Site Report for the US Secret Service for Pennsylvania

You can view the images of the offices in this state here.

Philadelphia Office
600 Arch St, Suite 7236
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Phone: 215-861-3300
Apprx. Coords- -75.15102 39.95343

Google and Terraserver do not agree on the plot of this address. I believe it is the building shown in the center of each image.

Back in 2001 a judge in Philadelphia ruled that the SS at this office probably violated anti-Bush demonstrators' rights by keeping their protest away from within earshot of Bush. Still, he dismissed their lawsuit against the SS. Judge John Fullam said, "undisputed that the Secret Service has elaborate written regulations which specifically provide for nondiscrimination on the basis of the views sought to be expressed by protesters. In short, everyone agrees that demonstrators opposed to the administration have the legal right to be treated no worse than pro-government demonstrators." I went back and re-read that sentence and I'm wondering if he's implying that the SS torments all groups at an equal level. What a strange choice in words.

Although this doesn't have anything to do with the Philadelphia office, it's a nice to know sort of thing. See The "Tracing an Email" part is basically correct, but it gives the impression that any email you send can be traced back to you. For the Great Unwashed that's probably true and those people should never be allowed to breed, much less use a computer. But, don't let that fool you. There are some pesky ways to get around this. It makes me wonder why the US government hasn't been able to catch that Al Qaeda computer guy. Here's a clue guys- Emails, and Proxies, and Tor...Oh my! And no, I'm not that Al Qaeda guy.


Pittsburgh Office
1000 Liberty Ave, Suite 835
Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Phone: 412-395-6484
Apprx. Coords- -79.99533 40.44378

In an article titled "Secret Service Keeps Their Eyes Open", you learn that during the Presidential Race of 2004 all vacations for all agents were cancelled and they had to work 20-hour days. That must be why the Secret Service keeps a smirk on their face. Go look at the images; these guys just don't look like they have a sense of humor. Jeff Eisenbeiser, agent in charge of this office, says, "We can do our mission standing on our hands." I'd actually pay money to see that. Anyway, he confirms that his office serves in a ancillary role during presidential visits. He also claims that the SS is apolitical, which I doubt seriously. I recall on a search for information at another office that the agents at the White House cried the night Bush Sr. lost to Bill Clinton in 1992.


Scranton Office
235 N Washington Ave, Suite 201
Scranton, PA 18501
Phone: 717-346-5781
Apprx. Coords- -75.66284 41.40834

Google imagery is too grainy to be useful.

From an article dated 09 Feb 2005, there was a Godzilla-Mothra battle that took place between an agent of the SS, George Slavoski, and an Exeter Police Station Officer Dion Fernandes. Evidentally, police had picked up his son due to some underage drinking going on. It's not clear if the son was drinking, but Agent Slavoski told the officer that he had no right to take his son into custody. Actually, I think they do George; I think underage drinking is illegal in every state now. After that there was some sort of butting and antler crashing contest, then charges were filed against Agent Slavoski. Oh, I almost forgot the reason why I included this article in the report. It states that this office has between 3 to 5 agents working there. I imagine the number changes based on who has and has not been arrested at the time. Eventually, a judge dropped the charges against Slavoski stating that Fernandes didn't have enough evidence. Sounds to me someone pulled some strings. If I had done the same thing my ass would be in jail. You can read how SS agents are better than the rest of us at this site.

Ah, just when I think I could get to like the SS, comes a more detailed version of events of why the charges against Slavoski were dropped. His lawyer argued that "appellate courts have said the threat must be serious and made with the intent to terrorize." Excuse me?! Then why doesn't the SS use this level of reasoning? Stupid SS. >:(