Issue 0x00: August 5, 2013 - c4d1d1091187b98a9bb28452bc6564a1e8c0ce10d20ba2b4a20f8b7798f7ab64 PDF International Journal of PoC || GTFO Issue 0x00, a CFP with PoC An epistle from the desk of Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig 0x00:1 1 Call to Worship 0x00:2 2 Ipod Antiforensics [Travis Goodspeed] 0x00:3 4 ELFs are dorky, elves are cool [Sergey Bratus] [Julian Bangert] 0x00:4 9 The Pastor Manul Laphroaig's First Epistle to Hacker Preachers of All Hats, in the sincerest hope that we might shut up about hats, and get back to hacking. 0x00:5 10 Returning from ELF to Libc [Rebecca "Bx" Shapiro] 0x00:6 12 GTFO or #FAIL [FX of Phenoelit] 0x00:7 13 A Call for PoC [Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig] Issue 0x01: October 6, 2013 - a0f93a265d38257a06fd7fd210f73ea9c55a94ac1305c65c0510ada236c2cc88 PDF ZIP Proceedings of the Society of PoC || GTFO Issue 0x01, an Epistle to the 10th H2HC in São Paulo From the writing desk, not the raven, of Rt. Revd. Preacherman Pastor Manul Laphroaig 0x01:1 1 Call to Worship 0x01:2 2 Four Lines of Javascript that Can’t Possibly Work So why do they? [Dan Kaminsky] 0x01:3 5 Weird Machines from Serena Butler’s TV Typewriter [Travis Goodspeed] 0x01:4 9 Making a Multi-Windows PE [Ange Albertini] 0x01:5 11 This ZIP is also a PDF [Julia Wolf] 0x01:6 13 Burning a Phone [Josh “@m0nk” Thomas] 0x01:7 15 A Sermon concerning the Divinity of Languages; or, Dijkstra considered Racist [Rt. Rvd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig] 0x01:8 17 A Call for PoC [Rt. Revd. Preacherman Pastor Manul Laphroaig] Issue 0x02: December 28, 2013 - f427e8d95c0ac15abe61d96fb75cfb55df1fd5ac9e713cf968f3602267ca155e MBR PDF ZIP Children’s Bible Coloring Book of PoC || GTFO Issue 0x02, an Epistle to the 30th CCC Congress in Hamburg Composed by the Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig to put pwnage before politics. 0x02:1 1 Call to Worship 0x02:2 3 A Parable on the Importance of Tools; or, Build your own fucking birdfeeder. [Rt. Rvd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig] 0x02:3 5 A PGP Matryoshka Doll [Brother Myron Aub] 0x02:4 7 Reliable Code Execution on a Tamagotchi [Natalie Silvanovich] 0x02:5 10 Some Shellcode Tips for MSP430 and Related MCUs [Travis Goodspeed] 0x02:6 14 Calling putchar() from an ELF Weird Machine. [Rebecca .Bx Shapiro] 0x02:7 19 POKE of Death for the TRS 80 Model 100 [Dave Weinstein] 0x02:8 21 This OS is also a PDF [Ange Albertini] 0x02:9 25 A Vulnerability in Reduced Dakarand from PoC||GTFO 01:02 [joernchen of Phenoelit] 0x02:10 30 Juggernauty [Ben Nagy] 0x02:11 32 A Call for PoC [Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig] Issue 0x03: March 2, 2014 - 7094f5c6a3936e0d0b8f5e42b4d1940413f568e9a3617be0d7d6dc73cb3420e1 JPG AES(PNG) PDF[blacklisted] ZIP AN ADDRESS to the SECRET SOCIETY of POC || GTFO concerning THE GOSPEL OF THE WEIRD MACHINES and also THE SMASHING OF IDOLS TO BITS AND BYTES by the Rt. Revd. Dr. PASTOR MANUL LAPHROAIG 0x03:1 3 Call to Worship 0x03:2 5 Greybeard’s Luck [Rt. Revd. Dr. Pastor Manul Laphroaig] 0x03:3 8 This PDF is a JPEG; or, This Proof of Concept is a Picture of Cats [Ange Albertini] 0x03:4 10 NetWatch: System Management Mode is not just for Governments. [Joshua Wise] [Jacob Potter] 0x03:5 15 An Advanced Mitigation Bypass for Packet-in-Packet; or, I’m burning 0day to use the phrase ‘eighth of a nybble’ in print. [Travis Goodspeed] 0x03:6 18 Prototyping an RDRAND Backdoor in Bochs [Taylor Hornby] 0x03:7 22 Patching Kosher Firmware for Nokia 2720 [Assaf Nativ] [Anonymous] 0x03:8 30 Tetranglix: This Tetris is a Boot Sector [Juhani Haverinen] [Owen Shepherd] [Shikhin Sethi] 0x03:9 33 Defusing the Qualcomm Dragon [Josh “m0nk” Thomas] 0x03:10 35 Tales of Python’s Encoding [Frederik Braun] 0x03:11 37 A Binary Magic Trick, Angecryption [Ange Albertini] [Jean-Philippe Aumasson] 0x03:12 40 A Call for PoC [Rt. Revd. Dr.Pastor Manul Laphroaig] Issue 0x04: June 27, 2014 - 1d1567b8ac533cd142a8af560266ca60939fed02e3af1f6fd0816b26473afd01 TrueCrypt PDF ZIP TRACT de la SOCIÉTÉ SECRÈTE de POC || GTFO sur L’ÉVANGILE DES MACHINES ÉTRANGES et autres SUJETS TECHNIQUES par le prédicateur PASTEUR MANUL LAPHROAIG 0x04:1 3 Call to Worship 0x04:2 4 First Epistle Concerning the Bountiful Seeds of 0Day [Manul Laphroaig] 0x04:3 5 This OS is a Boot Sector [Shikhin Sethi] 0x04:4 12 Prince of PoC; or, A 16-sector version of Prince of Persia for the Apple ][. [Peter Ferrie] 0x04:5 16 A Quick Introduction to the New Facedancer Framework [gil] 0x04:6 19 Dumping Firmware from Tamagotchi Friends by Power Glitching [Natalie Silvanovich] 0x04:7 22 Lenticrypt: a Provably Plausibly Deniable Cryptosystem; or, This Picture of Cats is Also a Picture of Dogs [Evan Sultanik] 0x04:8 27 Hardening Pin Tumbler Locks against Myriad Attacks for Less Than a Sawbuck [Deviant Ollam] 0x04:9 32 Introduction to Reflux Decapsulation and Chip Photography [Travis Goodspeed] 0x04:10 37 Forget Not the Humble Timing Attack [Colin O’Flynn] 0x04:11 42 This Encrypted Volume is also a PDF; or, A Polyglot Trick for Bypassing TrueCrypt Volume Detection [Ange Albertini] 0x04:12 44 How to Manually Attach a File to a PDF [Ange Albertini] 0x04:13 46 Ode to ECB [Ben Nagy] 0x04:14 48 A Call for PoC [Pastor Manul Laphroaig] Issue 0x05: August 10, 2014 9623609a9c0ecd95674e6da3de322baa141f5460cbcb93eeaade22eaf2c80640 ISO SWF PDF[blacklisted] ZIP PoC || GTFO; addressed to the INHABITANTS of EARTH on the following and other INTERESTING SUBJECTS written for the edification of ALL GOOD NEIGHBORS 0x05:1 3 Call to Worship 0x05:2 4 Stuff is broken, and only you know how [Rvd. Dr. Manul Laphroaig] 0x05:3 7 ECB as an Electronic Coloring Book [Philippe Teuwen] 0x05:4 11 An Easter Egg in PCI Express [Jacob Torrey] 0x05:5 15 A Flash PDF Polyglot [Alex Inführ] 0x05:6 17 These Philosophers Stuff on 512 Bytes; or, This Multiprocessing OS is a Boot Sector. [Shikhin Sethi] 0x05:7 23 A Breakout Board for Mini-PCIe; or, My Intel Galileo has less RAM than its Video Card! [Joe FitzPatrick] 0x05:8 27 Prototyping a generic x86 backdoor in Bochs; or, I’ll see your RDRAND backdoor and raise you a covert channel! [Matilda] 0x05:9 35 From Protocol to PoC; or, Your Cisco blade is booting PoC||GTFO. [Mik] 0x05:10 40 i386 Shellcode for Lazy Neighbors; or, I am my own NOP Sled. [Brainsmoke] 0x05:11 42 Abusing JSONP with Rosetta Flash [Michele Spagnuolo] 0x05:12 48 A cryptographer and a binarista walk into a bar [Ange Albertini] [Maria Eichlseder] 0x05:13 54 Ancestral Voices Or, a vision in a nightmare. [Ben Nagy] 0x05:14 56 A Call for PoC [Pastor Manul Laphroaig] Issue 0x06: November 25, 2014 - bf4d8846fbbb1071c7ec033004eda8ea8809676fe388db6faa020d781cb8ac26 TAR PDF ZIP PoC || GTFO; brings that OLD TIMEY EXPLOITATION with a WEIRD MACHINE JAMBOREE and our world-famous FUNKY FILE FLEA MARKET not to be ironic, but because WE LOVE THE MUSIC! 0x06:1 3 Sacrament of Communion with the Weird Machines 0x06:2 4 On Giving Thanks [Pastor Manul Laphoraig] 0x06:3 6 Gekko the Dolphin [Fiora] 0x06:4 15 This TAR archive is a PDF! (as well as a ZIP, but you are probably used to it by now) [Ange Albertini] 0x06:5 17 x86 Alchemy and Smuggling with Metalkit [Micah Elizabeth Scott] 0x06:6 25 Detecting MIPS Emulation [Craig Heffner] 0x06:7 29 More Cryptographic Coloring Books [Philippe Teuwen] 0x06:8 37 Introduction to Delayering and Reversing PCBs [Joe Grand] 0x06:9 41 Davinci Seal: Self-decrypting Executables [Ryan elfmaster O’Neill] 0x06:10 50 Observable Metrics [Don A. Bailey] [Tamara L. Rhoads] [Jaime Cochran] 0x06:11 56 A Call for PoC [Pastor Manul Laphroaig] Issue 0x07: March 19, 2015 - 601534f4355c5e0eb292c6dd6edaf5055625d23e0de869f88193606415e6a35f BPG HTML PDF ZIP PASTOR MANUL LAPHROAIG's INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PoC || GTFO CALISTHENICS & ORTHODONTIA IN REMEMBRANCE OF OUR BELOVED DR. DOBB BECAUSE THE WORLD IS ALMOST THROUGH! 0x07:1 3 With what shall we commune this evening? 0x07:2 4 AA55, the Magic Number [Morgan Reece Phillips] 0x07:3 5 Laser robots! [icah Elizabeth Scott] 0x07:4 10 A Story of Settled Science [Pastor Manul Laphroaig] 0x07:5 13 Scapy is for Script Kiddies [Eric Davisson] 0x07:6 18 Funky Files, the Novella! [Ange Albertini] 0x07:7 42 Extending AES-NI Backdoors [BSDaemon] [Pirata] 0x07:8 49 Innovations with Core Files [Ryan elfmaster O’Neill] 0x07:9 58 Bambaata on NASCAR [Count Bambaata] 0x07:10 61 Public Service Announcement 0x07:11 62 A Modern Cybercriminal [Ben Nagy] 0x07:12 64 Fast Cash for Bugs! [Pastor Manul Laphroaig] Issue 0x08: June 20, 2015 - 7a942c425f471f99d8cba8da117cc4a53cddb3551e4b16c8b9feae31b5654a33 Shell PDF ZIP AS EXPLOITS SIT LONELY, FORGOTTEN ON THE SHELF YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBORS AT PoC || GTFO PROUDLY PRESENT PASTOR MANUL LAPHROAIG’S EXPORT–CONTROLLED CHURCH NEWSLETTER 0x08:1 3 Please stand; now, please be seated. 0x08:2 4 Witches, Warlocks, and Wassenaar; or, On the Internet, no one knows you are a witch. 0x08:3 7 Backdoors from Compiler Bugs [Scott Bauer] [Pascal Cuoq] [John Regehr] 0x08:4 10 A Protocol for Leibowitz [Travis Goodspeed] [Muur P.] 0x08:5 20 Reprogramming a Mouse Jiggler [Mickey Shkatov] 0x08:6 24 Exploiting an Academic Hypervisor [DJ Capelis] [Daniel Bittman] 0x08:7 27 Weaponized Polyglots as Browser Exploits [Stegosploit] 0x08:8 45 On Error Resume Next for Unix [Jeffball] 0x08:9 47 Sing Along with Toni Brixton [EVM] [Tommy Brixton] 0x08:10 48 Backdooring Nothing-Up-My-Sleeve Numbers [Jean-Philippe Aumasson] 0x08:11 55 Building a Wireless CTF [Russell Handorf] 0x08:12 60 Grammatically Correct Encryption [Philippe Teuwen] 0x08:13 64 Fast Cash for Cyber Munitions! [Pastor Manul Laphroaig] Issue 0x09: September 14, 2015 - 8ad70d4dd0c0f53e8c479d1d573e5a365ea673acafa9fd61fa5231e18502a6ad WavPack PDF ZIP PoC || GTFO PASTOR MANUL LAPHROAIG’S TABERNACLE CHOIR SINGS REVERENT ELEGIES OF THE SECOND CRYPTO WAR 0x09:1 3 Please stand; now, please be seated. 0x09:2 4 A Sermon on Newton and Turing 0x09:3 7 Globalstar Satellite Communications [Colby Moore] 0x09:4 12 Keenly Spraying the Kernel Pools [Peter Hlavaty of Keen Team] 0x09:5 19 The Second Underhanded Crypto Contest [Taylor Hornby] 0x09:6 21 Cross VM Communications [Sophia D’Antoine] 0x09:7 26 Antivirus Tumors [Eric Davisson] 0x09:8 28 A Recipe for TCP/IPA [Ron Fabela of Binary Brew Works] 0x09:9 34 Mischief with AX.25 and APRS [Vogelfrei] 0x09:10 40 Napravi i ti Racunar „Galaksija“ [Voja Antonic] 0x09:11 60 Root Rights are a Grrl’s Best Friend! [Fbz] 0x09:12 61 What If You Could Listen to This PDF? [Philippe Teuwen] 0x09:13 62 Oona’s Puzzle Corner! [Oona Räisänen] 0x09:14 64 Fast Cash for Cyber Munitions! [Pastor Manul Laphroaig] Issue 10: January 16, 2016 - 1e350e30383fd332678654b6067fe4b6ea3d25d7f41a24a4c81fe913b295c9de LSMV PDF ZIP IN THE THEATER OF LITERATE DISASSEMBLY, PASTOR MANUL LAPHROAIG AND HIS MERRY BAND OF REVERSE ENGINEERS LIFT THE WELDED HOOD FROM THE ENGINE THAT RUNS THE WORLD! 10:1 3 Please stand; now, please be seated. 10:2 4 The Small Brown Dog and the Three Ghosts [Pastor Manul Laphroaig] 10:3 7 Exploiting Pokémon in a Super GameBoy [Allan Cecil (dwangoAC)] [Ilari Liusvaara (Ilari)] [Jordan Potter (p4plus2)] 10:4 24 Pokéglot! [Allan Cecil (dwangoAC)] [Ilari Liusvaara (Ilari)] [Jordan Potter (p4plus2)] 10:5 26 Cortex M0 Marionettes with SWD [Micah Elizabeth Scott] 10:6 32 Reversing a Pregnancy Test [Amanda Wozniak] 10:7 39 Apple ][ Copy Protections [Peter Ferrie (qkumba, san inc)] 10:8 76 Jailbreaking the TYT MD380 DMR Handheld [Travis Goodspeed KK4VCZ] [DD4CR] [W7PCH] 10:9 88 Tithe us your Alms of 0day! [Pastor Manul Laphroaig] Issue 11: March 17, 2016 - 44d56d717c7b3baf7e11aa6624d5a80a90b132a519e61b9682a5f4a635b04c78 RUBY HTML PDF ZIP IN A FIT OF STUBBORN OPTIMISM, PASTOR MANUL LAPHROAIG AND HIS CLEVER CREW SET SAIL TOWARD WELCOMING SHORES OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN! 11:1 3 Please stand; now, please be seated. [Pastor Manul Laphroaig] 11:2 4 In Praise of Junk Hacking [Pastor Manul Laphroaig] 11:3 6 Emulating Star Wars on a Vector Display [Trammell Hudson] 11:4 9 One Boot Sector PoC Deserves Another [Eric Davisson] 11:5 15 Defeating E7 Protection on the Apple ][ Platform [Peter Ferrie (qkumba, san inc)] 11:6 20 Tourist's Phrasebook for the ARM Cortex M [Travis Goodspeed] [Ryan Speers] 11:7 24 Ghetto CFI for X86 [Jeffrey Crowell] 11:8 28 Tourist's Guide to the MSP430 [Ryan Speers] [Travis Goodspeed] 11:9 33 The Treachery of Files [Evan Sultanik] 11:10 38 Ben "bushing" Byer Memorial [fail0verflow] 11:11 40 Tithe us your Alms of 0day! [Pastor Manul Laphroaig] Issue 12: June 19, 2016 - ?? APK PDF ZIP COLLECTING BOTTLES OF BROKEN THINGS, PASTOR MANUL LAPHROAIG WITH THEORY AND PRAXIS COULD BE THE MAN WHO SNEAKS A LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN! 12:1 3 Lisez moi! [Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig] 12:2 4 Surviving the Computation Bomb [Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig] 12:3 6 A Z-Wave Carol [Chris Badenhop] [Ben Ramsey] 12:4 14 Comma Chameleon [Krzysztof Kotowicz] [Gábor Molnár] 12:5 28 Putting the VM in M/o/Vfuscator [Chris Domas] 12:6 32 A JCL Adventure with Network Job Entries [Soldier of Fortran] 12:7 57 Shellcode Hash Collisions [Mike Myers] [Evan Sultanik] 12:8 63 UMPOwn; A Symphony of Win10 Privilege [Alex Ionescu] 12:9 72 VIM Execution Engine [Chris Domas] 12:10 76 Doing Right by Neighbor O'Hara [Andreas Bogk] 12:11 79 Are Androids Polyglots? [Philippe Teuwen] 12:12 80 Tithe us your Alms of 0day! [Rt. Revd. Pastor Manul Laphroaig] A few selected mirrors: