_____ _ ___ _ _ |_ _| _(_)___/ __| |_ __ _| |_ ___ | || '_| |___\__ \ _/ _` | _/ -_) |_||_| |_| |___/\__\__,_|\__\___| | _ \ |_ _ _ ___ __ _| |_____ | _/ ' \| '_/ -_) _` | / (_-< |_| |_||_|_| \___\__,_|_\_Y__/ 0ur Coins won't fit in payphones soon anymore by: F0ney The new Fones Your probably saying what the fuck this is crazy but its not. Many tele-co companies who are already losing thousands of dollars every year on payphones are now talking about switching to payphones which the only form of pay would be plastic. Yes thats right and its not your plastic red box its a credit card. Already AT&T, Verizon, and a few other Co's have installed these new high tech phones. Go to a local major airport(bad idea sense you probably can't get in)when your going on a plane. Look around once you get to the gate area. There are about 200 of these phones. They still accept coins but that option is most likely optional and can be disabled by a lineman or maybe even from/by the operator. These phones are really 1337 with coin deposit, credit card acceptance, scrolling screen with information on how much money you have entered etc, and even a place to hook your laptop up to. I find the large disadvantge of these fones is how large they are. These fones are twice as wide as the old COCOTS for example. Thats another question that might come to mind. Will COCOTs as well be replaced with these new 1337 payfones. I would say not due to the fact they would be to high tech for grandmas shit for sale consignment shop and cookies. I don't think any mexican either has a credit card or a laptop to hook up. These new phones are susposed to be able to accept calling cards as well, but again either no coin deposit or optional coin deposit. Though these phones may be all new and high tech they would probably have more clarity and might be 5 times better than the old phone in some ways. Will us Phreaks be stopped in our Tracks by these new payphones? I think not!! Us phreaks will still be able to find all the things the Tele-Cos didn't find. Most of these places make a new product and unleash it into the world. If we can't hack them or find ways to cheat off of em destroy em. These fones are most likely a fortune to fix and repair. If we damage the fone the lineman might have some ways to fix em but if we say damage a scrolling screen on the phone. That is really unrepairable on the site and will have to be replaced completly. Theres going to be some type of tones for the credit card or we can always somehow record credit card numbers. Theres thousands of possible ideas of things we can do to try to 0wn the new system. Acctually it might make our jobs on the older phones easier for many of the Tele-cos will be busy working on these new payphones, finding clitches, installing that there won't be time for the old payphones. It will be a few years i think before we can walk down the street to one of these 1337 new payphones. There will probably be more in more busy areas. But there will always be good old COCOTs around for us....I hope. With these new fones we will still be able to call conf maybe even with a little more eliteness. You will still be able to dial those 800 numbers. Its the same old phone jus more options or as the Tele-Co would say it this phone is 31337. Well not really but you know what i mean.....I hope. These new payphones really won't work. 1. Using a credit card to make a payphone call? Yea right there goes half of the younger teen calls to there moms to pick em up from the movies. 2. Cell phones will be more used. Practically everyone has one anymore now adays. My fucking grandparents have em. The new fones won't be able to compete with the growing cell phone technology. 3. Like i said before, to repair one of these purchase or install one of these will be costly as well as training the whole Tele-co team on the new fones. 4. Whos gonna use a credit card to make a fucking 25 to 80 cent telephone call.....fuckers jus red box. "TSP now installing red box insturctions on local payphones" There are 3 reasons, im sure there are many more, why these new fones won't go over well. Im sure they will be interesting to play around with and great for some people but fuck em. Us pheaks are "gonna have our job cut out for us" but there is no doubt that we won't be able to find a hack in em if we already haven't. So that was my indepth converage on the new elite fones. Check out Nortel.com a major company that manufactures these fones. U.S. WEST to Deploy More Than 5,000 Nortel Networks Millennium MultiPay MultiApplication Payphones F0ney tsp@tsp.cjb.net TriState Phreaks