Site Report for the US Secret Service for Wisconsin

You can view the images for the office in this state here.

Madison Office
131 W. Wilson St, Suite 303
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608-264-5191
Apprx. Coords- -89.38287 43.07143

Google and Terraserver do not agree on where this address plots. Google's result seems the most accurate. reports that the street address for this office is 660 W. Washington Ave., Suite 305. You know, I keep coming across this problem- two different addresses for the same office. There are many instances across the country where I find this to occurr. I wonder if it is standard procedure for the SS to have a special office just to interrogate people or for public venues? Perhaps their real office is kept confidential? That's just speculation on my part right now. And another thing- I have found that where ever I have a SS office, I have an FBI office as well. Maybe not co-located at the same building, but I'm wondering if there's a relationship between the two that is not publicly known. I get a lot of FBI items that come up in my searches.


Milwaukee Office
517 E Wisconsin Ave, Suite 572
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone: 414-297-3587
Apprx. Coords- -87.90601 43.03861

Google imagery is too grainy to be useful