Site Report for the US Secret Service for Nevada

You can view the images for the offices in this state here.

Las Vegas Office
600 Las Vegas Blvd South, Suite 600
Las Vegas, NV 89101
Phone: 702-388-6571
Apprx. Coords- -115.14553 36.16370

Back in 2002, the head of this office along with his assistant were removed from their positions. It appears evidence was missing from the evidence room and the SS agent in charge tried to cover it up. His assistant blew the whistle and alleges discriminiation due to the fact his is Korean. Everybody got pissed, but it appears the SS agent in charge was allowed to keep his retirement pay. The Korean guy mostly got fucked. Here is the article.

Uh-oh. Another article mentions that the SS agent in charge, Saitta, was a member of the "Good O' Boys" network, the same network that held racists skits in Tennessee. Apparently, they're still around. This article gives more information about this case.

Holy fucking shit! You think he's bad. Read about Saitta's wife, a Clark county district court judge!


Reno Office
100 W. Liberty St, Suite 850
Reno, NV 89501
Phone: 775-784-5354
Apprx. Coords- -119.81303 39.52216

For some reason, the USGS shot looks strange. You can really see the building and the shadows conceal more than they should. There is no tall building to the west of this building, as can be seen in the Earthsat shot.

Dammit, Janet! Stop coming up in my Internet searches! >:( So much of them are about Janet Reno.