+----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ +---------------- USPC ------------------+ +----- United States Phreaking Corps ----+ +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ +-------------- PRESENTS ----------------+ +----------------------------------------+ +----------- The Blood Box --------------+ +----------------------------------------+ +------------- Written By ---------------+ +-------------- obituary ----------------+ +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ +---------- USPC.HYPERMART.NET ----------+ +----------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ +-- WHAT THE BOX DOES --+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ::: Basicaly, the Blood Box is a scaled down version of the infamous Blotto Box. It essentualy will destroy the phone line of your choice along with anything hooked to it without proper protection from phone line surges of extremely large voltage. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +- WHAT YOU WILL NEED -+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ::: Power cable with a ground Wire strippers Alligator clips Soldering Iron Electrician's Tape In-Line Switch +++++++++++++++++++++ +- HOW TO BUILD IT -+ +++++++++++++++++++++ ::: 1. Cut the non-prong end off of the power cable 2. Strip the wires and solder on your alligator clips 3. Wrap that end up tight with the electrician's tape. Any metal showing can be rather hazerdous. Trust me, I found this part out the hard way. Rain is a very bad thing when dealing with electricity. ;) 4. Take about 1" of the outside coating of the wires off. 5. Strip the POSITIVE wire a small amount so that you can hook the switch up to it. 6. Solder the switch into the positive wire. 7. Wrap that bastard up tight with the electrician's tape again. This is very important to keep it from arching on anything when you do this and macking some rather nasty messes. ;) 8. Make sure you know which way is the "ON" position on the switch! If you fuck up and get it backward, you will be in for a nasty surprise! USAGE: This is very simple. Plug it in on your target's house. You should be able to find a rather conveintly placed outside jack on their house with a ground that is for some weird reason that no one really can figure out is near the router or line in for the house. Bust open the router and hook the alligator clips up to your target's line. Flip the switch and run like a black man runs from the police after he rapes a white woman. You gonna just have pissed somebody off beyond belief. DISCLAIMER: USPC claims no liability in the use of this file. Following the procedures stated in this file is strictly illegal and can result in a hefty fine or jail time. This file is intented for educational purposes in the field of telecommunication and not as a tool for would be criminals. If you use this file as a guide for a criminal act, you are on your own. Do not contact us for any help because there will be nothing that we can do.