Site Report for the US Secret Service for Utah

You can view the images for the office in this state here

Salt Lake City Office
57 West 200 South Street, Suite 450 (Google list this address as 125.S State St)
Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1610
Phone: 801-524-5910
Apprx. Coords- -111.89307 40.76496

Most of the searches against this office concern the Winter Olympics held in Salt Lake City. Because of the scale of this event, the SS was the coordinator for all the security. But here was something that I suspected was true. I recall that you used to be able to see the President's schedule at least a week in advance, but now you can't find it on Here is a quote from an article located here:

"Following Sept. 11, the President's itinerary is now not made public until 48 hours before an event."

OSIN- And here is another interesting statement giving an idea of the type of tactics the SS uses to guard the route:

"If Bush arrives at the stadium by motorcade, police snipers will take up positions on rooftops in downtown Salt Lake City and along the route he will travel." 1