STATION ID - 7047/3.12 9x Datakit Network FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY This is a 9x system, restricted to authorized persons and for official 9x business only. Anyone using this system, network or data is subject to being monitored at any time for system administration and for identifying unauthorized users or system misuse. Anyone using this system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that any evidence of criminal activity revealed through such monitoring may be provided to law enforcement for prosecution. The Advanced Guide to CCITT 5 Operators Written By Nynex Phreak (9x) wWw.NynexPhreak.cOm When Blueboxing you can assign a flag to yourself when you route with a DD (Discriminating Digit) which can be set to Cable,Operator,Satellite,Military and Microwave. In this File im going to be concentrating on the 2 flag, or Operator DD. Im sure many of you have always wondered a little about the possiblity of becoming an operator with your bluebox and the various buttons like code 11 or code 12. Basically code 11 is a button that connects you to an inward as is code 12. Inwards are split into two Kinds, Terminal and Transit. Terminal Inwards Ok, Terminal Inwards are the operators within the country you are blueboxing from, so lets say you are blueboxing from Hindu Telcom when you break the line you can call terminal (kp1) inside the country. So if you wanted to you could call a Hindo telcom operator by routing with the following routing for Code 11 and Code 12. KP1 - 2 - Code 1X - ST {Terminal} {Operator DD} {Inward} {Send Call} So you can now Call the Inwards of a Country that is kp1, but what about those that can kp2? Transit Inwards This is where the Fun starts, if you are blueboxing from MooTel Inc for example which can KP2 (Assume the KP2 is global), You can call the Inwards of another country in the form of KP2 - Country Code - 2 - Code 1X - ST {Transit} {Country Code} {Operator DD} {Inward} {Send Call} (Obviousley some countries route in a different format to the standard routing, just adapt, so if a country routes kp2-dd-cc-number-st just dial kp2-2-cc-code11-st.) America however does not use a code11 routing, instead you can route to each NPA's particular Inward by calling like so KP2 - 1 - 2 - NPA - 121 - ST {Transit}{America}{Operator DD}{NPA}{Inward}{Send Call} So now you can Call Inwards, But what are the Different Kinds of ops? Code 11 Code 11 Operators are standard operators, such as the one's that you get when you dial '0' or '100' or whatever your local operator is. These Operators can really only be used for connecting to various numbers, if the Code11 is Terminal see if they will call a Transit Inward and have the Transit Inward dial a number in that country, e.g kp1-2-c11-st "Connect me to +44 Code 11 please" "British Tel..." The Code 11 will call any number inside a country that it is located in, sometimes they will connect transit Code11's, but not all the time. Code 12 Code 12 is basically Directory Assitance, This can be used to get peoples phone numbers just like the standard Directory Assistance althought you can ask for the Supervisor to get unlisted numbers for you a standard c12 op CANNOT and WILL NOT get unlisted numbers for you. America Inwards America Has a multitude of Different Operators so I will cover each in turn... Inward Operator (KP2-1-2-PREFIX-121-ST) These Operators are much the same as code 11's and will connect you to any number in the country and sometimes to other npa's ops. Directory Assitance (KP2-1-2-PREFIX-131-ST) These are Basically the Code 12 Operators for America. Toll Test Board (KP2-1-2-PREFIX-101-ST) These basically connect to a switchmen who can help you with all your technical questions and trunk testing. OverSea's Completion (KP2-1-2-PREFIX-151-ST) These are just like Code11's that deal with Operators from abroad, where as the 121 routing is specifically for +1 Inwards mainly. Verification Operators (KP2-1-2-VARIES-121-ST) To get a Verification Operator you need to call a standard npa 121 and ask for "Verification Operators Route, Area Code 803 773", where 803 733 is the area code and Prefix of the phone line that is busy. The operator will respond with something along these lines "803 061 Plus, thank you" and hang up. Now to route to that verification operator you kp2-1-2-803-061-121-st. Notice that you added 121 on the end, thats all the operator means by 'Plus'. Verification Policies vary in different telcos, Simple ask for "Verify" and the number that is busy and the opertor will tell you if there is conversation or not, if there is conversation you can ask for an "interupt", now wether they will bring you in with them on the interupt or not varies but they will usally ask for your name and tell the person on the phone that they have a call from "Ted" waiting and that they should "hang up the line" the operator will then tell you what they replied with. Well I hope that You've learned a little or answered some questions that were on your mind, enjoy and don't hesitate to get in touch with me. N Y N E X ~ P H R E A K