----------------Gumball---------------- A 4am & san inc crack 2016-06-08 -------------------. updated 2016-06-13 |___________________ Name: Gumball Genre: arcade Year: 1983 Credits: by Robert Cook concept by Doug Carlston Publisher: Broderbund Software Platform: Apple ][+ or later (48K) Media: single-sided 5.25-inch floppy OS: custom Other versions: Mr. Krac-Man & The Disk Jockey several uncredited cracks ~ Chapter 0 In Which Various Automated Tools Fail In Interesting Ways COPYA immediate disk read error Locksmith Fast Disk Backup unable to read any track EDD 4 bit copy (no sync, no count) Disk seeks off track 0, then hangs with the drive motor on Copy ][+ nibble editor T00 has a modified address prologue (D5 AA B5) and modified epilogues T01+ appears to be 4-4 encoded data (2 nibbles on disk = 1 byte in memory) with a custom prologue/ delimiter. In any case, it's neither 13 nor 16 sectors. Disk Fixer not much help Why didn't COPYA work? not a 16-sector disk Why didn't Locksmith FDB work? ditto Why didn't my EDD copy work? I don't know. Early Broderbund games loved using half tracks and quarter tracks, not to mention the runtime protection checks, so it could be literally anything. Or, more likely, any combination of things. This is decidedly not a single-load game. There is a classic crack that is a single binary, but it cuts out a lot of the introduction and some cut scenes later. All other cracks are whole-disk, multi-loaders. Combined with the early indications of a custom bootloader and 4-4 encoded sectors, this is not going to be a straightforward crack by any definition of "straight" or "forward." Let's start at the beginning. ~ Chapter 1 In Which We Brag About Our Humble Beginnings I have two floppy drives, one in slot 6 and the other in slot 5. My "work disk" (in slot 5) runs Diversi-DOS 64K, which is compatible with Apple DOS 3.3 but relocates most of DOS to the language card on boot. This frees up most of main memory (only using a single page at $BF00..$BFFF), which is useful for loading large files or examining code that lives in areas typically reserved for DOS. [S6,D1=original disk] [S5,D1=my work disk] The floppy drive firmware code at $C600 is responsible for aligning the drive head and reading sector 0 of track 0 into main memory at $0800. Because the drive can be connected to any slot, the firmware code can't assume it's loaded at $C600. If the floppy drive card were removed from slot 6 and reinstalled in slot 5, the firmware code would load at $C500 instead. To accommodate this, the firmware does some fancy stack manipulation to detect where it is in memory (which is a neat trick, since the 6502 program counter is not generally accessible). However, due to space constraints, the detection code only cares about the lower 4 bits of the high byte of its own address. Stay with me, this is all about to come together and go boom. $C600 (or $C500, or anywhere in $Cx00) is read-only memory. I can't change it, which means I can't stop it from transferring control to the boot sector of the disk once it's in memory. BUT! The disk firmware code works unmodified at any address. Any address that ends with $x600 will boot slot 6, including $B600, $A600, $9600, &c. ; copy drive firmware to $9600 *9600