Site Report for the US Secret Service for New York

You can view the images for the offices in this state here.

Albany Office
39 North Pearl St
Albany, NY 12207
Phone: 518-436-9600
Apprx. Coords- -73.75198 42.65088


Buffalo Office
610 Main St, Suite 300
Buffalo, NY 14202
Phone: 716-551-4401
Apprx. Coords- -78.87392 42.89095


JFK Airport Office
No address. Google doesn't bring up this office.
Jamaica, NY 11430
Phone: 718-553-0911
Apprx. Coords-?


Melville Office
35 Pinelawn Rd
Melville, NY 11747
Phone: 631-249-0404
Apprx. Coords- -73.41306 40.78590

Google doesn't bring up this office.


New York Office
335 Adams St, 32nd Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Phone: 718-722-0712
Apprx. Coords- -73.99158 40.69419

This office used to be in the World Trade Center. Google and Terraserver do not agree on the address. USGS is showing that the office may be in the long rectangular building. Google maps it to the building just west of the first one.

Remember the hacker that stole Paris Hilton's address book from her cellphone? Well, here is an article about that case. The SS agent who's mail account had also been broken into was the agent investigating that incident. He no longer works for the SS.

This office used to be located in Building 7 on the 9th and 10th floors near the World Trade Center. When the North Tower collapsed Building 7 was destroyed along with all the SS's computers, networks, and evidence in cases they were investigating at the time. However, within 48 hours they were back in business due to the New York Electronic Crimes Task Force and local colleges, law enforcement, and private companies. David Curran, number three guy at the time, says, "A lot of cases had to be closed as a result of losing that building." Here is the article which discusses WTC7. And according to this article, most SS agents were transfered to New Jersey, and others went to Long Island (probably Melville) and White Plains. I'm not sure if that is the case now.

Although this doesn't have anything to do with the SS or the New York office, every now and then, I come across a reference to Bush, Sr's father supposedly having ties to the Nazis. Here is one example of this information. It is poorly annotated and no references are given. It's an example of why you must be careful what you read on the Internet. Take this quote from the article- "Precott Bush and George Walker hosted host of the Third International Congress of Eugenics. The purpose of the event was to call for the sterilization of fourteen million Americans." Okay, maybe this is true, but without references, just saying this doesn't prove the author's point. And if it is true, maybe the sterilization should've started with the author's grandparents. I tire of morons. >:(


Rochester Office
100 State St (Google says the address is 100 Chestnut St).
Rochester, NY 14614
Phone: 716-263-6830
Apprx. Coords- -77.60258 43.15489

Google gives a different address for this office. Both could be possible, but I've decided to use the Google address for the imagery.


Syracuse Office
100 S. Clinton St, Room 1371
Syracuse, NY 13261
Phone: 315-448-0304
Apprx. Coords- -76.15422 43.05079

If you think that George Bush, Jr. is the worst president Americans ever elected, I think you should read about this office's trouble with an aspiring presidential-wannabe. Lawrence Ward's manifesto called "Hillbilly 4th of July" was dispersed to various neighbors around the area. Its 4-hour tirade mentions the fact that Lawrence felt he should be president. Sure, next time around why not the worst? Anyway, read about Lawrence. I sometimes feel sorry for the SS.


White Plains Office
140 Grand St (Google lists the address as 300 Hamilton Ave, Suite 300)
White Plains, NY 10601
Phone: 914-682-6300
Apprx. Coords- -73.76751 41.03432

Google gives a different address than the one I have. If anyone knows any differently, I will use the one Google brings up.

I'm not sure if my intelligence is correct, but there is some indication that this office is very active in the Clintons' protection. One poster at this website says:

"The Secret Service is notorious for its reluctance to discuss even mundane aspects of how it carries out its duties, so authoritative information about the setup of the Clinton home in New York state is hard to come by. However, around the time of the Chappaqua purchase, the press estimated that a permanent, taxpayer-funded security system worth more than $1 million would have to be installed to adequately protect the President. Security measures of this level are not specific to the Clintons; the homes of all Presidents are treated this way, as (to a lesser extent) are the homes of former Presidents. In each case the costs of installation and maintenance for the security systems comes from public funds, because the protection of First Families is viewed as a right and proper charge upon the nation.

The Clintons' home in Chappaqua is served by the White Plains office of the Secret Service, which was already well-staffed before the Clintons' home purchase (largely because many consulates maintain houses in the area). The arrival of the First Family shifted the office's workload from 90% investigative and 10% protective to 80% protective and 20% investigative. The office was there before the Clintons bought into the neighborhood, and it will continue to be there even if the Clintons leave.

In December 2000, the Clintons took possession of another house, this one a $2.85 millon home in Washington, D.C., a stone's throw from famed Embassy Row. Though White House press releases refer to the Clintons as "residents of Chappaqua, New York" and emphasize the house is "for Mrs. Clinton's use while the Senate is in session," security renovations will have to be made to this house as well even if only the former First Lady uses the place. (Former Presidents can get $200,000 in security improvements at a second home, and more with Congressional approval, which usually is just a formality.)

Bill Clinton and his wife are the last to be afforded lifetime Secret Service protection. In 1997, Congress changed the rules governing protection of former Presidents, limiting future ex-Chief Executives to only ten years' worth of protection after they leave office."

OSIN- I think they better change that back once W leaves. I can't find any information as to if they ever caught Lawrence Ward.