Site Report for the US Secret Service for South Dakota

You can view the images for the office of this state here.

Sioux Falls Office
230 S Phillips Ave
Sioux Falls, SD 57104
Phone: 605-330-4565
Apprx. Coords- -96.72726 43.54544

Okay, although I didn't find much of anything to talk about South Dakota, I did come across what I first thought might be a satircal website, but I guess it's real. It's on the website and they have these "Ask the Whitehouse" forums every now and then. I found it because both the VP and his wife have visited South Dakota and found nothing there, as I did, so they left. Although, Dick Cheney goes there to hunt- another undisclosed location, eh Dick? >:P Anyway, Lynne Cheney, the VP's wife was featured on 18 Jun 2003. You can see the archived version at, but I'm going to quote some juicy tidbits from this sucker:

Nathan, from South Dakota writes:
What is some of the advantages of being the Vice Presidents wife or do you have any Tips for the Youth on Pursuing a career in politics.

Lynne Cheney:
Being married to the Vice President is a great opportunity to advance causes and ideas. For me the cause is history, advancing the idea that we need to do more than we have been used to doing to help children and young people know the story of our great country.
A young person who wants to get involved in politics should work in a campaign. There's usually one close at hand. I'll bet the Republican party in South Dakota would love to hear from you.

OSIN- Here's a fact. Very few people remember the Vice-Presidents' names, unless they took over from a president that was assassinated or the president left office due to a bungled burglary. Let's continue:

Chad, from Berwick, PA writes:
Whats it like being married to the Vice President of the United States?

Lynne Cheney:
Well, in the case of being married to this vice president, it's pretty nice. I think every VP's wife has found the job a little different and fulfilled it in the way that's seemed best to her. Joan Mondale emphasized American arts and crafts, Tipper Gore worked to help the homeless, I am passionate about finding ways to help American kids learn more about history.

OSIN- My god, I've seen more enthusiasm from a Cubs fan. She makes Dick sound like a law partner.

John, from Stapleton writes:
Where are the weapons of mass destruction?

Lynne Cheney
Be patient. We'll find out.

OSIN- You see, Lynne, this is where you and I differ. You missed a perfect chance to be a smartass right back. You should've responded with something like, "In Stapleton. Vaya con Dios."

Ryan, from Chicago writes:
What is it like to have the Secret Service follow your every move?

Lynne Cheney It takes some getting used to. I can't just pop out the front door and go to the bookstore anymore. But let me say how much I admire the men and women who serve in the United States Secret Service. They're brave, well-prepared, and they make a great effort to let the lives of those they protect go on as normally as possible.

OSIN- They sure don't make everybody else's lives go on as normally as possible, that is, if you cross them.