for compatibility with the virus code, they must be encrypted anyway. At this point, the dropper has completed its initialisation routines. Next the dropper prints some messages and then runs the virus entrypoint, as though the dropper were an infected file. (*) the author of RDAFighter called it "Random Decoding Algorithm", but somehow I've always mistakenly called it "Random Decryption Algorithm". This is also how you find out that I wrote chapter 7 of "The Art of Computer Virus Research and Defense" for Péter Szőr. RED FLAG The actual virus code begins by saving the CPU flags on the stack, and then calling an anti-debugging routine. The anti-debugging routine checks if the virus's ultimate return address has a breakpoint introduced, a sure sign that someone is attempting to trap the virus exit routine using a debugger, before the host original entrypoint is called. The routine also checks if the trap flag is set in the saved CPU flags, as an attempt to detect single-stepping using a debugger. Of course, this check always fails, since a debugger will clear the flag in the saved flags image. There is a way to capture the true flag state by using an additional instruction, and several viruses are known to use this technique. It was well-known during the DOS days, and then forgotten for many years, until it was "discovered" as a modern anti-debugging technique. It seems that the virus author missed the rediscovery... in all 65 places in the virus code that call this routine. The routine also checks if the caller's return address matches an instruction to restore the CPU flags from the stack. A mismatch here is a sure sign that someone is attempting to step over the anti-debugging routine using a debugger. In any case, if any of the checks fail, then the virus overwrites itself with a random value from memory and allows itself to crash. If the checks pass, then the virus checks the requested state. The virus supports two states of interest: one is if the code has been run already (i.e., in a shared library), and the other is if there is a request to terminate infection (e.g., because some anti-detection check failed in the virus code). The two states are checked by comparing a memory location with specific values. If the code has been run already, then 0x1BADDEED (i.e., "One Bad Deed") will be returned. It is perhaps a coincidence that 0x1BADDEED is the same "I am here" return value from the first member of the Ginger family for DOS in 1993. If there is a request to terminate infection, then 0x1BAD5EED (i.e., "One Bad Seed") will be returned. It is perhaps even more of a coincidence that the first member of the Ginger family was named "Bad Seed". If neither state is active, then the virus checks the type of the infected file. If the file is not a relocatable object, then the virus uses RDA to decrypt the hooked prologue magic values, described later. In either case, the virus installs a SIGILL handler intended to last for the entire execution time of the process. The SIGILL handler serves to intercept the illegal opcodes that the virus uses as an anti-analysis technique. When a SIGILL signal is raised, the virus checks if the signal site is within the bounds of the virus code, and, if so, checks if the current byte at the signal site is one of two specific illegal opcodes (the virus does not check si_code first). If neither of the expected illegal opcodes was used, then the virus displays the following message before terminating the process: Illegal Instruction. But what really is 'Illegal'? Look at vxheavens.com.. kidz with ill skillz get harrassed by cops still. Yes, “harassed” is spelled incorrectly in the virus. One of the illegal opcodes is used as a trigger to decrypt the block following immediately the illegal opcode; the other illegal opcode is used to trigger re-encryption of the preceding block before resuming execution at the following location. If the signal site is not within the bounds of the virus code, then the virus checks if the bytes following the illegal opcode match either of the magic values that the virus uses to identify a hooked prologue. If neither of the magic values matches, then the virus displays the message above and terminates the process. Otherwise, the virus executes its local copy of the hooked prologue (see below), and then resumes execution of the host code. At this point the virus uses RDA to decrypt the host's data section address. If the resulting address is "valid", then the infected file had a ".data" section that the virus encrypted during infection. The address is considered valid if the length is not 4Gb-1 bytes in length. 4Gb-2 bytes should be enough for everyone, I suppose. If the data section was encrypted, then the virus uses RDA to decrypt the 128-bit BTEA (Block Tiny Encryption Algorithm) key, and then uses that key to decrypt the host's entire data section. The combination of hooked prologues and encrypted data section make disinfecting a file more trouble than it's worth, and there is still more that the virus can do to files. I hope that you have backups. If the host had a ".bss" section, then the virus initialises it on behalf of the host (because when executed, the polymorphic decryptor might have written random values to it), but using a very inefficient store-loop (bzero is another option which the virus uses elsewhere, but it is only slightly faster, and it requires the size to be a multiple of four which makes it potentially incompatible here). The virus also installs a SIGTRAP handler intended to last for the entire execution time of the process. If installation fails for either of the signal handlers, then the virus displays the following message before terminating the process: Strange signals you have.. very strange ;) The SIGTRAP handler serves as both an anti-debugging mechanism, and an anti-analysis mechanism. It functions as an anti-debugging mechanism by intercepting the two debugger-specific opcodes: INT3 and ICEBP. It functions as an anti-analysis mechanism because of what it does with those two opcodes (see below). This technique is similar to "nanomites", first used by the Armadillo Protector in the early 2000s, and taken to its extreme by the Stutter virus for Windows in 2007. This code reads like the virus world's greatest hits collection. ;-) IT'S A TRAP! When a SIGTRAP signal is raised, the virus checks if the signal site is within the bounds of the virus code. Rather than checking si_code, the virus checks if the previous or current byte at the signal site is either of those debugger-specific opcodes. If the signal site is not within the bounds of the virus code, or if neither of the expected debugger-specific opcodes was used, then the virus displays the following message before terminating the process: Break Me, Break it and Break it again. (the same message appears if the RDA fails to find the correct key, most likely due to the presence of a debugger altering the anti-debugging routine). If the INT3 opcode was used, then the virus treats it as a CALL instruction, and uses the following two encrypted bytes as the 16-bit relative offset of the routine to run next. The virus treats the ICEBP opcode as a SYSCALL instruction, and uses the following byte as the encrypted 8-bit syscall number. The virus is hostile to the presence of ptrace. It begins by enabling the ptrace option that allows a child to trace the parent process. Then the virus attempts to spawn a new copy of the process. If the spawn request fails, then the virus terminates infection via the 0x1BAD5EED marker, and resumes execution of the host code. Otherwise, there is now a parent and child process, so the parent process waits for the child process to exit, and then checks the exit code. The child process attempts to attach a ptrace to the parent process, then to detach from the parent process, if successful, and finally return with a non-zero exit code. If the attachment fails, then ptrace is presumed to be active already, and the child exits with no exit code. If the child process returns a non-zero exit code, then the virus resumes execution. Otherwise, with 67% chance the virus terminates infection via the 0x1BAD5EED marker, and resumes execution of the host code. However, for the other 33% of the time, the virus intentionally makes random syscalls in an infinite loop, with unpredictable effects. RANDAMN If the virus passes the ptrace check, then it initialises its RNG state. Only now?! It is a bug in the virus code that the state is set only now, despite the numerous calls to the RNG that have occurred already. However, this is how the virus operates. The virus permutates the RNG state iterating over the virus code, and then discards the first 150 results from the RNG (because they're not "random enough"? We'll never know), before calling it twice more to acquire the BTEA key for use later. The virus constructs a random extension for the temporary files that it creates during the infection process. The extension is composed of a random number of four to six letters, chosen randomly from the range of 'a' to 'v', and using a randomly generated mixture of upper- and lower-case. The virus generates two unique magic values to identify which of the two prologues have been hooked by the virus during the infection process. The prologue hooks are described later in more detail. The virus also chooses a random number of polymorphic decryptors, from one to four, that will be created later to protect the virus code in executables (the virus only ever uses one decryptor in relocatable objects). The virus is interested in how long the system has been running. If the up-time is less than 17 minutes, then the virus terminates infection via the 0x1BAD5EED marker, and resumes execution of the host code. This allows the virus to avoid systems that have been booted specifically to watch the infection behaviour. The virus queries the last modification time for the "/etc/hostname" file, and compares it to the current time. If the file was modified less than ten days earlier, then the virus terminates infection via the 0x1BAD5EED marker, and resumes execution of the host code. This allows the virus to avoid systems that have been created specifically to watch the infection behaviour. If the hostname file's last modification time matches the time that was saved in the infected file at the time of infection, then the virus assumes that the infected file is running on the same machine as it was when the file was infected. In that case, the virus enables the payload activation. Next, the virus queries the current working directory, and the current time, and calculates a time five seconds in the future. This value is important later. At this point, the initialisation phase of the virus is complete. PAY IT FORWARD If the infected file is an executable, then the payload activation trigger is checked. If the payload activation was enabled, then every time the infected file is run at least 90 days after infection, the virus displays the following message, and pauses for up to seven seconds (subject to no events interrupting the sleep, such as the process being killed), before resuming execution: <<=- [Linux64.Retaliation V1.0] - Coded by JPanic - Australia 2013/2014 -=>> If the infected file is an executable, then the virus hooks up to 13 entries in the .got (Global Offset Table): __lxstat64 __openat_2 __xstat64 __lxstat __xstat fopen fopen64 open open64 bfd_openr execve signal sigaction The last two functions control signal behaviour. The virus intercepts attempts to manipulate SIGILL or SIGTRAP signals. In the case of signal(), the virus intercepts attempts to install a handler, and substitutes its existing handler instead. In the case of sigaction(), the virus disallows changes to the signal action. The other 11 functions specify a file as a parameter. For those functions, if infection behaviour has not been disabled because of other conditions, then the virus examines the specified file for its potential to be infected on access, before calling the original function. For both types of infected file, the virus attempts to infect any of the following files directly, if they exist, each with 50% chance: /bin/cp /usr/bin/ld /bin/ls /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/ld.gold /usr/bin/ld.bfd /usr/bin/zip Then the virus attempts to infect all files in the current directory, until the current time exceeds the future time that the virus calculated earlier. If the virus completes infecting the files in the current directory before the time runs out, then with 50% chance it attempts to infect files in: /bin or with 25% chance it attempts to infect files in /usr/bin until the current time exceeds the future time that the virus calculated earlier. Once the time has run out, or the virus runs out of files to infect directly, if the infected file is a relocatable object, then the virus terminates infection via the 0x1BAD5EED marker, and resumes execution of the host code. Otherwise, the virus resumes execution of the host code, in anticipation of the host code accessing additional files and triggering further infections. INFECTIOUS GROOVES In order to infect a file, the virus accepts filenames which end in ".o", other than "crt.o", or filenames which begin with "ld.", or any filename without an extension. It ignores any file which is accessed twice in a row, any non ".o" file that is less than three hours old, any file that is larger than eight megabytes, any file that is smaller than two kilobytes, any executable that is smaller than eight kilobytes, and anything that is not a file at all (e.g., a directory, a pipe, a symbolic link). If the file is considered to be acceptable, then the virus creates a temporary file by appending to the filename the random extension created previously, and then opens the original file for read/write. The virus reads the ELF header from the original file, and verifies that it is well-formed: it must be an ELF for an x64 system (64-bit, little-endian, x64 system), using the Unix SYSV version 0 ABI. It must not be infected already, it must have the expected sizes for the ELF header and sections headers, it must have at least six sections, but not more than 63 of them, and it must be either a relocatable object or an executable. The infection marker is that the padding bytes are non-zero. While the virus writes in the padding bytes one of several different markers chosen randomly from a list that it carries, it does not verify any of them specifically. If the file is a relocatable object, then it must be a ".o" file with no program headers. If the file is an executable, then it must not be a ".o" file, the program header size must be the expected size, and there must be at least four program headers, but no more than 16 of them. The virus parses the program header table in executables, to ensure that the program headers fit entirely within the bounds of the file, and watching for PT_NOTE and PT_LOAD entries that will be loaded into memory. The virus requires a PT_NOTE entry, and remembers the last-loaded program header, and the largest alignment factor used in the file. As an anti-harvesting technique, the virus checks if four filenames in a row differ by a constant amount (e.g., goat1, goat2, goat3, goat4, but also works if the files are found in reverse order). If such a sequence is found, then the virus terminates infection via the 0x1BAD5EED marker, and resumes execution of the host code. The check can be bypassed by skipping the fourth member of the sequential group (e.g., goat1, goat2, goat3, goat5...). As an anti-harvesting technique, the virus checks if four files in a row differ in size by a constant amount (e.g., all the same size, or goat1 is 100 bytes, goat2 is 200 bytes, goat3 is 300 bytes, goat5 is 400 bytes..., but also works if the files are found in reverse order). If such a sequence is found, then the virus terminates infection via the 0x1BAD5EED marker, and resumes execution of the host code. The check can be bypassed by adjusting the file size of the fourth member of the sequential group (e.g., goat5 is one byte larger than the goat1-3). The virus iterates through the section table, skipping purely virtual sections, and reading the other sections into memory. It keeps track of relocation sections by type rather than name, and associates the target section with the relocation section as the source. There is a minor bug in the virus code, where if the relocation section is the first section in the file, then it will not be recognised as being present. The virus fetches from the file the index for the string table section, in order to parse the section table names. There is a minor bug in the virus code, where it assumes that the index is always valid. If the index is large enough that the virus accesses unmapped memory, then the virus will crash. The virus iterates through the section table again, watching for sections with specific names. The section names to match are not visible in the virus code. Instead, the virus calculates a hash of the name and compares it with a set of hashes that the virus carries. The names of interest to the virus are: .text .data .bss .plt .dynamic .gnu.prelink_undo .rela.dyn .rodata The virus requires both ".text" and ".data" to be present in the file. ".dynamic" is never used by the virus. Perhaps it was an intended feature that was not released. As an anti-harvesting technique, the virus checks if three files in a row (not counting files that have either no ".text" section or no section header table) have the same CRC32 value for their .text section (e.g., goat1==goat2==goat3). If such a sequence is found, then the virus terminates infection via the 0x1BAD5EED marker, and resumes execution of the host code. The check can be bypassed by adjusting the file contents of the third member of the sequential group (e.g., goat3 is a different file than goat1 and goat2). The virus initialises the poly engine once per process (See below). Using the same engine configuration for all replicants in one session prevents a complete detection from being made from analysing samples alone, because the full capabilities of the engine might not be used. The virus also requires that the ".plt" section exists for executables, or the ".text" section exists for relocatable objects, that a relocation table exists for that section, that the symbol table exists for the relocation table, and that the string table exists for the symbol table. If any of these elements is missing, then the virus skips the file and continues execution. Of course, the virus cleans up first, by closing the file handles, deleting the temporary file, and restoring the current directory. FIVE SECOND RULE If the file to infect is an executable, then the virus requires that the ".data" section is at least four bytes long. If the section is too small, then the virus will crash. Otherwise, the virus searches the entire section for the string "TSM!". The search is done by comparing every byte of the section with every byte of the string, instead of searching the section repeatedly for the first character of the string and then attempting to match the rest. This inefficiency allows a (poor) filesystem-level (as opposed to individual file-level) inoculation by placing a collection of crafted goat files as the first entries in the directory, that each have a huge data section. The result would be that the five-seconds timeout would trigger before any important files are reached. If the string is found then the virus skips the file and continues execution. This action prevents the virus from infecting a file that was linked after being infected as a relocatable object. The virus checks if the file has either a ".gnu.prelink_undo" section, or a ".bss" section and a ".rela.dyn" section and relocation items in the ".rela.dyn" section pointing into the ".bss" section. The virus uses this information later in the infection process. The virus parses the file's symbol table to find any of the 13 function names that it wants to hook. For each one that is found, the virus scans the file's relocation table to find the corresponding reference to the address. When the relocation item is found, the virus redirects that reference to the address of the original function in the virus code. Next, the virus makes a copy of itself, and fills its variable space with random values. At this point, the virus finally checks the attributes of the ".data" section. Up to this point, the virus assumed that the section was freely accessible and contained meaningful content. Now it checks that the section content is really supplied by the file, that it will be loaded into memory, and that it is writable. If any of these checks fails, then the virus skips the file and continues execution. Otherwise, the virus encodes the address and size of the section, the BTEA key, and the hooked prologue magic values, calculates a time 90 days in the future for the payload activation. The virus checks if the ".bss" section exists and has relocation items pointing into it. If there is a ".bss" section without relocations, then the virus records the address and size of the section so that the polymorphic decryptor can make use of it. The virus saves the original entrypoint, the new entrypoint, and the virus size in variables for use by the polymorphic engine. The virus sets the new section start position equal to the current end of the file, in preparation for appending virus code If the ".gnu.prelink_undo" section exists in the file to infect, and the last two sections are the prelink and the section name string table, in that order, then the virus remembers the prelink section file offset, in preparation for rebuilding the infected file. The virus then adjusts the file offset of the last section to the next aligned address in memory, and then calls the poly engine to generate as many decryptors as was specified earlier. If the prelink section exists, then the virus inserts a new unnamed section before the prelink section, and places the virus code in the new section. The virus updates the prelink section number and the section name string table number, and aligns the sections appropriately to account for the inserted content, before rebuilding the program and section header tables. If the prelink section does not exist, then the virus writes its code to the end of the file, and replaces the PT_NOTE program header with a PT_LOAD program header, with read/write/execute attributes. Note that since the entrypoint is inside this new PT_LOAD program header, there is no reference to it in any of the section headers. This alone is highly suspicious. The memory size for the virus section is set to a number chosen randomly up to 16 kilobytes larger than what is needed to hold the virus code, as a way to avoid a simple heuristic based on the size of the section. If the file to infect is a relocatable object, then the virus fetches the location of the ".bss" or ".data" section, whichever one exists. The section is used to hold a "run already" marker to prevent the virus from running the decryptor more than once per session. The virus makes a copy of itself, and fills its variable space with random values. Then it marks the ".data" and ".bss" sections as unavailable in the virus code. The virus parses the symbols in the file, watching for all STT_SECTION symbols that refer to any of the ".text", ".data", or the chosen "run already" section. Then the virus parses the symbols in the file, watching for up to 64 globally-visible STT_FUNC symbols. If no such symbols exist, then the virus skips the file and continues execution. If only one such symbol exists, then the virus uses it. Otherwise, the virus chooses randomly from the set of symbols that it found. The address for the chosen symbol will become the hidden entrypoint for the virus code, and the original content will be appended to the virus code. When the relocatable object is linked into an executable, then calling the symbol will run the virus code first. The virus calls the poly engine to generate a single decryptor, adds the "run already" entry in the chosen section, adds a relocation item for the "run already" marker and the original entrypoint (the polymorphic decryptor transfers control absolutely to the original entrypoint, as opposed to relatively), and then appends the "TSM!" text to the ".data" section. When writing out the ELF header for either file format, the virus chooses randomly from one of the following markers to place in the padding bytes: [jp] [JP] JKP! NOP! IR/G 7DFB Sep! TSM! However, as noted above, the virus checks only if the padding bytes are non-zero, without verifying the contents. If the file to infect is an executable, then as an infection-dependency technique, the virus searches the entire ".text" section for all appearances of two instruction sequences: PUSH RBP (0x55) MOV RBP, RSP (0x48 0x89 0xE5) CMP EAX, -1 (0x48 0x83 0xF8 0xFF) For each sequence that is found, the virus replaces it with an instruction sequence that is guaranteed to raise a signal if executed, followed by one of the two hooked prologue magic values, corresponding to the sequence that was replaced. With 25% chance, the illegal instruction sequence will be one of the following: 0xFE 0xFE (unassigned range) 0xFE 0xFF (unassigned range) 0xFF 0xFE (unassigned range) 0xFF 0xFF (unassigned range) With 33% chance, the illegal instruction sequence will be the following: 0x8D 0xC0-0xFF (illegal LEA) With 33% chance overall, the illegal instruction sequence will be one of the following (once selected, some of the instructions are slightly more likely to be chosen than others): 0x06 (PUSH ES) 0x07 (POP ES) 0x0E (PUSH CS) 0x16 (PUSH SS) 0x17 (POP SS) 0x1E (PUSH DS) 0x1F (POP DS) 0x37 (AAA) 0x3F (AAS) 0x60 (PUSHA) 0x61 (POPA) 0x62 (BOUND) 0x82 (undocumented alternative for 0x80) 0x9A (CALL FAR) 0xC4 (LES) 0xC5 (LDS) 0xD4 (AAM) 0xD5 (AAD) 0xD6 (undocumented SALC) 0xEA (JMP FAR) Note that all of these opcodes are illegal only because they are used in a 64-bit context. The second byte is chosen randomly in all cases. Otherwise, the illegal instruction sequence will be one of the following: 0xC6 0x08-0x3F (illegal MOV) 0xC6 0x48-0x7F (illegal MOV) 0xC6 0x88-0xBF (illegal MOV) 0xC6 0xC8-0xFF (illegal MOV) 0xC7 0x08-0x3F (illegal MOV) 0xC7 0x48-0x7F (illegal MOV) 0xC7 0x88-0xBF (illegal MOV) 0xC7 0xC8-0xFF (illegal MOV) This makes disinfection very difficult because to find and replace these instructions requires parsing the entire file correctly, and to somehow know which of the two candidate instructions is the one to use when restoring. If the file to infect is an executable, then the virus encrypts the ".data" section as a final act. LET'S PLAY MONO-POLY This virus has some interesting properties. The relocatable object infection is perhaps the first of its kind on Linux (the first known infector of object files is the Zhengxi virus for DOS in 1995), and the prelink support is inspired. However, the most notable part of the virus is clearly the polymorphic engine. It's far from the most polymorphic engine that I've ever seen (e.g., subroutines are not essential, so they can be skipped; they don't accept stack parameters, so they always return with a balanced stack; recursion is arbitrarily limited to a small degree, etc.), but it's probably the most ambitious engine that I've ever seen. The engine emits instructions that handle bytes, words, dwords, and qwords interchangeably, with layered encryption, dummy subroutines and loops, fake branches... it even issues syscalls with known-bad parameters and checks for the proper error codes. The only two bugs that I found would trigger rarely. The first bug requires all registers to have been allocated before the garbage "if" generator is called. That bug will result in an infinite loop. The second bug requires that garbage syscalls are enabled, and that the READLINK entry is chosen out of the 92 (some entries are duplicated) other possible candidates. The entry has the wrong error code defined. That bug will result in undefined behaviour, depending on whether or not the virus chose to check the error code. Other than the two bugs, there is also one unresolved question that looks like an oversight, and a few lines that are out of place (unused assignments). BEGIN COUNTDOWN The polymorphic engine begins by setting some feature flags randomly. The features determine things like decryption direction, the scale of garbage instruction, use of the stack by garbage instructions, and the use of garbage syscalls. It chooses the size of the "already run" variable in relocatable object files. With 50% chance, it will be a dword; otherwise with 25% chance each, it will be a byte or a word. It chooses the value of the "already run" variable, based on the size of the value, but always excluding zero. The engine sets the loop-control conditions randomly, based on the CPU flags of sign, parity, and overflow. Unfortunately for the virus writer, the settings are not random at all. The operation for assigning the "already run" value clears the sign flag approximately 87% of the time. When the sign flag is cleared, the overflow flag is cleared as a side-effect. That leaves only the parity flag, but even that one is clear 50% of the time. The engine chooses a comparison type randomly, based on the control conditions that are available. A comparison against zero is always available, but the other three (sign, parity and sign/overflow) depend on the settings. The engine chooses a size for the mmap syscall, where the decrypted code will be written when running from a relocatable object. The engine adds up to 16kb randomly, in addition to virus size, perhaps to prevent a heuristic detection based on the allocation size. The engine chooses randomly the size of reads and writes for the decryption loop. Bytes, words, and dwords, are possibilities. The engine chooses randomly the registers to use for the read and write pointers. However, only the extended registers (r8-r15) are allowed here. The engine chooses randomly the register to hold the loop counter. Only the general registers (EAX/ECX/EDX/EBX/ESI/EDI/EBP) are allowed here. The engine chooses randomly the size of the loop counter adjustment. Words, dwords, and qwords, are possibilities. The engine chooses randomly the register to hold the data to be decrypted, depending on the size of the read/write operation. Only a restricted set of the general registers (AL/BL/CL/DL or EAX/ECX/EDX/EBX/ESI/EDI/EBP) are allowed here. The engine chooses randomly the register to hold the decryption key, depending on the size of the read/write operation. Only the general registers (AL/BL/CL/DL/AH/BH/CH/DH or EAX/ECX/EDX/EBX/ESI/EDI/EBP) are allowed here. With 50% chance, the engine chooses randomly to use a register to hold the decryption key permutation value, depending on the size of the read/write operation. Only the general registers (AL/BL/CL/DL/AH/BH/CH/DH or EAX/ECX/EDX/EBX/ESI/EDI/EBP) are allowed here. The engine chooses randomly a 32-bit value for the initial key, and a 32-bit value for the initial key permutation (even if it won't be used). The engine chooses randomly the branch type, based on the comparison type. JNZ, JNS, JS, JNC, JC, JG, JGE are all considered. The engine chooses randomly the actual decryption operation. Only a single operation is used: XOR, ADD, or SUB. The engine chooses randomly the order for pushing registers (AX, CX, DX, BX, BP, SI, DI, and R8-R15 - SP is excluded) to the stack when they are used. The engine chooses randomly the order for initialising the count, the encryption key, the key permutation (if any), the source pointer, and the destination pointer (if they're different). The engine chooses randomly the order for initialising the parameters for the mmap syscall, if a relocatable object will be infected. The engine chooses randomly how many operations to apply to the encryption key per loop-iteration. The value is different for relocatable objects (2, 4, or 8) compared to executables (4, 8, or 16). The engine chooses randomly the maximum number of garbage instructions to emit (2, 4, or 8) in the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below). The engine chooses randomly the maximum number of stack slots (1, 2, 4, or 8) that can be used by garbage instructions. This number includes both register saves and garbage variables. The engine chooses randomly the maximum number of stack variables (1-8) that can be saved on the stack. The number cannot exceed the number of stack slots available. Now the polymorphic engine is fully initialised and ready for use. LIFTOFF! If the file to infect is a relocatable object, and if the feature is not enabled to call (as opposed to jump to) the decrypted virus code, then the virus disables the use of stack variables in the polymorphic decryptor. If the file to infect is an executable, and the features are enabled to emit "large" garbage and to reserve space before the decryptor, then the engine moves the decryptor start down by 2000 bytes + a random number in the range of 0-2000 more bytes. This cavity will be filled later by the engine. If the feature is enabled to always save all registers, or if only one layer of decryption will be used, then the engine saves all registers. If the feature is enabled to save the CPU flags, then the engine emits a: PUSHF (0x9C) first. The engine pushes to the stack the general registers (RAX, RCX, RDX, RBX, RBP, RSI, and RDI - RSP is excluded) and the extended registers (R8-R15), in the order chosen during the initialisation phase. The engine calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below) after each PUSH instruction. If the feature is enabled to make use of stack variables, then the engine emits: SUB RSP, count*8 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /5) to reserve space on the stack for garbage writes. If the file to infect is an executable, then the engine enables temporarily the feature to use the stack for additional garbage PUSH and POP instructions. If the file to infect is a relocatable object, then the engine emits a: MOV reg, val (0x48 0xB8-0xBF) that holds the 64-bit address of the "already run" variable in the ".data" section, followed by a call to the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below). If the feature was enabled to force the check directly, then the engine emits one of the following: ADD [reg], 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /0) AND [reg], -1 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4) CMP [reg], 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /7) OR [reg], 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1) SUB [reg], 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /5) XOR [reg], 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /6) TEST [reg], -1 (0xF6/0xF7 /0 /1) Otherwise, with 50% chance, the engine calls the "READ MEMORY" routine (see below), followed by a call to the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below), followed by a call to the "CHECK CONDITION" routine (see below). Otherwise, the engine does one of the following: calls the "SET REGISTER" routine (see below) with a value of 0, to assign reg2 emits CMP [reg1], reg2 (0x38/39) calls the "SET REGISTER" routine (see below) a value of -1, to assign reg2 emits AND [reg1], reg2 (0x20/21) calls the "SET REGISTER" routine (see below) a value of -1, to assign reg2 emits TEST [reg1], reg2 (0x84/85) The engine emits a long conditional branch (0x0F 0x8x) instruction chosen randomly from the set of conditions that were enabled during the initialisation phase. Then the engine calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below). If the feature is not enabled to set the "already run" variable using a register, then the engine calls the "WRITE MEMORY VALUE" routine (see below), and pass the value to check, followed by a call to the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below). Otherwise, the engine calls the "SET REGISTER" routine (see below), and passes the value to check, followed by a call to the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below), then calls the "WRITE MEMORY REGISTER" routine (see below), and allowing the "XCHG" instruction, before making another call to the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below). The engine emits the loop-specific variable assignments in random order. For the loop count, the engine emits: MOV reg, val ((0x48) 0xB8-0xBF) and then calls the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below). For the encryption key, the engine calls the "SET REGISTER" routine (see below) with the value of the encryption key, and then calls the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below). If there is a key permutation value in use, then the engine calls the "SET REGISTER" routine (see below) with the value of the permutation value, and then calls the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below). If the file to infect is a relocatable object, then the engine emits a MOV reg, val (0x48 0xB8-0xBF) where "val" is the 64-bit source address in the ".data" section where the encrypted virus body was placed. If the file to infect is an executable, then the engine sets the source address via a call to the "COPY REGISTER" routine (see below), if the destination register was set already, and the feature is enabled to copy between pointers. Otherwise, the engine calls the "SET REGISTER" routine (see below) with the value of the source address. In either case, the engine calls the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below) afterwards. If the file to infect is a relocatable object, then the engine generates the parameters for the mmap call in random order. It calls the "SET REGISTER" routine (see below) with a value of 9 (mmap) to set the AX register; 0 (NULL, kernel choice for the address) to set the DI register; the size of the virus, plus the padding, to set the SI register; 7 (PROT_READ, PROT_WRITE, PROT_EXEC) to set the DX register; 0x22 (MAP_PRIVATE, MAP_ANONYMOUS flags) to set the R10 register; -1 (no file descriptor) to set the value of the R8 register; and 0 (no initial content) to set the value of the R9 register. After each call to the "SET REGISTER" routine, the virus calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below). If the file to infect is an executable, then the engine sets the destination address via the "COPY REGISTER" routine (see below), if the source register was set already, and the feature is enabled to copy between pointers. Otherwise, the engine calls the "SET REGISTER" routine (see below) with the value of the destination address. In either case, the engine calls the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below) afterwards. The engine calls the "EMPTY STACK" routine (see below), to discard any additional allocation that the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below) might have made if the feature was enabled to make use of stack variables. THROWN FOR A LOOP This point marks the top of the decryption loop. The engine enables the feature to use the stack for additional garbage PUSH and POP instructions, before calling the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below), and then calling the "READ MEMORY" routine (see below) to read some encrypted data from source memory. That call is followed by another call to the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below). The engine chooses a random number of operations to apply to the encryption key, and the key permutation, if the permutation is in use, based on the level that was selected during the initialisation phase. The number of operations is in the range of the chosen number up to twice the chosen number. If the feature is enabled to interleave the operations between the encryption key, and the key permutation, if the permutation is in use, then the engine switches randomly between applying the operations to the appropriate target. Otherwise, the engine applies the operations to the encryption key, and then to the key permutation, if the permutation is in use. The operations are chosen randomly from among the following: ADD reg1/mem, reg2 (0x00/0x01) ADD AL, imm (0x04) ADD AX, imm (0x05) ADD reg/mem, (s)imm (0x80/0x81/0x83 /0) NEG reg/mem (0xF6/0xF7 /3) NOT reg/mem (0xF6/0xF7 /2) ROL reg/mem, imm (0xC0/0xC1 /0) ROL reg/mem, 1 (0xD0/0xD1 /0) ROL reg/mem, CL (0xD2/0xD3 /0) ROR reg/mem, imm (0xC0/0xC1 /1) ROR reg/mem, 1 (0xD0/0xD1 /1) ROR reg/mem, CL (0xD2/0xD3 /1) SUB reg1/mem, reg2 (0x28/0x29) SUB AL, imm (0x2C) SUB AX, imm (0x2D) SUB reg/mem, (s)imm (0x80/0x81/0x83 /5) XOR reg1/mem, reg2 (0x30/0x31) XOR AL, imm (0x34) XOR AX, imm (0x35) XOR reg/mem, (s)imm (0x80/0x81/0x83 /6) The engine calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below) after each operation is emitted, and then calls the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below) after the last operation is emitted. Regardless of how many operations are applied to the encryption key, the actual decryption action is just one of three simple operations. ADD reg1, reg2 (0x00/0x01) SUB reg1, reg2 (0x28/0x29) XOR reg1, reg2 (0x30/0x31) of the data with the key. That's it. The engine follows the decryption operation with a call to the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below), then a call to the "WRITE MEMORY REGISTER" routine (see below), and allowing the "XCHG" instruction, to store the decrypted data destination memory, followed by another call to the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below). The engine adjusts the source and destination pointers individually if they point to different places, and the order of the adjustments is chosen randomly. The adjustment is done via INC, DEC, ADD, or SUB, as appropriate. The same kind of adjustment is applied to the loop counter. The engine calls the "EMPTY STACK" routine (see below), to discard any additional allocation that the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below) might have made if the feature was enabled to make use of stack variables. With 50% chance, the engine calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below), followed by a call to the "CHECK CONDITION" routine (see below). The engine has two ways to transfer of control back to the top of the loop. A feature controls if the transfer of control is in the form of a long conditional branch (0x0F 0x8x) directly to the top, or a short branch (0x7x) over a near jump (0xE9) to the top. If the short branch form is used then the engine calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below) but with a size override in order to produce up to approximately 107 bytes worth of garbage instructions. An instruction can be up to 15 bytes long, because of address displacements and immediate parameters. If the file to infect is an executable, then the engine calls the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below) to complete the loop. After decryption is complete, the virus generates a call to the decrypted virus code. If the feature is enabled that forces the use of the destination register as the call register, then the engine calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below), then adjusts the destination register using one of the following: ADD reg, delta (0x80/0x81/0x83 /0) SUB reg, -delta (0x80/0x81/0x83 /5) followed by another call to the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below), and finally a CALL reg (0xFF /2r) If the file to infect is a relocatable object, then the engine emits a: POP reg ((0x41) 0x58-0x5F) followed by one of: ADD reg, delta (0x80/0x81/0x83 /0) SUB reg, -delta (0x80/0x81/0x83 /5) followed by another call to the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below), and finally a: CALL reg (0xFF /2r) If the file to infect is an executable, and the feature is not enabled that forces the use of the destination register as the call register, then with 50% chance, the virus emits: CALL virus code (0xE8) Otherwise, the engine calls the "SET REGISTER" routine (see below) using the address of the virus code as the value, followed by a call to the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below), and finally a: CALL reg (0xFF /2r) The engine follows that with a call to the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below), and then calls the "EMPTY STACK" routine (see below) to discard the space on the stack that was allocated if the feature was enabled to make use of stack variables. If the feature is enabled to always save all registers, or if the file to infect is not prelinked, then the engine restores all registers. The engine pops from the stack the general registers (RAX, RCX, RDX, RBX, RBP, RSI, and RDI - RSP is excluded) and the extended registers (R8-R15), in the reverse order of the one chosen during the initialisation phase. The engine calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below) before each POP instruction. If the feature is enabled to save the CPU flags, then the engine emits a: POPF (0x9D) afterwards. To return control to the host, the engine emits another transfer of control. If the feature is enabled to jump using a RIP-relative instruction, then the engine emits a: JMP (0xE9) If the feature is not enabled to jump using a RIP-relative instruction, then with 50% chance, the engine emits a: JMP [mem] (0xFF /4) Otherwise, the engine emits: PUSH [mem] (0xFF /6) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below) RET (0xC3) Then the engine calls the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below). At this point, the engine orders randomly the subroutine placeholders. Each subroutine enables the use of garbage stack variables, followed by a call to the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below), and with 50% chance, another call to the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see below). Once the garbage routine returns, the engine uses the "EMPTY STACK" routine (see below). If the file to infect is an executable, and the feature is enabled to reserve space before the decryptor, then the engine fills the space with content via the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see below), up to approximately 20 bytes from the end. The 20 bytes are a buffer against the last garbage instruction being very long and overwriting the start of the decryptor code. For the bytes that are left after the call, the engine emits random values until the space is filled. The intention is to further obscure the entrypoint for the decryptor. So, there we have it. All of the details of the engine, from A to Z, with a long stop at VX. APPENDIX What follows here is a description of the supporting routines that the engine uses to produce the major variations in infected files. SMALL GARBAGE If the file to infect is an executable, or if the feature is enabled to emit "small" garbage, then the engine chooses randomly the number of garbage instructions to emit, based on the garbage level chosen during initialisation. The result is normally in the range of 2-15 instructions, but the range can also be overridden. Garbage instructions are emitted only if at least one extended register (R8-R15) is available for use. In that case, the engine emits garbage instructions until either the range is reached. The engine supports garbage writes to the stack (if the feature is enabled to make use of stack variables), and to the ".bss" section (if there are no relocation items pointing into it). The engine supports garbage reads from the stack, and from the ".bss", ".data", and ".rodata", sections. The engine can emit reads and writes with optional displacements, but only a single register is ever used. The engine emits prefixes as needed, allowing the use of words (via 0x66), and qwords (via 0x40/0x41/0x48/0x49). The list of possible garbage instructions follows: ADC AL, imm (0x14) ADC AX, imm (0x15) ADC reg/mem, (s)imm (0x80/0x81/0x83 /2) ADD AL, imm (0x04) ADD AX, imm (0x05) ADD reg/mem, (s)imm (0x80/0x81/0x83 /0) AND AL, imm (0x24) AND AX, imm (0x25) AND reg/mem, (s)imm (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4) OR AL, imm (0x0C) OR AX, imm (0x0D) OR reg/mem, (s)imm (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1) SBB AL, imm (0x1C) SBB AX, imm (0x1D) SBB reg/mem, (s)imm (0x80/0x81/0x83 /3) SUB AL, imm (0x2C) SUB AX, imm (0x2D) SUB reg/mem, (s)imm (0x80/0x81/0x83 /5) XOR AL, imm (0x34) XOR AX, imm (0x35) XOR reg/mem, (s)imm (0x80/0x81/0x83 /6) Note that CMP is excluded from this set. When the use of rotates and shifts is chosen, then with 50% chance, the engine emits one of the following: RCL reg/mem, imm (0xC0/0xC1 /2) RCR reg/mem, imm (0xC0/0xC1 /3) ROL reg/mem, imm (0xC0/0xC1 /0) ROR reg/mem, imm (0xC0/0xC1 /1) SAR reg/mem, imm (0xC0/0xC1 /7) SHL reg/mem, imm (0xC0/0xC1 /4) SHR reg/mem, imm (0xC0/0xC1 /5) Or with 25% chance, or always if the target is an extended register (it is unknown why extended registers are excluded from using the ",CL" form. It appears to be a mistake) or if CX in use (this avoids the suspicious "CX, CL" combination), the engine emits one of the following: RCL reg/mem, 1 (0xD0/0xD1 /2) RCR reg/mem, 1 (0xD0/0xD1 /3) ROL reg/mem, 1 (0xD0/0xD1 /0) ROR reg/mem, 1 (0xD0/0xD1 /1) SAR reg/mem, 1 (0xD0/0xD1 /7) SHL reg/mem, 1 (0xD0/0xD1 /4) SHR reg/mem, 1 (0xD0/0xD1 /5) Otherwise, the engine emits one of the following: RCL reg/mem, CL (0xD2/0xD3 /2) RCR reg/mem, CL (0xD2/0xD3 /3) ROL reg/mem, CL (0xD2/0xD3 /0) ROR reg/mem, CL (0xD2/0xD3 /1) SAR reg/mem, CL (0xD2/0xD3 /7) SHL reg/mem, CL (0xD2/0xD3 /4) SHR reg/mem, CL (0xD2/0xD3 /5) Note that SAL is excluded from these sets. The engine will not emit any instruction if the value is zero. Other possibilities include: ADC reg1/mem, reg2 (0x10/0x11) ADD reg1/mem, reg2 (0x00/0x01) AND reg1/mem, reg2 (0x20/0x21) DEC reg/mem (0xFE/0xFF /1) INC reg/mem (0xFE/0xFF /0) MOV reg1/mem, reg2 (0x8A/0x8B) MOV reg, imm (0xB0-0xBF) NOT reg/mem (0xF6/0xF7 /2) NEG reg/mem (0xF6/0xF7 /3) OR reg1/mem, reg2 (0x08/0x09) SBB reg1/mem, reg2 (0x18/0x19) SUB reg1/mem, reg2 (0x28/0x29) XOR reg1/mem, reg2 (0x30/0x31) Note that CMP is excluded from this set, too. IMUL reg/mem (0xF6/0xF7 /5) MUL reg/mem (0xF6/0xF7 /4) BT reg1/mem, reg2 (0x0F 0xA3) BT reg/mem, imm (0x0F 0xBA /4) BTC reg/mem, imm (0x0F 0xBA /7) BTC reg1/mem, reg2 (0x0F 0xBB) BTR reg1/mem, reg2 (0x0F 0xB3) BTR reg/mem, imm (0x0F 0xBA /6) BTS reg1/mem, reg2 (0x0F 0xAB) BTS reg/mem, imm (0x0F 0xBA /5) Sign-extension has several possibilities. The engine chooses randomly between the use of AX and DX registers. If the AX register is free, then with 50% chance, the engine emits: CBW (0x98) Or with 25% chance, the engine emits: CDQE (0x48 0x98) Otherwise, the engine emits: CWDE (0x66 0x98) If the DX register is free, then with 50% chance, the engine emits: CWD (0x99) Or with 25% chance, the engine emits: CQO (0x48 0x99) Otherwise, the engine emits: CDQ (0x66 0x99) Other possibilities include: IMUL reg1, reg2/mem, imm (0x69/0x6B) LEA reg1, [reg2] (0x8D) MOVSXD reg1, reg2/mem (0x63) XCHG reg1/mem, reg2 (0x86/0x87) XCHG reg, AX (0x91-0x97) BSF reg1, reg2/mem (0x0F 0xBC) BSR reg1, reg2/mem (0x0F 0xBD) BSWAP reg (0x0F 0xC8-0xCF) CMOVB reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x42) CMOVBE reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x46) CMOVE reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x44) CMOVL reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x4C) CMOVLE reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x4E) CMOVNB reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x43) CMOVNBE reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x47) CMOVNE reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x45) CMOVNL reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x4D) CMOVNLE reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x4F) CMOVNO reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x41) CMOVNS reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x49) CMOVO reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x40) CMOVPE reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x4A) CMOVPO reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x4B) CMOVS reg, reg/mem (0x0F 0x48) CMPXCHG reg1/mem, reg2 (0x0F 0xB0/0xB1) IMUL reg1, reg2/mem (0x0F 0xAF) MOVSX reg1, reg2/mem (0x0F 0xBE/0xBF) MOVZX reg1, reg2/mem (0x0F 0xB6/0xB7) SETB reg/mem (0x0F 0x92) SETBE reg/mem (0x0F 0x96) SETE reg/mem (0x0F 0x94) SETL reg/mem (0x0F 0x9C) SETLE reg/mem (0x0F 0x9E) SETNB reg/mem (0x0F 0x93) SETNBE reg/mem (0x0F 0x97) SETNE reg/mem (0x0F 0x95) SETNL reg/mem (0x0F 0x9D) SETNLE reg/mem (0x0F 0x9F) SETNO reg/mem (0x0F 0x91) SETNS reg/mem (0x0F 0x99) SETO reg/mem (0x0F 0x90) SETPE reg/mem (0x0F 0x9A) SETPO reg/mem (0x0F 0x9B) SETS reg/mem (0x0F 0x98) SHLD reg1/mem, reg2, imm (0x0F 0xA4) SHLD reg1/mem, reg2, cl (0x0F 0xAC) SHRD reg1/mem, reg2, imm (0x0F 0xA5) SHRD reg1/mem, reg2, cl (0x0F 0xAD) XADD reg1/mem, reg2 (0x0F 0xC0/0xC1) If the feature is enabled to make use of stack variables, and there are spare stack slots, then with 50% chance, the engine emits one of the following: PUSH reg ((0x41) 0x50-0x57) PUSH reg/mem (0xFF /7) Or with 25% chance, the engine emits: PUSH imm (0x68/0x6A) Otherwise, the engine emits: PUSHF (0x9C) If the feature is enabled to make use of stack variables, and stack slots were in use by PUSHed values, then the engine emits one of the following: POP [reg] (0x8F /0) POP reg ((0x41) 0x58-0x5F) Finally, the engine can emit: LEA reg, [mem] (0x8D) as a garbage instruction, but also as an alternative method to assign real constants, as opposed to the other LEA which is truly garbage. LARGE GARBAGE If the file to infect is a relocatable object, or if the feature is not enabled to emit "large" garbage, then the engine uses the small garbage generation instead. However, if the feature is enabled to emit "large" garbage, then if the call depth is less than three, then the engine can choose randomly to emit one of: garbage subroutine calls, garbage if/else, or garbage loops. Each of these routines increases the call depth by one until the routine completes, limiting the number of times that they can be used recursively. SUBROUTINES The garbage subroutine calls begin with a small garbage block, followed by a near call (0xE8) with a placeholder value that is replaced as one of the last steps in the infection process. Interestingly, it looks like something more was intended in this routine, because the call depth is adjusted up and then down, but with no intervening calls. The routine ends with another small garbage block. IF/ELSE The garbage if/else blocks begin with a small garbage block. Then, for registers or memory with known values, the engine chooses one of: ADD AL, 0 (0x04) ADD AX, 0 (0x05) ADD reg/mem, 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /0) AND AL, -1 (0x24) AND AX, -1 (0x25) AND reg1/mem, -1 or reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4) CMP AL, 0 or other imm (0x3C) CMP AX, 0 or other imm (0x3D) CMP reg1/mem, 0 or imm or reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /7) OR AL, 0 (0x0C) OR AX, 0 (0x0D) OR reg/mem, 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1) SUB AL, 0 (0x2C) SUB AX, 0 (0x2D) SUB reg/mem, 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /5) TEST reg, reg (0x84/0x85) TEST reg/mem, -1 or other imm (0xF6/0xF7 /0 /1) XOR AL, 0 (0x34) XOR AX, 0 (0x35) XOR reg/mem, 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /6) BT reg/mem, imm (0x0F 0xBA /4) BT reg1/mem, reg2 (0x0F 0xA3) BTC reg/mem, imm (0x0F 0xBA /7) BTC reg1/mem, reg2 (0x0F 0xBB) BTR reg1/mem, reg2 (0x0F 0xB3) BTR reg/mem, imm (0x0F 0xBA /6) BTS reg1/mem, reg2 (0x0F 0xAB) BTS reg/mem, imm (0x0F 0xBA /5) The engine chooses randomly from possible set of condition flags that match what was tested, followed by a long conditional branch (0x0F 0x8x) instruction, to produce what looks like an "if" construct. That block is followed by a call to the "LARGE GARBAGE" (see above) routine (potentially entering a subroutine recursively), and with 50% chance, another call to the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see above). The branch instruction is set to point after all of the garbage instructions, allowing them to be skipped. With 50% chance, the condition is reversed so that the branch is never taken and the garbage is always executed instead. This means that the branch instruction should be followed in all cases if emulating the code for the purposes of detection, to reduce the number of garbage instructions to execute. However, with 50% chance, the engine appends a near jump (0xE9) instruction to the first garbage block, to produce what looks like an "else" construct. In that case, the engine emits a call to the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see above), and with 50% chance, another call to the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see above). LOOPS The garbage loop blocks begin with a small garbage block. The engine chooses randomly the branch type for the loop control. JNZ, JNS, JS, JNC, JC, JG, JGE are all considered. The engine then chooses randomly the counter value. The actual loop begins with a call to the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see above), and with 50% chance, another call to the "LARGE GARBAGE" routine (see above). The loop ends with an adjustment to the counter, via INC, DEC, ADD, or SUB, as appropriate. Then, with 50% chance, the engine calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above), before including the check for the exit condition, via the "CHECK CONDITION" routine (see below). If the top of the loop is less than 126 bytes away, then the engine uses a short conditional branch (0x7x) instruction to reach the top. Otherwise, it uses a long conditional branch (0x0F 0x8x) instruction to reach the top. LARGE FALLBACK If the call depth is greater or equal to three, or if none of the other three routines were chosen, then the engine emits either one or three blocks of small garbage. If the caller is in a garbage loop, or if the feature is not enabled to emit garbage syscalls, then the engine emits another block of small garbage. Otherwise, the engine emits a random garbage syscall. SYSCALL Before emitting the garbage syscall, the engine uses RDA to decode the garbage syscall table, and then chooses one entry randomly. The table describes which of the parameters is defined for the syscall, and the engine initialiases only those registers, in random order, using the "SET REGISTER" routine (see below), followed by a block of small garbage in each case. The possible syscalls and their intentionally invalid parameters are: INVALID FILE DESCRIPTOR READ (0) WRITE (1) CLOSE (3) FSTAT (5) POLL (7) LSEEK (8) IOCTL (16) PREAD64 (17) PWRITE64 (18) READV (19) WRITEV (20) DUP (32) DUP2 (33) GETITIMER (36) SETITIMER (38) SENDFILE (40) FLOCK (73) FSYNC (74) FDATASYNC (75) FTRUNCATE (77) GETDENTS (78) FCHDIR (81) FCHMOD (91) FCHOWN (93) OUT-OF-BOUNDS MEMORY POINTER OPEN (2) STAT (4) LSTAT (6) POLL (7) MPROTECT (10) MUNMAP (11) BRK (12) ACCESS (21) PIPE (22) MREMAP (25) MSYNC (26) MINCORE (27) MADVISE (28) NANOSLEEP (35) GETITIMER (36) SETITIMER (38) SENDFILE (40) TRUNCATE (76) GETCWD (79) CHDIR (80) RENAME (82) MKDIR (83) RMDIR (84) CREAT (85) LINK (86) UNLINK (87) SYMLINK (88) READLINK (89) CHMOD (90) CHOWN (92) LCHOWN (94) GETTIMEOFDAY (96) SYSINFO (99) TIMES (100) OUT-OF-BOUNDS STRUCTURE POINTER STAT (4) LSTAT (6) GETTIMEOFDAY (96) GETRLIMIT (97) GETRUSAGE (98) UNALIGNED MEMORY POINTER MPROTECT (10) MUNMAP (11) MREMAP (25) MSYNC (26) MINCORE (27) MADVISE (28) BAD FILE OFFSET PREAD64 (17) PWRITE64 (18) BAD MODE ACCESS (21) BAD LENGTH MINCORE (27) TRUNCATE (76) GETCWD (79) NON-EXISTENT PATH CHDIR (80) RENAME (82) READLINK (89) BAD RESOURCE GETRLIMIT (97) GETRUSAGE (98) In addition, there are garbage syscalls which don't return errors: ALARM (37) with zero delay GETPID (39) TIMES (100) with a NULL pointer GETUID (102) GETGID (104) GETEUID (107) GETEGID (108) GETPPID (110) GETPGRP (111) Interestingly, both OPEN and BRK are treated as though they return no error, despite being called with invalid parameters. This appears to be an oversight. Finally, there is a syscall with an invalid request. The virus chooses a random number in the range of 350-413, expecting it to return a "bad syscall" error. The lower range of these bad syscall requests is only slightly higher than the current highest defined request (STATX (332)). It seems likely that future versions of Linux will eventually break this technique entirely. In response to the syscall return value, the virus chooses one of four different actions. It can ignore the error; it can branch over random data only if the error code matches, which would otherwise result in undefined behaviour; it can loop infinitely while retrying the syscall; or it can construct a pointer using the error code as part of the calculation. In this last case, an incorrect error code would result in an invalid pointer, leading to undefined behaviour when attempting to execute what is found at that address. READ MEMORY To read memory into a register, the engine does one of the following: emits MOV reg1, [reg2] (0x8A/0x8B) calls the "SET REGISTER" routine (see below) with a value of 0 calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) emits ADD reg1, [reg2] (0x80/0x81/0x83 /0) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) emits SUB reg1, [reg2] (0x80/0x81/0x83 /5) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) emits NEG reg1 (0xF6/0xF7 /3) calls the "SET REGISTER" routine (see below) with a value of -1 calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) emits AND reg1, [reg2] emits AND reg1, [reg2] (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) emits OR reg1, [reg2] (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1) emits OR reg1, [reg2] (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) emits AND reg1, [reg2] (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4) or if the XCHG instruction is allowed by the caller, then the engine emits: XCHG reg1, [reg2] (0x86/0x87) Then the engine calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above). SET REGISTER To set a register to zero, the engine emits a call to the "ZERO REGISTER" routine (see below). Otherwise, the engine does one of the following: emits PUSH imm (0x68/0x6A) emits POP reg ((0x41) 0x58-0x5F) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) call the "ZERO REGISTER" routine (see below), followed by one of the following: ADD reg, val (0x80/0x81/0x83 /r0) SUB reg, -val (0x80/0x81/0x83 /r5) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) emits MOV reg, val ((0x48) 0xB8-0xBF) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) emits MOV reg.l, val.l (0xB0-0xB3) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) emits MOV reg.h, val.h (0xB4-0xB7) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) emits MOV reg.h, val.h (0xB4-0xB7) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) emits MOV reg.l, val.l (0xB0-0xB3) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) ZERO REGISTER To zero a register, the engine emits one of the following: SUB reg, reg (0x80/0x81/0x83 /5r) XOR reg, reg (0x80/0x81/0x83 /6r) AND reg, 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4) PUSH 0 (0x68/0x6A) POP reg ((0x41) 0x58-0x5F) followed by 2-6 garbage instructions SHL/SHR reg, {bitwidth..(bitwidth*2)-1} e.g., SHL reg16, 16..31 e.g., SHR reg32, 32..63 Then the engine calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above). CHECK CONDITION To check a condition, the engine emits one of the following: ADD reg, 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /0) OR reg1, 0 or reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1) XOR reg, 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /6) SUB reg, 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /5) CMP reg, 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /7) AND reg1, -1 or reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4) TEST reg1, reg2 (0x84/0x85) TEST reg1, -1 (0xF6/0xF7 /0 /1) WRITE MEMORY VALUE If the value to write is zero, then the engine emits one of the following: AND [reg], 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4) MOV [reg], 0 (0xC6/0xC7) If the value to write is one, or with 25% chance, the engine emits the following: MOV [reg], val (0xC6/0xC7) Or with 25% chance, the engine emits one of the following: AND [reg], 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4) MOV [reg], 0 (0xC6/0xC7) Then the engine calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above), followed by one of the following: ADD [reg], val (0x80/0x81/0x83 /0) OR [reg], val (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1) SUB [reg], -val (0x80/0x81/0x83 /5) XOR [reg], val (0x80/0x81/0x83 /6) Or with 25% chance, the engine emits one of the following: MOV [reg], -1 (0xC6/0xC7) OR [reg], -1 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) AND [reg], val (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4) Otherwise, the engine emits one of the following: AND [reg], val (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) OR [reg], val (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1) OR [reg], val (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) AND [reg], val (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4) Then the engine calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above). WRITE MEMORY REGISTER To write memory from a register, the engine emits one of the following: MOV [reg1], reg2 (0x88/0x89) AND [reg], 0 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4) MOV [reg], 0 (0xC6/0xC7) followed by one of the following: ADD [reg1], reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /0r) OR [reg1], reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1r) XOR [reg1], reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /6r) SUB [reg1], reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /5r) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) NEG [neg1] (0xF6/0xF7 /3) MOV [reg], -1 (0xC6/0xC7) OR [reg], -1 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) AND [reg1], reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4r) AND [reg1], reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4r) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) OR [reg1], reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1r) OR [reg1], reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1r) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) AND [reg1], reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /4r) or if the XCHG instruction is allowed by the caller, then the engine emits: XCHG reg1, [reg2] (0x86/0x87) Then the engine calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above). COPY REGISTER To copy a register, the engine does one of the following: emits MOV reg1, reg2 (0xC6/0xC7) calls the "SET REGISTER" routine (see above) with a value of 0 calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above), followed by one of: ADD reg1, reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /0r) OR reg1, reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /1r) XOR reg1, reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /6r) SUB reg1, reg2 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /5r) calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above) NEG reg1 (0xF6/0xF7 /3) PUSH reg2 ((0x41) 0x50-0x57) POP reg1 ((0x41) 0x58-0x5F) Then the engine calls the "SMALL GARBAGE" routine (see above). EMPTY STACK If there are stack slots in use, then with 50% chance, the engine emits one of: ADD RSP, count*8 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /0) SUB RSP, -count*8 (0x80/0x81/0x83 /5) Otherwise, the engine emits garbage POP (0x41 0x58-0x5F) instructions until the stack is empty. BREAK ME, BREAK IT AND BREAK IT AGAIN The major weakness in the engine (and, in fact, polymorphic engines in general) is the fact that registers are used without explicit initialisation. This allows techniques such as Frédéric Perriot's "Defeating Polymorphism Through Code Optimization" [1] to discard the majority of the garbage instructions, leaving the important instructions bare and visible. However, the technique is utterly defeated by "arithmetic initialisation", whereby the individual bits are set or cleared implicitly, such as was used by the Bounds virus for Windows [2]. In that case, almost all of the instructions are discarded, leaving no meaningful virus code behind. REFERENCES [1] https://www.virusbulletin.com/conference/vb2003 /abstracts/defeating-polymorphism-through-code-optimization [2] http://pferrie.epizy.com/papers/bounds.pdf