Site Report for the US Secret Service for New Mexico

You can view the images for the office in this state here.

Albuquerque Office
505 Marquette St, NW, Suite 1700
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Phone: 505-248-5290
Apprx. Coords- -106.65235 35.08844

Here's an interesting quote from this article:

P.J. Crowley, a retired Air Force officer and former Clinton White House spokesman, defended the need for a large air armada to accompany the president to distant destinations. He said the Air Force and Secret Service - not the president - dictate aircraft requirements based on the travel itinerary, air field availability and threat assessment.

"The logistics are actually driven by the Secret Service in terms of what the security requirements are," Mr. Crowley said. "When the president travels, we're going to bring our own planes, our own helicopters and our own vehicles. These are requirements so the president can travel safely and has the ability to communicate with his government any place he goes in the world. This is not a question of luxury. It's a question of security."