_ \| | __/ \ _|-_) _` | | /(_-< _| _| _|_|\___|\__,_|_\_\___/ | _` | \ _` | \__,_|_| _|\__,_| __| | (_ | -_) -_) | /(_-< \___|\___|\___|_\_\___/ http://www.phreaksandgeeks.com ________________________________________ | Hacking Voicemail Boxes | | by: ic0n | | email: ic0n@phreaksandgeeks.com | | aim: ic0n420 | |_______________________________________| Intro: Okay I'm redoing this text file for a few reasons. But that does'nt matter anyways a voicemail box is good for a few reasons I'm not going to get into that I'm pretty sure you can figure that out yourself. Finding a system: There are so many voicemail systems today it's not even funny. The best way to find a system or a direct dial box is to find them by scanning toll free numbers. About half of the systems will tell you that it's a voicemail system by saying 'welcome to the blank voicemail system' or they will ask for an ext. number. Make sure you note everything you find while scanning you may find something really cool and not even know about it. After you finish you scan go back and find out what vms (voicemail systems) you have found The best way to see if there systems is after you dial up hit * (star) or # (pount) and if they are a vms they may give you a login prompt. Here's a list on how to login prompt to all the diffrent vms that i know about: Audix: *8 Octel/Aspen: # sometimes * # Meridian: *81 Message Center: * Phone Mail: none it just ask for your pass code Partner Mail: *8 On some direct voicemail boxes: 0 Most Common On Direct Dial boxes: # (pount) or * (star) Defult Pass codes: On 2 digit systems 9999,1234 On 3 digit systems 1234,9999,box number,999,123,000,111,222,333,444,555,666,777,888, On 4 digit systems 1234,9999,box number,box number backwards,0000,1111,2222,3333,4444,5555,6666,7777, and 8888 On 7 digit boxes 1234,9999,1234567,9999999,box number, last 4 digits of box number,0000 On 10 digit boxes 1234,9999,9999999999,0123456789,1234567890,box number,0000 Admin Boxes: Admin boxes are the coolest thing ever since sliced bread. It's pretty much the box that runs the whole system. On some systems you can create and delete boxes and login to a box without even knowing the code. I also was told on some systems that there is no admin box like these systems (Audix and Merdian). Other then them two systems i have found and hacked or talked to some fellow who hacked a admin box on all the other type of systems. One more thing Never ever change the code on these boxes. Some Defult Places For Admin Boxes: 1000,9999,9000,1111,1234,5000 Hacking 2 digit Boxes: Systems that I've seen that used this layout: (Partner Mail) Now as you might have guessed this system is so easy to hack a box on. The 1st few boxes I tell you to try will almost get you at lease one box. 99 if that box does not work try 10 and 00. If for some reason these boxes where not valid try 20,30,40 and so on and 05,15,25 and so on with this done you have a good layout on the system. and try the basic defult pass codes and you should have at lease one box. Hacking 3 Digit Boxes: Systems that I've seen that used this layout: (audix,octel,aspen,cheap companys) Most Older and cheaper Systems have this type of layout and really is quite easy to find more boxes than on than any other system. The First few boxes I try are x00,999,888,777 and so on. Chances are very good to find more than 5 boxes this way but only 1 or 2 maybe hackable or that are no longer in use with the user. Hacking 4 Digit Boxes: Systems that I've seen that used this layout: (Audix,Octel,Aspen,Meridian, Message Center,Phone Mail and cheap companys) This is the Most Popular layout and almost every system has over 30 boxes that have the temp code still in place. Witch making getting the box very easy. Like in all the other systems i try 9999,1000,x000,1111, 2222,3333 and so on. Also it would be a good idea to scan like 1100,1200,1300 also because some systems try to fool you (Witch Never works). Hacking 7 digits boxes: Systems that I've seen that used this layout: (octel,local systems,Message Center) Now most of the time you come acrossed a system like this the boxes are someone fone number minus the area code. and or a greety fone company. Here's the first pick of boxes to try 9999999,9999998,1000000,2000000, and so on. Systems with boxes this long most of the time have direct dial feature witch means you have a direct number to your voicemail box. Hacking 10 Digit Boxes: Systems that I've seen that used this layout: (octel,verizon,ameritech,bell canada,bell south, and many other long distance voicemail systems) Now your thinking no way or something but getting boxes on here are quite simple if you have the time on your hands. But try the fone number you dialed to get the system this box should be valid and the admin box. If not it will be the outgoing greeting box witch is also cool to be able to do. Other k d45h r4d voicemail hacking tricks and stuff: Audix when you dial up a audix vms and hit star (star) 8 it tell you how many digits the boxes are. Also I’ve noticed that no box ever starts with a 1 Octel When scanning for boxes this trick will help you. This works on all layouts also but you enter all the digits but the last one and wait if a error message starts playing you know there's no boxes in that 10 number range. Messgae Center- The 1st time the box has been log in to a box there is no password. Some VoiceMail Systems Dial in Numbers: 1-800-317-6245 Message Center 1-800-232-3472 Audix type 1 1-800-222-6245 Audix type 2 1-800-574-6245 Meridian 1-877-447-6245 Fone Mail 1-800-954-6245 Octel 6 Digit boxes Company's VoiceMail Systems 1-800-408-6245 3 digit boxes 1-800-366-76245 1-800-631-3400 box 998 code 998 _ ____ (_)____/ __ \____ / / ___/ / / / __ \ / / /__/ /_/ / / / / /_/\___/\____/_/ /_/