Disclaimer: If you're not careful you may learn something before It's done. The Rant - 2/20/04 - By Captain B This issue's title: "Steal this text file" Welcome once again everyone to another installment of my opinion column, "The Rant". Like Alvin & The Chipmunks once sung, "...It's been a while, but, we're back with style". And hopefully, before too long, I'll get my butt back to doing what I like best, (Well, the other thing I like best) which is writing more text files. But for right now, there's something I want to get off my chest. (Hey, It's not called "The Rant" for nothing ya' know). And, in the process, hopefully I'll shake off any writer's rust I may have. By now, you probably know what a big deal copyright legalese nonsense has become in cyberspace. Speaking of which, I'll probably be hearing from the legal teams for Bill Cosby, ABbie Hoffman, and Alvin & The Chipmunks before long, since I've already "stole" phrases they were known for saying. (Not that there's much to sue my broke, bargain basement self for anyway). But, that's the whole ridiculous general of all this legal jargon/intellectual property trash. It seems as if barely anyone gives anything to anybody with absolutely no catches or strings attached anymore. Especially when it comes to the denizens of the 'Net, and anything they create. Perhaps I've missed something, but, I thought the whole point of creating something is solely for the sheer joy of creating it. This is what's refered to as a "labor of love". Apparently, this sentiment is most definitely NOT shared by most people. In fact, even people who aren't so greedy as to always want to profit off all their works still tend to slap a copyright notice on it somewhere. (Regardless of whether they actually filed it with the U.S. Patent & Trade office for real). And, you're only supposed to look at that given thing on that person's web site, and never actually copy/paste, or download the thing to your computer. To me, this is much like giving someone a Christmas present they can only look at, but never be allowed to open. Which, of course, defeats the whole purpose of giving it in the first place. Heck, even the fictional character Dr. Victor Frankenstein from the story "Frankenstein" created his monster without being paid a cent first. I mean, there is something positive to be said of an individual who gives freely of his work, and of himself to his online community. Unfortunately, such selflessness pretty scarce, and getting harder to come by every day. Maybe it might sooner be a different story for someone either unemployed, or working for minimum wage, or something like that. But, if you think that the only people looking to make profits online are hard luck cases and welfare recipients, trust me, you couldn't be more wrong. In fact, I know of a woman who is a professional artist by trade, yet still sells her cartoon drawings online. (And, not for particularly cheap prices either). Speaking of which, here's a thought... How high must one person sell a product or service for before you can call it profit? I swear, people's greed is about as bad as corporate greed anymore. Anyway, consider something else here. The salary of a person employed as a professional artist is hardly what I'd call minium wage. But, greed has a way of pushing people to do unreasonable things they might not otherwise do. Well, in my case. despite being dirt poor for some time now, I've always believed in either just giving something to someone with no strings attached, or simply not giving it. Seems like a rudimentary enough concept concept if you ask me. I mean, why complicate life? Isn't the world already complicated enough as it is? Anyway, assuming it may need to be said, everything I ever have created out here, or ever will create, is, was, and always will be 100 percent free of charge and strings attached. (Or, as the lawers call it "Pro bono"). And, unlike most, I also encourage people to freely distribute my text files, and all other works of mine. My only small request is that you don't delete my name from my files, thereby taking fair credit away from me, the creator, or alter the text in my files (unless It's for the purpose of correcting any spelling/punctuation errors). And certainly, this small request is reasonable compared to those other greedy, profiteering ilk and all their catches. But, even all that only applies if you plan on posting my stuff somewhere online, where all the Internet populace can see it. Such as on a web site, or some type of BBS or other public forum of some type. Also, if you plan to send a copy of my works to someone, I would prefer it if you didn't delete my name out of any of my files first. And, what you do with any copy of my works stored on your computer is entirely your own business. So, as you can see, most situations fall under the category of "fair use" with my text files and other works. So, go on ahead... Steal this text file. You know you want to. *HEH-HEH* And, remember if life to you is only about dollars, it doesn't make sense. -Absolutely Bizarre productions... A not-for-profit organization-