Identification Part number: MARBLEWALRUS backplane v0.1 BUDGETARY QUOTE Design engineer: Andrew D. Zonenberg General fabrication notes Boards should be individually routed. Total order is six units, or MOQ if this is more than six. Lot number / date codes should be placed on the bottom side of the board. Blue LPI solder mask on both sides of board. Mask clearance 50 μm around all NSMD pads. White LPI legend on both sides of board. Resolution should be sufficient to ensure readability of the smallest text. Pad finish is ENIG. Core/prepreg thickness may be adjusted as needed to obtain 1.6 mm finished thickness and target impedances. Impedances Control to within 10%. Layer 1 microstrip (ref to layer 2 ground) 123 μm = 50 ohm 110 μm = 100 ohm differential Layer 4 microstrip (ref to layer 3 ground) 123 μm = 50 ohm 110 μm = 100 ohm differential Design rules Minimum trace/space 125 μm clearance / 110 μm trace Minimum through-board via 500 μm pad, 250 μm drill Stackup 1 35 μm (1 oz) copper Signal 90 μm prepreg 2 35 μm (1 oz) copper Ground 1.28 mm core 3 35 μm (1 oz) copper Power/Ground 90 μm prepreg 4 35 μm (1 oz) copper Signal with ground fill File naming marblewalrus-backplane.d356 IPC D-356 electrical test netlist marblewalrus-backplane-Edge_Cuts.gbr Board outline marblewalrus-backplane.drl Through-board plated holes marblewalrus-backplane-F_Paste.gbr Front solder paste marblewalrus-backplane-F_SilkS.gbr Front silkscreen marblewalrus-backplane-F_Mask.gbr Front solder mask marblewalrus-backplane-F_Cu.gbr Layer 1 (front) copper marblewalrus-backplane-In1_Cu.gbr Layer 2 copper marblewalrus-backplane-In2_Cu.gbr Layer 3 copper marblewalrus-backplane-B_Cu.gbr Layer 4 (back) copper marblewalrus-backplane-B_Mask.gbr Back solder mask marblewalrus-backplane-B_SilkS.gbr Back silkscreen marblewalrus-backplane-B_Paste.gbr Back solder paste