Site Report for the US Secret Service for Kansas

You can view the images for the office in this state here.

Wichita Office
301 N. Main, Suite 275
Wichita, KS 67202
Phone: 316-269-6694
Apprx. Coords- -97.33842 37.69074

I'm assuming this article refers to Arkansas City, Kansas and not the one in Arkansas. Anyway , if you ever have to call the SS, don't call this office. According to an article at, a man got a call from a Middle-Eastern sounding person who claimed the White House would be bombed at noon. He, in turn called the Wichita Office of the SS and got an answering service. Eventually, he did reach someone in DC, but it is a wonder. Speaking of a wonder, I wonder if the guy who received the call had *69 service, and if so, why didn't he use it? For that matter, why would a terrorists intent on bombing the White House announce his intentions? Common sense tells me this is a hoax, but in the article the experts say they want all threats, either real or hoaxes reported.