Site Report for the US Secret Service for Washington State

You can view the images for the offices in this state here.

Seattle Office
915 Second Ave, Suite 806
Seattle, WA 98174
Phone: 206-220-6800
Apprx. Coords- -122.33412 47.60488

Most of the searches for this office deal with the WTO riots that took place in Seattle. Clinton showed up for this, but no one, including the SS, was prepared for what happened. You can read a recap of what happened at


Spokane Office
601 W Riverside Ave, Suite 1340
Spokane, WA 99201-0611
Phone: 509-353-2532
Apprx. Coords- ???

There is no USGS imagery for this area.

Back in Aug 2003 President Bush was to visit the area. The interesting thing from this article is that it gave some information on how the sweeps a week before his visit are done. Basically, they sweep every building and room using dogs and personnel. Since in this case it was an airport, the gates and security procedures were tested. And get this, local and state officials usually get stuck with the bill for all the overtime their people put in assisting the SS.