_--=PeEll=--_(tm) on: PPPPPPP EEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEE LL LL P P E E LL LL P P E E LL LL PPPPPPP EEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEE LL LL P E E LL LL P E E LL LL P E E LLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLL P EEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEE LLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLL B 0 X or Beige B0X or Bud B0X This is my favorite box. It is easy and cheap (like my girlphriend) to make and does not require you to destroy a fone or a modular jack. Necessary Materials ------------------- Four alligator clips One Telefone Tha telefone wire One Modular JaCK Instructions ------------ Take tha modular jack and attach four alligator clips to tha four cloured wires. I suggest you put a dot of paint on each one so you know what colour it is (red, green, black, and yellow). Find a neighbor's house that has a little gray (or brown) box on the side. This box should have a Bell logo on it (the gay little bell in a circle). It should be near tha utilites thing (tha thing that tells how much water you have used). Place your foot below it and...KICK UPWARD HARD!!! Tha top should come off. Then cut tha wires (there shoud be four red, green, yellow, black). Strip about an 1/2 inch on each side. Reconnect tha wires (twist them together). Then take tha clips and match up tha colours. Red to red, yellow to yellow, etc. Plug tha modular plug into tha jack...BAM!!! No it doesn't explode. What does happen is that you hear a dail tone. If you don't, then adjust tha alligator clips so they aren't touching eachother's terminals. Now you can call LD or evesdrop. With any luck you can blackmail them. I always wanted to hook one of these to tha President'z fone. Apartment buildings RuLe for this. So many wires. Direct dailing to teleconferences. Just dail 0-700-456-1000. I went out at 2 a.m. and perpared about 9 houses in tha neighborhood (including mine, so if they check it looks like I didn't do it). Then tha next night I went out and made some phone calls. I took an extra fone out and hooked it up to one guys house and hide it under his pourch. Then I took it off tha hook. I came back five dayz later and unhooked it. Tha guy went five dayz without a fone. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Put a peice of tape (clear) on tha output device. This way if someone checks it you will be able to see that it was. WEAR GLOVES!!! And if you do what I am about to tell you, WEAR GLOVES AND WIPE THA JACK, PLUG, WIRE, AND FONE CLEAN!!! I made a long fone cord by using those jacks that you can connect two fones together. Plug one cord into one side of it and another cord into tha other side. Keep doing this until you can reach your house (hideout, bushs, a placce to hide). When I did it it took about 7 cords and 6 double jacks. I hooked it up to my modem and was on about 6 LD BBS for about an hour each. Then I connected it to a fone and called over seas to a phriend on vacation. Keeping my eye on tha house I saw him drive up. I said, "Bye," and hung up. I guess his fone bill was somewhere near $1,000. Really, when you make one of these you only need tha ring (red) and tip (green) wires. Well, in my area some idoit wired tha houses wrong (just some) and you never know which is which. So just use all four and it will be all right. Hooking this box up to ANY phone (I guess that means your own too) is illegal. So this is for informationally purposes only. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! _--=PeEll=--_™ Plz do not edit this phile.