Building a chocolate box by: Count Chocula
April 10th, 2004.

this is my first box/text file in two point five years, here's what it does: it uses your soundcard/phone line to- 

*change the pitch of your voice. 

*detect DTMF tones as they are dialed 

*play tones such as DTMF tones and single freq tones (great for blue boxing in the third world). 

*play/splice MP3's into your conversation (great for putting people on hold or being a gay ass little lamer on teleconfs) 

*record your roommates late night conversations with his kinky lesbian lover. 

Basically, whatever can be done with a computers soundcard can now be done with a chocolate box.

Step one: building the damn thing
Get the parts below and heat up your soldering iron. The black and white wires are hooked up to an audio cable (they'll go to the soundcard). The other two go to a phone jack, just solder it in in any order as its not that important.

Note: THIS PART WORKS BOTH WAYS! It can send and receive audio thru the phone line.

step two: implementation
bam! you're ready for some boxing! have fun because the possibilities are endless. by the way, In this file I have included:

* a DTMF dialer

* An orange box (cid spoofer) program

* a frequency detector

*a frequency generator

* a DTMF detector 

*voice changer.

If you want the box to LISTEN (like for the DTMF detector) hook your audio cable to the MICROPHONE/INPUT port. To make the box TRANSMIT AUDIO (like for the DTMF dialer) hook it to your speakers port.

shouts to: IC0N, and everyone else on the the binrev forums. you guys rock.