_ \| | __/ \ _|-_) _` | | /(_-< _| _| _|_|\___|\__,_|_\_\___/ | _` | \ _` | \__,_|_| _|\__,_| __| | (_ | -_) -_) | /(_-< \___|\___|\___|_\_\___/ http://www.phreaksandgeeks.com At&t Easy Reach 800 By: ic0n e-mail: ic0n@phreaksandgeeks.com writen on 2/26/02 Now i can almost say everyone in the world could find one of these. There all over the internet in scan's and even in some fone directorys. But anyways when you call one up you will hear a automated voice saying 'At&t Easy Reach 800 to complete your call please enter passcode' (or whatever) The passcodes are always 2 digits long. Some defults are 00,01, 02,99. What it does when you give it the correct passcode it will forward you to a given long distance number or if there not home it will be forward to there voicemail I forgot the codes for the boxes but it was a defult passcode. These may also have more than 1 passcode on a given number (or dial in number). These things have really no use what-so-ever but still you can have fun by pranking someone since At&t does'nt record Ani so no worrys. After alot of handscanning you will to begin to hate these things. I'm sure the people who pay the bills on them love prank calls and have to pay for it too. w00t w00t