(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*) Crimson Box (*) (*) Plans (*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) The Crimson Box is very simple device that will allow you to put someone = on hold or make your fone busy with a large amount of ease. You flip a = switch and the person can't hear you talking. Flip it back and everything is = peechy. (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*) Needed Materials (*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (1) 100 ohm or less resistor (1) SPDT toggle switch, On-On (3) feet of good wire Wire cutters Solder and soldering iron (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) (*) Construction & Schemtaic (*) (*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*)*(*) First I will give you the schematic and then I will explain what the = hell is going on. [-----------black wire on line--------- --------+ red wire on line +------ --------!--+/\/\/-green wire---!------ --------!--! yellow wire-------!------ ! ! ! +--!------+ ! +----+ ! +----------+ ! ! ! 1 2 3 Ok. The '/\/\/' is the resistor. And '1 2 3' is the switch where the = numbers are the poles on the switch. Notice you leave the black and yellow wires = alone. You DO NOT cut them! Strip the red and green wires so you've got about an inch of bare wire. = Solder some of the extra wire and follow the schematic. You should have the = resistor on the green wire with an extra piece of wire coming from one leg of it. = The other leg goes to the other end of the green wire. You should solder the = green wire to the left pole of the switch and the red to the middle and the = other end of the red to the right pole. Now, lift up the phone. If all you get is an annoying buzz then throw = the [switch and you should get a dial tone. If not, don't worry and just = follow the instructions and schematic again.