Site Report for the US Secret Service for Massachusetts

You can view the images for the office in this state here.

Boston Office
10 Causeway Street, Suite 790
Boston, MA 02222-1080
Phone: 617-565-5640
Apprx. Coords- -71.06327 42.36530

In doing research on this office, I came across an interesting exchange on It appears that when new hires have questions, they post them on the forum so that seasoned officers, in this case the Secret Service Uniform Division, can answer them. From the exchange I learned that the SS know that these forums might be monitored. Actually, Google monitors it for us, plnkownr87349, if you want to know. He or she said, "you have to remember this is the SECRET service be cauious on what you say even about the process." The new recruit was asking where to report to, when the shifts started, and how others got to work. I'm amazed anyone goes to work at all, much less get hired in the SS. Later on, plnkownr87349 says, "I know you all have good intentions just remember that this is a PUBLIC forum..... the law enforcement and emergency public service are ALLWAYS being watched by someone....." Don't worry, plnkownr87349, I have other sources. ;) You can read the whole exchange at

Incidentally, this was the office, along with the FBI Boston office, that released "unconfirmed information" that white supremicists were planning to attack media vans during the Democratic Convention in 2004. How convenient that only anti-war demonstrators were affected by this. You can read a version here..