Ал Ал ом Бл Ал Ал млл лм Бл ВлАллллпАл ммм Бл мм млллмАлппплАл Ал лл А ллБл Бл лл БллппплмБллппАлмммп АлАллл лл А ллБл Бл лл Бл АлБл Алм АмлпплАл Ал пл ллп Аллл пллмАлпллллпБл АлллпАлммлВАл Ал Outbreak Magazine Issue #12 - Article 16 of 18 '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' DMCA vs googlefight.com By: StankDawg@hotmail.com (Inspired by an Idea/concept from Souljacker!) What follows are interesting results from www.googlefight.com that I came up with. The total hits from each search term show the winner of each "bout." I simply copied the results from the site into this document. The results are valid and unmodified in any way. They may change later, but they were valid as of December 2002. Let's get it on! (Results from googlefight.com) ***************************************************************************** How does the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) stand up against these opponents? ***************************************************************************** Winner Loser ------ ----- DMCA "Digital Rights Foundation" (297,000) (45) Consumer Rights DMCA (4,440,000) (297,000) MP3 DMCA (26,900,000) (297,000) DMCA "cd sales down" (297,000) (178) EFF DMCA (1,330,000) (297,000) P2P DMCA (1,060,000) (297,000) "Fair Use" DMCA (772,000) (297,000) Artists DMCA (19,000,000) (297,000) Homeland Security Act DMCA (301,000) (297,000) DMCA DMCA sucks (297,000) (12,000) RIAA DMCA (396,000) (297,000) MPAA DMCA (706,000) (297,000) Piracy DMCA (900,000) (297,000) Open source DMCA (6,040,000) (297,000) Hackers DMCA (3,570,000) (297,000) Congress members DMCA (2,880,000) (297,000) DMCA "Congress members with balls" (297,000) (0) DMCA "Congress members with integrity" (297,000) (0) DMCA "Congress members who understand the DMCA" (297,000) (0) DMCA "my cock" (297,000) (296,000) ****************************************************************************** After careful analysis and examination of the facts we notice the important fact that is the most apparent. That fact is that "my cock" can almost take on the DMCA by itself! With a little help from congress, hackers, open source supporters, file sharers, the EFF, and other assorted supporters, maybe "my cock" will one day topple the mighty DMCA!