__ ___ ___ _____ ____ / / / _ // _//_ _// / / /_/ _/ / _/ / / // // /_____/__//___/ /_/ /___/ ______ _ _ ___ / _ // // // _ / / _// _ // // // / / __// _ // _ / / _// __ // _/// // /__/ /_//_//_/_\_\/___/_/ /_//_/\_\/___/ / // // _// _ // _ // __/ / _ // _// __ // ////__ / /_//_//___/_/ /_//___//____/ Issue 1 Intro: Welcome everyone to the 1st ever LPH '13370 phr34k0 h34d5' zine. Our main focus is phone phreaking but we do other underground stuff also. We hope to get a nice amount of feed back from this group. Future plans include a monthly fone directory better than the other people with quarterly and yearly directories do. Scanning Tips.........By: ic0n 8-Watt Blast Box.........By: MaddJimBeam Setting up a tele-conf the 1337 way.........By: Locutus126 Getting a Tour of Your Local Central Office.........By: Xenocide How to tell if someone is trying to social engineer you.........By: Reaver Carding in the 21st Century.........By: Locutus126 LocBox Exploit.........By: Locutus126 A Hackers Guide to Defending Yourself.........By: White Rav3n Hacking Audix Voice Mail Boxes.........By: ic0n Time Warner Hawaii Broken down.........By: Cuebiz Stealth Box.............By: Xenocide .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Scanning Tips | | Written By Ic0n Email: ic0n@31337phreaking.com | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' Okay alot of people are now hand scanning and people ask me how to speed it up a little so I'm writing this text. Speed Dial: If you fone has Speed Dial program it to dial the 1-xxx-nxx-xx part then all you have to do is dial the last 2 numbers this right here will save some good useful time. Use Codes: When writing down what the number is use a Legend or something so you save more time by writing less. Also hang up when you know what it is pick up dial then write what the number was so you save yet more time. .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | 8 Watt Blast Box | | Written By MaddJimBeam Email: MaddjimBeam@phreaker.net | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' Ah, yes. The classic blast box. You've probably seen this one before. So, you ask yourself, "Self, what's the big deal? Its Just a blast box". Well, you're wrong. This an 8 Watt blast box, which, to give you an idea, CD players usually pack 1/2 watt amplifiers in them, so think, you can get signals 16 times louder than as loud as your CD player will go. It operates off a 9-volt battery, and it drains it fast, but the signal you get out of this puppy is so loud, its worth your 99 cents at the store. You can find a schematic at: http://members.tripod.com/maddjimbeam/blast.jpg More or less, connect a microphone of some sort, lets say the mic on your mouthpiece of your Cactus Fone (What!?! You haven't got a 31337 Cactus Fone from Spencer's gifts yet? Go get one!) to the In and terminals on the left side of the schematic, and The output on the right, say, where the mouthpiece used to be, in your fone. You could even add a SPDT switch to the whole thing to turn it on or off. Here's an ASCII diagram for you dumb fucks: http://elitephreaking.tripod.com/13370phr34k0h34d5/blast.txt Note: All the '1R0' resistors should be 100ohms, but are variable to reduce noise. How to use: Simple, call someone, switch it on, say something, and hang up. Ma Bells lines can handle alot of current. The person you call will get a very loud noise in their ear and will probably not like it. Jeez. some people just cant take a joke. Happy hunting! .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Setting Up A Tele-Conf The 1337 Way | | Written By Locutous126 Email: locutous126@aol.com | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' Balor and I (Loc/Locutus126)were at the Town Center the other day and had some pretty motherfucking funny ideas. Well, we end up walking into rat shack empty handed, and walking out with one of their working cordless fones. BINGO. We took out the batteries so that they're constant paging of it wouldn't matter, and we waited. We realized we had no ANI numbers on us, but Balor thought of calling 411 and getting radio shacks number, which worked beautifully. At about 9:30 we walked over to where we could get decent reception and we called ATT teleconferencing at the usual number (1-800-232-1234). The usual discussion followed, here's my old model for it that still applies. It was a bit harder, as I had the cordless fone tucked into the sleeve of my terenchcoat due to huge amounts of roaming pigs. AT&T: ATT teleconferencing, this is Diane Fineswine, what is your folder number? j00: I need to set up a new folder AT&T: Okay, and what is your name ? j00: Ted Kennedy, I drink, I drive, I'm the only one in my car that gets out alive. AT&T: Okay, Mr. Kennedy, is this a business or a residence ? j00: Its a business, Bloodsucking Politicians Inc. AT&T: Okay, and your address j00: 1600 Pennsylvania (use an address not too far where from where you are calling from) AT&T: Okay, Ted, and would you like this billed to a credit card, or the phone line? j00: Phone line, you stupid bitch, I ain't payin! AT&T: Okay, I'm gonna call you back in a minute to verify billing. j00: Hurry up, or I'll throw you in my car. At this point I realized I had no motherfucking paper, so I pulled out my cell phone and composed an email to myself with the info (gotta love web fones) AT&T: Hello, is Ted Kennedy there? j00: Speaking AT&T: Okay, Mr.Kennedy, when would you like to setup your conference for? j00: Tomorrow at 12 noon Pacific AT&T: And how many hours would you like it to be ? j00: Twelve (Don't go overboard, they'll get suspicious, and you can always extend the conf later) AT&T: Dial in or Dial Out? j00: Dial in, bitch, I ain't getting busted ! AT&T: Okay, and how many nodes (or participants) j00: Ten, auto extend. AT&T: Okay, Ted, your conference number is 1-800272-4152, your host access number is 123 456 and your guest access number 987 654, your teleconference is scheduled for tomorrow at 12 p.m. pacific. j00: And what is my folder number ? AT&T: 123456789 j00: Okay, thanks bitch, Radio Shacks bill may be a tad high. AT&T: Thank you! *click* Pretend you didn't read this, because if Ted Kennedy sits on you, throws you in his car and goes for a ride, or eats you, I am not fucking responsible! .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Getting a Tour of Your Local Central Office | | Written By Xenocide Email: xen423@yahoo.com | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' Getting a tour of your local Central Office can be easy or hard depending on the type of people running it, I will discuss a few methods you can use to go about this task. Before you do anything, it would be a good idea to get some information on your local Central Office own your own. Go to: http://telecomtools.ccmi.com they will tell you a lot about your local Central Office. Such information includes what type of equipment is in use, who makes it, what telco owns it, where it's at, etc. Another place to get information about your local Central Office is http://www.dslreports.com/coinfo CO Manager: Getting a tour through the Central Office Manager is a guaranteed way to get a tour, if it is at all possible to get one in your area by means other than using a lineman. Before you can do anything, you of course need the CO manager's phone number. You could get it by calling your local Dist. Manager, Billing Office, Repair Office, or any other numbers like that. It also might be possible to get it from the operator, but she may not know what you're talking about. After you get the number, just call the CO Manager and (s)he should be able to schedule a tour. If (s)he asks any questions like why you want the tour, just tell him/her something like, you want to work for the telco someday. The helpful lineman: Getting a tour by means of a lineman will be a little bit harder than the first. Hang around the Central Office a little, if you see a lineman, try to strike up a quick conversation and tell him something like you want to be a lineman some day, then ask him if he could give you a tour of the Central Office. Sometimes they will have a key and sometimes they won't. If he is in a hurry just get to the point or find another lineman. If he doesn't have a key then ask him if he can point you in the right direction of someone who could get you a tour. In either case, use common sense and you should succeed. Sometimes telco employees can be assholes or think it's a waste of time to help you, but keep trying and you should get it. Getting a tour is pretty cool, once you're there ask all the _reasonable_ questions you want, just don't ask something like, "Can I use my blue box with this type of switch?" You should learn a lot from the experience. Good luck and have fun! .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | How to Tell If Someone Is Trying To Social Engineer You | | Written By Reaver Email: reaver_netpo@yahoo.com | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' Feds If the feds tell you they have something on you don't believe them, unless they show the stuff themselves. Because in many cases I have heard feds have lied just to try to pressure on the phreak/hacker/wrongdoer. So in other words if they can't show it to you, they don't have it. Parents I'll have to give a personal encounter on this one cause I don't know how else to explain this one. One day my mom grounded me from my computer. Well she said she was going to leave the keyboard but she would know if I cut the computer on. So I was paranoid at first. Then I figured out it was a bluff, there is no way she could know if I was on the computer. So remember that if your parents aren't home they can't see you, unless you have surveillance at your house. In this case you will want to check all places that there could be a camera. These would include the following: 1. Central heating and cooling ducts. 2. Window seals, yes I know lame place but you never know. 3. Neighbors, they could always come over and just knock. 4. TV's Clocks and another small place that could hold a camera, which is just about everywhere. If you parents get a new clock or something else out of the ordinary and it is within the general direction of your computer or whatever you think there trying to watch, take it apart and look for a camera. Friends These can be the easiest or hardest people to tell if they're trying to social engineer you. You should know the way they act. If they are acting out of the ordinary when they ask you something then they're either really pissed off or trying to talk you into doing something. If you don't want to do it then tell them that you have to work that day, or go to work then. Or if your young say well I have to go home. If there at your house then say you have to cook lunch or something. More or less if they're trying to social engineer you, use your social engineering skills against them and talk them out of it. School 1. Teachers often get pissed at us. Well if they see you get into a fight then they're probably gonna try to tell the principal that you started it. Then the principal is gonna try to get you to say you started it. Something like "So why do you think this happened" say something along the lines of "well he didn't like me standing in his way while he was going to class so he beat the shit out of me." and then he might say "Well then how is it he has 2 black eyes and a broken arm and you don't have a scratch". Well, at this time he is obviously trying to blame it one you. "Say well if you think I started it then fuck you, I didn't start it he did". There gonna give you suspension no matter what you say so you might as well go out looking like the good guy, even if you did fuck his girlfriend, :). 2. Another thing they might get you for is if you and a friend are turned in for a bomb threat, which I really was but I didn't make one though. They were interrogating my friend while they were asking me questions like did I ever walk to my friend we'll call him "Bob" for this articles sake. Well there like "When do you talk to Bob and I said that I only talked to him once a day. They asked stuff like what kind of drawings he did. All the while they were trying to get to admit to saying/doing something along the lines of making a bomb. I played it cool cause I had no idea they were trying to get me for it too but I had a feeling they were. Finally they let me go back to class without any trouble. Turns out they were trying to get me for the threat too. But since I could tell they were trying to get something out of me I got out scott free. Sales and Marketing 1. When out shopping watch the prices. Even if it says one price it could be another price. Always look around the whole package for a higher price. This is a common trick. Another one is to tell you a higher price than what is on the receipt. More less the cashier is wanting a tip for selling you the shit. Well here's the tip you give the cashier "I'm not paying you any more than what I am supposed to." If they insist on you paying you it, then have them call the manager. When the manager sees what happened the person will probably get fired. 2. Always read the small print. If it sounds to good to be true it is, not usually is but always is. There's always a catch to anything. If something is dirt-cheap it usually has a limit to how many you can buy. 3. Never sign anything over the phone. If a tele-marketer calls you from some butt-fucked business you've never heard of you don't want to give them your credit card number. .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Carding In The 21st Century | | Written By Locutous126 Email: locutous126@aol.com | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' Ok, now go to the grocery store and grab some carbon copies and, Yea, right. This isn't the 80s, when that was possible. Nowadays companies use electronics, and customers notice high bills FAST. The solution? Get an actual physical card from social security numbers. Now, obtaining the sosec numbers is your first step. You could call up vics and get it by social engineering, but I'm a lazy-ass and that's TOO HARD! So go to Target, Loc's official bitch, and find the employee application machines that you used to set up ATT teleconferences as per my directions in UPL 26. Sit down and look at the desk. There is a slot leading to a basket. In this basket, the applicant signs a paper, adds name, address, and SOCIAL SECURITY info, and drops it in the basket. Fish out the applications and walk out. Occasionally, you might get stuff even better than you expected, like some fingerprints on a security app and security guard papers, like Balor and I did. The next step is obtaining a PO box. Go to mailboxes etc., bring a fake ID of some kind, a school ID should do, along with a fake bill (Sanitation Dept. is easiest to fake). Get your box and pay for one month or 2. Now, fill out all those Visa applications at the bank, at the liquor store, and anywhere you see em, even online, provided you use some proxies. Have the cards shipped to your PO box. Now, as your victim never receives a bill at his/her house, s/he/it will never realize what happened. The card company will not send pigs after you either, as the customer will not call and say that their plastic had been abused. After a month or whenever you max out the card, they'll turn the card off so to speak. Have as many cards as possible sent to the PO box, and abandon it after a month or so of ordering shit. Remember kiddies, only YOU can prevent credit card fraud. So pretend you didn't read it, as I'm not responsible if you get chased to Kuala Lumpur and shot up by AMEX! .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | LocBox Exploit | | Written By Locutous126 Email: Locutous126@aol.com | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' This exploit is not designed to take down a site, it is not designed to access a site, but it is designed to hit a private domain owner where it hurts, in the wallet. As you probably know, most domains do not have unlimited bandwidth, but have to pay for every amount of data after a given amount. Now, I was recently on a message board reading a post telling users to delete private messages, as they took up bandwidth. I devised a two-pronged attack, more can be probably be think up later. This exploit could be run off of one box, but I have a rather shitty one right now, so a distributed attack is my personal choice. You can utilize your schools computer lab facility or a PC cafe for this, and I choose the latter. You'll need to whip up a pair of scripts for two functions. The first script, which would be easiest to implement using Java, would be a script that reloaded a page once every second or so. Try to find the largest page on any given site for this. Make sure these scripts are set up to run on startup and are low level (i.e. hard to get rid of or even find) The second script will involve some sort of user feed back, be it a comments for or a private message feature on a bulletin board. Set the script up to submit several thousand periods in a comment or private msg., and have it does this every second. Bandwidth will go up and so will fees! I'm not responsible if an angry webmaster beats your ass down with a rubber tube full of lead powder, so pretend you didn't read this! .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | A Hackers Guide TO Defending Yourself | | Written By White Rav3n Email: Null@swordkeeper.com | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' ____________ Start File. \ ------------/ __________________________ Start of Mental Training. \ --------------------------/ The matter how civilized the world seems, there will always be physical conflict. I say this not because I'm paranoid, bloodthirsty, or a sadist, (As I am not any of these things) but because it's true. In every civilization there is always been physical conflict, And No matter how advanced it seemed to be, The art of defending yourself was one thing that its members needed to know, such as a case of our current society. As a hacker, many will misunderstand and misinterpret you because of the mockery that the media has made our noble and good name. Some may even take offense at your very existence, or may place blame on you for things that you did not do, or get mad because you try to help them. Some may even try to hurt you. Yes, Its discrimination, yes, its illegal under current laws, yes, it's stupid and lame, and yes, it still happens. Now I personally think that violence is a waste of time and energy, and would prefer that the world felt the same way, but it doesn't- remember that. I myself once had two grown men attack me because they did not like the fact that I, from my days as a telecommunications hobbyist (Phone Phreak) knew more about the telephone system then they (Both Linemen for the local Telephone Company) did. All I did was walk up to the calling-cabinet they were working on and politely correct them on there use of the colors they where using for the installation of a phone line, (Red is ring, not tip) and at that point I was asked if I was a "Hacker" - on replying that I considered myself one, they tried to attack me. Notice the word "tried" in that sentence - I study bladework (swordsmanship and knifemanship) and do katas (Karate) to keep in shape, and I carry a throwing knife in a wrist scabbard in plain site when I go out (Totally legal, no permit needed, as long as its in plain site, and not hidden in any way, at least in my town - check your local laws), so the two beer-bellied idiots found out fast that I wasn't some helpless little boy they could have there way with. Now that last little story wasn't to make myself look good in your eyes, after all, I have no need to do that - you already took the time out of your day to read this in the first place, so I already have some significance in your eyes- thus, I have no need to brag; The point I am trying to make here is simple- if you know the dangers, and get ready for them, they can be dealt with in a precise manner, and with the lowest amount of force needed. That's right - the LOWEST amount of force needed, after all, you only trying to protect yourself, not kill the person (Unless that's the only way they will stop the attacks). Now allot of you may be wondering why I haven't said anything about just really going out at kicking someone's ass- The reason is simple, A. I'm not to that part yet- you have a ways to read. B. My years in the martial arts has thought me that being in the right frame of mind is one of the most crucial things when it comes to defending yourself. So now you asking yourself "So what IS the right frame of mind?" Simply put, you need to understand what can happen in a physical conflict of any sort. Now its a given that someone (Yes, even YOU) although you will not want to admit it) may get hurt, but you would be surprised how many people fail to understand that the human body, although strong, if hit the wrong way, can fail. That's right, fail - as in not work any more, or ever. In my years studying martial arts, I have always been surprised at how easy it is to kill somebody and not mean to - that's why I stress using the LOWEST needed amount of force - Every time you need to protect yourself, remember that you don't want to kill the person- even if they want to kill you. And that brings me to my next point- When in a fight, not matter how small, stupid, or slow the person who is attacking you (Your defending your self, remember? that means you don't start the fight, EVER, No matter what!) seems to be, ALWAYS treat the person as if they are going to kill you. Now this may seem a little paranoid, but in the end its the best thing to do - After all, if you treat the other as such, there is no way you need to worry about the extent that the person wants to hurt you, as well as allot of other problems it solves as well (Think about it - stop here and list 3 things aloud that it solves, then continue reading) - This frees your mind for the current situation at hand, and lets you think faster. So now, let us review what you have learned so far: 0. I take no responsibility for what you learn from this text file. 1. The world can be a dangerous place. 2. Some people are stupid, and discriminate based on "Hackerness" 3. On a phone, Red is ring, green is tip ;) 4. Knowing of a danger is the first step to nullifying it. 5. Don't over-do it, Use the least amount of force you need to. 6. You can die. 7. You can kill someone without meaning too. 8. ALWAYS treat the other person as if they are going to kill you. Some of you may wonder why I started with "0" - its because in a computer, "0" is a number, and, as a hacker, I know this - now you do too ;) Now some of you may be confused about the number's 5 and 8, and may be asking yourselves "After all, if somebody is going to kill you, don't you want to kill them first?" The answer is simple - No. That's right, No. What you DO want to do, is in some way take away the person's ability to attack or hurt you- That should AWAYS be your goal, NEVER should your goal be to kill the other person - that's were you start thinking like a criminal, not as a person who only wants to defend him/herself, and as a hacker, your moral integrity and honor keeps you from thinking that way anyway (Or at least it should...) The above is probably the most important thing you need to remember - As a hacker, you are respectful of others life anyway, but its something I, as a Whitehat, and a Wiccan, must stress - Do NO lasting harm. ___________________________ Start of physical training. Now in a fight of any kind, it's always better to have a advantage of some sort, thus, its best to be either bigger, stronger, or faster, then the people who want to kick your ass. but you don't need to be to win. Thus, I recommend you at least stay in shape, do this by exercising at least a half a hour to a hour everyday - not only will this help you stay fit, but you can pick up members of the other sex at the same time if you do it right, so the time spent away from your computer isn't a total loss ;) So your working out, you're in shape, and your new lady friend is giving you her own version of a workout any time you want...So now what? Simple- wait. That's right, wait- there will always be assholes out there willing to fight somebody over nothing worth the effort- all you have to do is stand back and wait for such a screw up to swing at you. Now this is were it gets interesting- he will most likely try to surprise you by hitting you in the chest or stomach- this would knock the wind out of you and make it hard for you to retaliate- this is what you do when he does: Step to your right one step, turning to his arm as you do. Grab his arm in your left hand. Pull hard in your direction; yet twist his arm at the same time. With your other hand, strike the back of his head as hard as you can, with the FLAT of your palm, NOT your fist. This will make him dizzy- when you slapped the back of his head, his brain slapped against the back of his skull, shocking his optic nerves and the surrounding area into a momentary laps of dizziness and confusion - If you still have his arm, pull him in your direction, spinning him around, and knee him in the groin and solar plexus, then when he crouches down to protect his nuts, "karate" chop his shoulder, then elbow him in the jaw. - Pulling and twisting his arm will most likely disable that arm, as well as hurt like a bitch. At that point, he should be too hurt to attack you, if not; you can always follow up with another kneeing, this time in the chest. Note that I said to pull him TO you- this is something allot of people don't do- your first thought is to keep away from the attacker as much as possible, but in reality, if you get WITHIN his "personal space", its allot easier to defend yourself and retaliate - As well as harder for him to attack you, as he now needs to worry about hurting himself - and nobody wants to do that. If the lamer goes for your face, (Such as a uppercut or hook to the jaw) remember that a step back will throw allot of people off, and in there moment of confusion, they may be off balance - The perfect time to strike with your own version of a left/right hook to the jaw. In the even that a blow does land on your jaw, remember to "Roll with the blow" - that means that you let your movements follow the direction of the blow/hit, softening the hit, and saving your jaw; this can also mess with your adversaries head, as he are expecting to hit you full force- if he doesn't, he may not be balanced right after, so if you try to trip him at that point, you may be able to do so. - And if you do, and happen to have a hold of the person's arm, you can follow up with all types of interesting moves... ;) One of the things you should always remember is that if someone is hitting you, then they can't block with that hand... and that goes for you as well; blindly blocking a persons blows can lead to you getting your ass wiped by your own eyelids - ALWAYS do your best to be in control, even when blocking- allot of peoples punches can be caught and controlled - throwing the other person out of balance and opening them for your next shot or kick. And that brings me to my next point- in a fight, you ALWAYS make use of EVERY weapon you have available - and remember, you entire body can be a very lethal weapon if you wish it to be, and if its used right, can be the most deadly thing in your possession. Your legs, feet and knees are some of the most powerful tools in defending yourself that you have- you would be a fool to not use them. As I stated earlier, a kneeing in the groin can be a very simple, and very hurtful, way of taking out a attacker. Remember that keeping it simple is usually the best way to go - adding complexity can trip you up and HELP you get your ass beat, and we don't want that, now do we? ____________________ Start Armed Training Although your body can be a finely tuned weapon able to defend both yourself, and the people you love, sometimes it just cant do everything you may have to do to be able to protect yourself or others, and sometimes others who know they cant beat you any other way will try to use one against you when they attack you as well, so here I cover some basics on both the use and defense of these tools of hurt. Man has invented many weapons, but I will only cover the few of the most common ones here: The Knife: By far the most common "Street" weapon available, I myself carry a throwing knife in a black scabbard at my left wrist in plain sight. This gives the advantage of being totally legal (always a good thing) and I don't need to pay for it (Its not hidden, so its not a concealed weapon, and as such, I do NOT need a permit for it- at least in my area- check you local laws.). There are many different types of knives, but the one thing you need to understand is that the shape of it tells you how a attacker will use it against you- and how you can defend against it. The stab. If it's straight, he will most likely try to jab it at you, stabbing you. My advice would be to do the following: When he rushes at you to stab you, Step to the side so he would go past you. Grab the arm the attacker is holding the knife in. Roll into him, elbowing his face as hard as you can, making sure to keep the knife away from you at all times. Take the knife away. Yes, I know of other ways, and I'm sure I will get emails about the steps to take, but remember folks- I'm writing this as if you have no experience/training in taking knifes away and want to play it safe. The slash. No matter what shape it is, he can slash at you with the knife. You best bet here is to jump back, then when the knife has ended its arc, grab it and se if you can get the attacker to trip on himself (and the knife). Mostly, if someone holding a knife is worried about tripping on it, they will try to get it away from them as fast as possible (In domestic disputes- military is something else altogether, and if you were in a situation of that type, I would hope your training was better then reading this online, if not, thank you for trusting me that much..) The sword: Although a bit rare for fights (Unless you live in a place dueling is common) The sword is a very nice thing to have in a fight, but it does have its own disadvantages as well. As a collector, I happen to own several different types of swords, and each sword is different in every way you can think of. Some are long and thin, some are little more then oversized knives - using each on takes a skill that many do not have, but the nice thing about them is you will not find allot of people walking down the street who CAN use one, so in the end it all evens out - usually. Your average sword has a blade of about 3 feet long, and many of the blades on them are double-edged, and razor sharp. The best thing to do when confronted by a person with a sword (Or any bladed object) is get as close to them as possible- after all, with 3 feet of steel in your hand, its not the exactly the easiest thing in the world to take out somebody who is 2 inches from you. If you are unarmed, or have only a knife, its easier to take out your attacker, because YOU don't have to worry about where the 3 foot long razor is at all times, so you can be a little quicker and light on your feet, and with a knife, you can dodge in, attack, bounce away - only if you are fast enough, and the other person doesn't know how to use a sword correctly – if he does, and you are unarmed, and untrained; then I suggest you run – believe me, it sure beats having a sword shoved through your chest- that I know about all to well about... The gun: That's right, the gun, the tool of fools, Ana-be gang-members, and low class thugs alike, this is something you do not want to be staring at the wrong end of. The use of a gun is simple, that's what makes it so dangerous - even a child can use one to kill (A sad fact in this day and age..), and the only thing that will save you from one is either stupidity, or egotism on the hand of the person carrying the gun. Stupidity: This is the most problematic issue regarding people who use guns. When I have gone shooting, I have seen the smartest people do the stupidest things with a gun - The fact that a gun is so simple can make a fool think that it is a simple tool to use - don't be that fool. Many people, at the sight of a gun, will panic - I don't get this, after all, its a tool, what it does is chosen by the person who has control of it, the gun is just that, a gun - it has no brain, it has no mouth, yet many still try to let the gun do both the thinking and the talking for them- the lazy fools. When the lamer with a gun points it at you and tells you to do what he says, take a look at the hammer, the thing on the back of the stock that triggers the bullet - many times, in there haste, the person who is using it will forget to cock it, leaving it a useless piece of metal. - lol Also, be advised that many will forget to disengage the safety (the little switch on the side, above the trigger), making it so he couldn't pull the trigger and shoot you if he wanted to. If by chance he forget something, step to the side and toward him, and reach out and take the gun from him, then point it at him. Then do what you wish, although I think it would be best if you DIDNT shoot him (I know, I'm taking away all your fun, but don't worry, its better). Then cock/disengage the safety (Right in front of him) and say something insulting and smooth-I will leave that part up to you. Remember that if someone has a gun, they think they are in charge- and it will take a big thing for that mindset to change- i.e., there frame of mind is set, your mind is open - that's an advantage right there. You may be asking yourself, "So what if they know what they are doing?" .... Well, in that case, then I hope you do too, if not, remember the disclaimer for this as you get your brains blown out. Note that these are not the only ways that work - I recommend that you practice with a professional, such as a master of the martial arts- i.e., someone who is a pro and can help you from making REALLY bad trip-ups, and help you learn the best way possible (For a small fee of course, but then again, is your life worth the $50/month? I hope so...) The more attune of you may notice that I haven't any "End * Training" tag's in this file... that is because there is so much more a person needs to know about defending yourself- and I could never fit my lifetime of experience into a single text file... Thus I do not end it here. So I leave you with this: learn what you can, rent all the Bruce Lee movies you can get, (Maybe even take judo or karate) and be ready for a attack 24 hours a day - when the time comes to defend yourself, you will silently thank me for the wisdom I have written in this text file. You're Welcome. ;) Notice that in this file, I have used the word "he" as opposed to referring to your attacker as a woman. I do this for several reasons: A. If a woman hits you, she most likely has a good reason Be a man, take it, if you need to, block, NEVER grab her wrist though. B. A true man is respectful of women, and treats then kindly - besides, if you kind and gentle, women will respond to that in ways I'm sure you would like... If you hit her, she will tell her friends, and you will NEVER get laid. C. A true man NEVER hits a female, and if he does, he has to worry about ME kicking his ass - and believe me, I don't take kindly to women beaters... thus, it is SAFER to NOT hit a women, as at most she will hit back... I, (And many others I have known in my lifetime) on the other hand, will cut off your nuts and shove them down your fucking throughout, AFTER I beat the living shit out of you of course- and that is a promise. This is a dangerous world; Live the day, and protect yourself and the ones you love. Whiterav3n Null@swordkeeper.com .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Hacking Audix VoiceMail Boxes | | Written By Ic0n ic0n@31337phreaking.com | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' In most if not all of my scans I've came across many Audix voicemail systems. There are 2 different kinds of systems. One says 'Welcome To Audix please enter ext. (box number)' and The Other has a recorded greeting. On these systems, to get the login prompt, press * (star) 8. The system with the greetings on them are the easier one to hack since when you press *8 it tells you how many digits the boxes are. Most Audix Systems I've came across the boxes where 3-5digits long so finding them should not be too hard. I've Never seen a box startwith a 1 also. The default passcode is one of these 3 they all have workedbefore 1234,9999,5555,0,*0 and the box number. The system without the greeting are pretty much the same way as above BUT.... when you enter a box number is will ask for a passcode even if the box is invalid witch sucks. I've also heard that there is not an admin box. I've never came across one myself. Commands/Options: Main Menu *d delete *l add a mailing list/public list *1 Review or modify the list *# Approve list *a name addressing *r restart at the activity menu *t transfer to an extension *w waiting options **n Names and Numbers Directory Message Menu: 0 listen to messages 1 respond or forward message(s) # Skip to next header 2 review message(s) 3 Play message(s) *#Skip to next category **Hold in current category 5 replay last few seconds 6 Fast forward a few seconds 4 louder 7 softer 9 faster (heh, sounds like someone's having sex with options :) ) 8 slower *d delete *r restart *w wait **n names and numbers *t transfer to an operator Recording Menu: 0 listen to a greeting 1 create, change or delete a greeting 2 scan all greetings 3 activate a greeting 4 administer call type Administer Identity Menu: 1 Identify calls as internal or external 2 identify call as busy and no answer # finish *r restart 4 check outgoing message 5 administer mailing list/personal directory/password/account name Administration Menu: 1 create a list 2 scan list 3 review or modify lists Personal Directory Menu: 1 add entries 2 review all entries 3 review a specific entry 4 change passcode 5 record name Outdialing Menu: 9 Outdialing maybe be disabled by the system admin Message Scanning Menu 1 scan headers in messages 2 scan headers only 3 scan messages only Well I hope this file will help you get yourself an Audix voicemail box. Also, look in the 1st 13370 Phr34k0 H34d'5 fone directory for some Audix VMS number when it comes out. .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Time Warner Hawaii Broken Down | | Written By Cuebiz (BSC) Email: jfaith@spunge.org | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' I have a cellular phone with AT&T, and a friend of mine set it up under his name; JUST so I could get a phone number in Hawaii. Anywho, I got a little bit curious, and looked up EXACTLY WHERE my phone number (808-649-xxxx) is located in Hawaii; and found that it landed on the island of Lanai. Now, I looked up my ANI, and got read back a phone number starting with (808) 440-xxxx. I gave it a call and got a reorder. NOW, this got me REALLY curious, and so I rang up my calling card; called directory assistance on Oahu and asked the friendly operator who OWNS 440, and he told me, ATNT wireless. Hrrmmmm, sounds legit. So, I looked up (808)440 in the LERG and got "Time Warner Telecom". COOL! The same guys who are in cahoots with AOL! I then did a little research on Time Warner Telecom in Hawaii, and gathered a pretty nice amount of information. Please note that this is the ONLY Central Office on Oahu owned by Time Warner Telecom, and they DONT hand out residential numbers. I haven't gotten all of the error messages, but just some in the 99xx suffix. This Oahu switch is linked to TWO other islands (unknown to me) via underwater fiber optic cables, and then linked via TCP/IP to the Time Warner CO in Orange County. It then connects to the TW-Interconnection gateway in Las Vegas which finally contacts the National Operations Office in Denver via yet another IP Network. If you have any information on other Time Warner CO's please get in contact with me, because I am really curious about these guys. Telco: Time Warner Telecom of Hawaii NPA: 808 Switch Type: (unknown) CLEC CLLI: MILNHIXD Main Office Address: 2669 Kilihau Street Main Phone: (808) 441-8500 Main Fax: (808) 441-8505 Central Office Address: 200 Akamainui Street Market Contacts: Galen Haneda, Sales Manager (808) 441-8530 Ed Murley, Vice President & General Manager (808) 441-8532 WATS Numbers: 1.866.654.4631 1.800.565.TWTC (8982) Note: Both WATS numbers were setup with MCI Telecom. /* Taken from www.dslreports.com/coinfo */ CO Serves: 808-440, 808-441, 808-442, 808-443, 808-564, 808-432 CO Feature Set: IH Make busy key IG Multiline hunt group-UCD line hunt IE Multiline hunt group-UCD ID Multiline hunt group-individual port acc IC Multiline hunt group IB Calling billing number delivery IA Alternate routing HB Service switching point GQ Carrier ID Parameter GN 900 blocking GL International blocking GK 900 service GJ Public switches 64KBS clear channel (ISDN) DD Centralized equal access end office DA Feature group D with 10XXX dialing ---------------------- /* Error Messages */ "We're sorry, your long distance call cannot be completed. Please call your long distance service provider for assistance, TWC8" (808)440-9907 "Your service has been temporarily suspended, please call the Time Warner business office to reestablish service, TWC47" (808)440-9914 "We're sorry, it is not necessary to dial a "0" when calling this number please hang up and try again, TWC16" (808)440-9917 "We're sorry, it is not necessary to dial the area code when calling this number, please hang up and try again, TWC43" (808)440-9924 "If you'd like to make a call; please hang up and try again, if you need help, hang up and dial your operator, TWC24" (808)440-9927 "Your long distance call cannot be completed because your service has been restricted, please contact your Time Warner business office for assistance, TWC25" (808)440-9930 - "We're sorry you must first dial a "1" plus your area code when dialing this number please hang up then try this call again, TWC26 (808)440-9931 "The last call to your telephone cannot be traced, TWC31" (808)440-9936 "The number you were calling was idle, but it has just become busy again. You may reactivate if you wish by redialing the original code, TWC33" (808)440-9940 "Call trace cannot be activated at this time, please try again in a few minutes if you have no received another call, TWC34" (808)440-9941 "Your call has been completed however the party you are calling is not receiving calls at this time, TWC35" (808)440-9942 "The number you're calling is a private number and cannot be called back using your last call return service, TWC36" (808)440-9943 "The number called is busy, a special ringing will tell you when the line is free TWC39" (808)440-9946 - "The number you have dialed is no longer in service. Please dial 1711 for TRS assistance, TWT99" (808)440-9957 (808)440-9971 - The ONLY line in the 99xx suffix with an actual pick up. "You have reached the Time Warner Switch of Honolulu, the switch CLLI is, MILNHIXD DSO...TWC46" (808)440-9932, (808)440-9972, (808)440-9973, (808)440-9974 .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | Stealth Box | | Written By Xenocide Email: xen423@yahoo.com | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' Stealth Box By Xenocide xen423@yahoo.com The stealth box is a very simple, wonderful box. The construction of the stealth box is very simple, as long as you have patients. The way the stealth box works is, you plug the box (modular converter) into the phone line going into the phone you want the stealth box active on. It only works on that phone, not the entire phone line. After you plug in the box and make a call, from after you pick up the phone, if any extension is picked up or the line voltage drops, you will be instantly put on "hold", and the LED on the box will go off. By hold I mean that the person who picked up the phone can't hear anything you say until you press the switch on the box. Note, the person who picked up the extension can still talk to the person you were talking to. Before you begin, you need these materials: 1 15v Zener Diode 276-564 0.99 1 SpST Momentary Push button Switch 275-1571 2.39 1 LED 276-041a 0.99 1 Bridge Rectifier 276-1161a 0.99 1 Phone Line Coupler 279-358 2.79 1 Soldering Iron Solder Note: On the coupler, make sure you get the fat one! The newer models Radio Shack has will not work in constructing this box. The fat one has wires (which you must have) and the newer one has pins. I got my coupler at a Dollar Store. The fat ones are thicker than the new ones; you should be able to tell the difference. Now that you have the stuff needed, lets make the box. First cut the cathode on the LED (the ends) as short as you can solder with. You will need to make everything as small as possible otherwise it won't fit inside the coupler. Next, cut the cathode on the Zener diodes (side with black band) as short as you did on the LED. Now solder the two cathodes together, the LED and the Zener diodes. Now look at the bridge rectifier. Look at the + and - sign. Now you are going to solder the remaining ends of the Zener diodes to the + and - sign, doesn't matter which diode is on which side. Be sure to cut the leads as close as you can solder with comfortably. After you are done with, solder the two pins of the SpST switch to the remaining pins on the rectifier. This part is very tricky. Take the coupler and snap it in half along the seam. After you get it open you should see two-four wires. You will need the red one. Cut the red wire in half and strip both ends so the copper is exposed. Now drill a hole for the LED, try to make it towards the left side of the seam and do the same for the switch, but drill the hole to the right. Now solder one end of the red wire to where the switch and the rectifier meet. And solder the other end of the red wire to the other side. Be careful and fit the box inside coupler and snap it in place. If it does not fit due to width then make the holes larger. If it does not fit due to height then de-solder the components that have long leads and trim them down a little. When you are done, plug up the coupler and pick up the phone. The LED should be on and you should hear a dial tone. If you do not, try to pinpoint the problem. This is not a very hard box to make as long as you have patience and descent soldering skills. If you have never soldered before you may want to practice because when you are trying to solder the wires to the switch you can easily fuck up everything