The Waldo Box by Cycosis You can find us on efnet in channel #phreaker or #peng if you have any questions. What does this box do you must be asking yourself, well you ever have conf you want to call or a very important call you want to box but those really scary people are hanging around the payphone? Well this should solve those problems. If you do everything correctly you won't have to be near the payphone when you make your call. WHAT YOU NEED: 2 cordless phone base and handsets - handset has to take same kind of batteries 2 wire twist caps 1 screw driver - flat head 1 screw driver - philips head 1 something to strip wires with quickly (Pick up at Radio Shack, Home Depot or your local hardware store) 1 small length of phone wire - has to be good copper wire 1 extention plug thing makes 1 wall socket into 2 Now this is not a hard box to make. All it takes is about 30 min. to put it together and if you do it correctly then it really pays off. Lets get started: 1. take the length of phone wire and cut 1 end off and strip the red and green wires and plug the other end into the cordless base set. 2. the reason you need 2 cordless phones is you need 2 base sets it doesn't matter what kind all you need to be able to do is charge the batteries of the handset so they dont go dead because one base set is going to be in the payphone. 3. find a payphone, the kind that is mounted to a wall of a store or something like that, it has to be the kind that has the lit up plastic signs on the top (!NOT PHONE BOOTHS!) they look like this /---front cover with the light in it |------/--| <-- this is where we put the base set | Bell | <-- in the top, tricky huh |---------| | |<--- case of phone booth thing | PH | | ON <--|-- the telephone | E! | | | ----------- This won't work on Phone Booths 4. once you have your payphone picked out wait till night, or if you have a lineman's uniform do it any time 5. this is the tough part. once you get to the phone you have to pry or unscrew the front cover off 6. once you get the front cover off look for the red and green wires and splice them together with the coresponding wires on the cordless base set. this is where you use the wire caps (Diagram on splicing wires) ------------------------------------------------------ payphone ---------------------------red-------------\---------- \ ---------------------------------------------\-------- cordless base ---------------------------red------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------green------------\--------- payphone \ ----------------------------------------------\------- ---------------------------green---------------------- cordless base 7. now plug the base set into the ac outlet (note: make sure the light is still plugged in so repair service does not come out to fix it) it might be a good idea to bring an extention plug you know the plug that makes one outlet into two so you can plug both in at the same time 8. now put the front cover back on the payphone and test it out you might need a red box depending on how your payphone is setup if everything went right the only thing restricting how far away from the payphone you are is the range on the cordless phone WHY THIS WORKS: Yes this does sound complicated, but its not. What most people call a phone line is a modular line. Based on copper cable to transmit the data. The reason this works is quite cool. You splice into the line so the voice data still goes through and they don't come to fix the phone. And since they have the plastic light up display, that leaves room for a small base for a cordless phone. To see how this works (without going to a public phone) go to you're phone box. (If you live in an apartment building, it would be a distribution panel, and no one likes you snooping in there.) If you live in you're on house this box usually says "Telephone Network Interface" the size varies. Open it up (all you need is a flat head screw driver to undo usually only one screw) You will usually see two phone lines unless you pay for service on more than two lines. Take out one of those modular lines, stick in you're own modular line into the modular jack where the old line you just took out was, plug a phone in it, and if the phone line is in service, you get a dial tone. When you pull the first line out all the lines in the house go dead, so you see why we recommend to splice the line so it does not affect anyone or anything else. If you have a distribution panel, do the same to one of the modular lines, be sure to put the original line back in, that line may belong to anyone in the area. So, you see the point of splicing the wires and hiding the phone in the free space provided by the nice light up display. The point of another cordless phone base, is so you can put that base anywhere and not have to stick you're cordless phone in the light up display area every time you need to re-charge it.