___ __ __ / _ \/ / _______ ___ _/ /_____ / ___/ _ \/ __/ -_) _ `/ '_(_-< /_/ /_//_/_/ \__/\_,_/_/\_Y___/ ___ ____ ___/ / / _ `/ _ Y _ / _\_,_/_//_|_,_/ / ___/__ ___ / /_____ / (_ / -_) -_) '_(_-< \___/\__/\__/_/\_Y___/ Submitted to www.PhreaksandGeeks.com Investigated by Greyarea Greyarea@Defaultradio.com What ever happened to the 800-555-1140 /800-555-1180 ANAC's? Ok, when these went Busy a couple of months ago, everyone was just like "they dead".I don't know about you but I'm the type of person that wants to get to the bottom of something. I said to myself "Man, since the line is busy not a reorder and not a NIS (Not in Service) message, there has to be other posibilities." I knew that when calling one of the above numbers and at the end of the message you get a burst of dialtone.Now the only numbers you can dial off this (that I know about) is 18005551140 or 18005551180.What this does when dialing it keeps the line connected until you hang the line up.Which means the posibility of someone taking some phones lines and making the line busy,costing MCI (so I thought at the time MCI) alot of money. Well after doing some social engineering with MCI I found out the company they lease the number out to is called: First Data Voice Services 2301 North 117th Avenue Omaha, Nebraska 68164 Phone: 800.428.2400 Fax: 402.498.7900 10910 Mill Valley Road Omaha, NE 68154 US Phn: 402-222-7665 Fax: 402-222-7910 So after obtaining this info I scanned around the (402)-222-7XXX and came up with mostly employee's VMB for this company.At the end of each employee's Greeting it says if an emergency call (800)-337-1222.So I call that number and pass an employee's number as CPN and pose as him (one of the VMB I found)The gentleman I spoke with on the phone was really nice and wanted to help me, but he had to call someone else to get the info I wanted.When the service tech came on the line he informed me that the 800-555-1140 and 800-555-1180 were test numbers that First data leased out to another company.Well that other company went out of business 60 plus days ago so they pulled the numbers from use since they were for the other company. After finding this out I was pissed and wanted to find some new ANAC's.I called MCI resp0rg and filed a trouble ticket for 800-555-1140 got the Trouble ticket number and called back repair posing as "You know who" I convinced the gentleman that I spoke with that "Our test number is down and I filed a Trouble ticket for it however I won't know anything until 48 hours and the nice lady that helped me gave me a ANI verification number for the mean time and I wrote it down incorrectly, I Just need the number again."He told me "Sir Im sorry, I don't believe we have that number??"I said"Yes you do,I can hold, I understand these things take time.He said "Ok one moment please. " After holding he came back with a number for me.=MCI ANI Verification (630) 395-2641.This number will pass anything you want it to example (0 or 420) it only reads the CPN.So I said owned thanks, late. We still need an ANAC to read our II (Identification Indicator)digits.(Class of service).So I went to the next carrier. To make long story short,SBC ended up giving me the BTN verification number with a new pass.Now Im going to drop this but only with the pass I obtained myself from SBC,Shouts to Natas for passing me this number in the first place,this op gave me the number again but with a different pass than I had. Number=(800) 223-1104 PASS 910777 Now this one tells you your REAL time Billing Telephone number,Like Lucky225 said "Any of you punks that think you can "spoof ANI not CPN" try your little asterisk trick with this number."When asked for questioning Luckys225 lawyers said "fear".When calling Sprint to get another ANAC the nice lady only had an old MCI Credit verification number=(800)-314-4258,which does the same thing as (800)-444-4444 and (800)-444-3333 Now with these numbers,sometimes when calling from a cellphone it tells you your suedo ANI.I do know that if you call these numbers from (420) 000-1337 it reads it back however if you call it from (000) 420-1337 it reads back your BTN (The number calling from for real).This also happens when passing a non-ten digit number such as 911 or 0.Ok now when SEing At&T I ended up with being provided with this number (770) 988-9664 Now I find out that some people have this number,I geuss Im not cool enough to have people share it with me.So since I was never given this and not told not to give it out and I found it on my own I'm passing it out. This number I can't call though my VOIP Provider because the way they route the calls.It just ringsout.I can call from my cell though and it tells Real time BTN.When I called Qwest repair at (800) 573-1311 They had one infront of them however they wouldnt give it to me.I only tried 4 times and noone should call this number to try to get it unless you know what you are doing. Im only providing the number for people that have experience can try.We still have no ANI II ANAC at the moment so if anyone comes across one please email me.I will keep queit.Peace shouts:Djuka,Natas,Lucky double duece 5,Ic0n,DougTV for picking on that fat kid that looks like Jack Osborn,Decoder,Avid, Anachron and Cup0spam (R) Smoke-Trees