Site Report for the US Secret Service for Oklahoma

You can view the images for the offices in this state here.

Oklahoma City Office
4013 NW Expressway, Suite 650, Lakepoint Towers
Oklahoma City, OK 73116
Phone: 405-810-3000
Apprx. Coords- -97.59080 35.53782

Take note of the L-shaped building with a greenish roof. It looks like the other buildings I've seen at SS training centers.

I think this office used to be in the Alfred P. Murrah Building destroyed by the neo-con Timothy McVeigh.

Here's another "College Student Says Something Silly and Common Sense Dies Again in America" story. I wonder if it's a crime to say "I'm going to annoy the President?" Probably, everything is illegal according to the Thought Police. Anyway, my theory on people who try, want to, or succeed in killing the president is that they all have one thing in common- no sense of humor. They're always so serious.

You know, I take that back. Maybe some assassins do have a sense of humor, albeit briefly. This story is actually about the Tulsa office, but I think it is better here since it's more topical. Anyway, a guy named Paul Tay of Tulsa, who is obviously not a Bush lover, had recently started tying an inflatable replica of a human penis to his bike while wearing a banner which proclaimed "Get A Boner Not A Bomb." I'm not making this up. Here is where you can find that story. The point is the SS agent from Tulsa told Tay who called them about his veiled threat against Bush. Tay, of course, turned to threatening the source. This all happened back in 2002 and I wonder where the SS agent is now?


Tulsa Office
125 W 15th St, Suite 400
Tulsa, OK 74119-3824
Phone: 918-581-7272
Apprx. Coords- -95.98959 36.14077