___ __ __ / _ \/ / _______ ___ _/ /_____ / ___/ _ \/ __/ -_) _ `/ '_(_-< /_/ /_//_/_/ \__/\_,_/_/\_Y___/ ___ ____ ___/ / / _ `/ _ Y _ / _\_,_/_//_|_,_/ / ___/__ ___ / /_____ / (_ / -_) -_) '_(_-< \___/\__/\__/_/\_Y___/ Hacking Message Center voicemail boxes by: ic0n e-mail ic0n@phreaksandgeeks.com This system is pretty good it's pretty much a basic vms. Nothing real special about it but hey the boxes stay up for a long time. I had one that was up for more than 2 years and it was a driect dial too. How to Identify the Message Center vms: When you call up you will hear one of theses things....... Welcome to the Messgae Center please enter and ext. number followed by # (pount) 'You have reached Blank Company' hit * or # and get the same greeting as above. Finding A Box: When i find a new Message Center vms (voice mail system) i find out how long the boxes or ext. are. Okay let just say the boxes are 4 digits long. try theses commom boxes 1st (1000,2000,3000,4000,ect,ect,ect) and 9999,8888,7777,6666,5555,ect,ect,ect) 90% of the time you will at lease find one box with one of them codes then you can scan that area for more. Now find out if anyone if using the box by listen to the greeting take notes or who if anyone who owns the box and other useful info. Hacking The Box: Now take you list of boxes dial the box number then press * (star) and get the login promit if it says something like 'hello mailbox xxxx' there will not be a passcode since the box has never been used before. If there's any kind of recorded name don't worry people are dumb and leave defult passcodes for there box all the time. Never take a box that is used by a customer if there's voicemail in it listen to it (you can kind some good info out this way) then delete it so that the owner of thew box gets pissed off and leaves his box then in the long run you get the box :) Also if the voicemail is over 60 days old i would have to say the box should be safe to take. ***Note*** The 1st time you login to a box it will run down about all the features and how to do them if your not lucky and hacked an older box i will include them in this txt to help you fellow phreakers out.