#!/usr/bin/env python """ dfu setup Install script for the Ubertooth spectrum analyzer tool Usage: python setup.py install This file is part of project Ubertooth Copyright 2012 Dominic Spill """ from distutils.core import setup setup( name = "specan", description = "A tool for reading spectrum analyzer data from an Ubertooth device", author = "Jared Boone, Michael Ossmann, Dominic Spill", url = "https://github.com/greatscottgadgets/ubertooth/", license = "GPL", version = '${PACKAGE_VERSION}', package_dir = { '': '${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}' }, packages = ['specan'], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 5 - Beta', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', ], )