_ \| | __/ \ _|-_) _` | | /(_-< _| _| _|_|\___|\__,_|_\_\___/ | _` | \ _` | \__,_|_| _|\__,_| __| | (_ | -_) -_) | /(_-< \___|\___|\___|_\_\___/ http://www.phreaksandgeeks.com ***How to make a search engine your friend*** Credit for telling me about this goes out to BuhdaPezzz aka ja. ***note was in lph issue 3*** By: ic0n When you use any search engine you get pages that don't even match your topic don't you hate that. Well i do. So i'm writing a little artical to inform you the people. Okay in this example i'm searching for phreaking text files: +'phreaking' +'text files' I'm sure you can even sum it down even more like this: +'phreaking' +'text files' +'ic0n' When seaching with this way you pretty much can find anything and it will make your searching time alot faster.