Site Report for the US Secret Service Field Offices in California

You can view the images for the offices in this state here.

Fresno Office
5200 North Palm Avenue
Fresno, CA 93703
Phone: 209-487-5204
Apprx. Coords- -119.80786 36.81203


Los Angeles Office
255 E. Temple Street, 17th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Phone: 213-894-4830
Apprx. Coords- -118.23980 34.05366

Why, I'll be damned. Their office is right next to the BOPs Federal Detention Center for Los Angeles! >:)

This office participated in the raid of webmaster Serman Austin's home. He was the webmaster of Raise the Fist, which posted links to websites that taught how to make drano bombs and molotov cocktails, which can easily be found when one does a search on Google. Why Google has not been held accoutable for essentially doing the same thing is beyond me. You can read how the Secret Service and the FBI saved us all from this left-wing kid but not from the still-active neo-nazi websites at

This office was heavily involved with the funeral arrangements of Ronald Reagan.

Here is a link about a lawsuit that was brought against the FBI and Secret Service due to their polygraph procedures: It makes interesting reading, especially when you learn that if you fail it, those two agencies share the fact you failed with other agencies, including state and local police departments. Of course, you'd think that the FBI would've learned the value of the polygraph after the Aldrich Ames case.


Riverside Office
4371 Latham Street, Suite 203
Riverside, CA 92501
Phone: 909-276-6781
Apprx. Coords- -117.37360 34.00343

Google and Terraserver do not agree on the address. Google says the buildings are the ones seperated by a space. Terraserver says it's the building further west


Sacramento Office
501 I Street, Suite 9500
Sacramento, CA 95814-2322
Phone: 916-930-2130
Apprx. Coords- -121.49857 38.58326

I am unsure which building they are in. Terraserver has the address plotting to the opposite street as Google.


San Diego Office
550 West C Street
San Diego, CA 92101
Phone: 619-557-5640
Apprx. Coords- -117.16753 32.71766

This place is not far from San Diego International TRACON. Hmm.

From (look for it in google's cache. Their website requires registration): "Published Nov 2003. The U.S. Secret Service has selected Johnson & Jennings General Contracting to build out 11,000 sf of office space in San Diego's 550 Corporate Center. The project architect was Benito Design Group."

During the Republican National Convention of 1996 at San Diego, details about how security is divided amount among the law enforcement groups is given. You can read about it at


San Francisco Office
345 Spear Street, Suite 530
San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: 415-744-9026
Apprx. Coords- -122.39039 37.79009

I give up on America. If we've become this scared and stupid of terrorists, we deserve destruction. Read how Secret Service agents from this office terrorized two 16 year old kids for saying that they wanted to hire a sniper to shoot Bush. It makes one wonder if two 16 year old kids could accomplish something where Osama Bin Laden has failed, not to mention where they would find a sniper stupid enough to take on the job or how they would pay him. The story is located at Pretty soon, Christians will have to refer to the Genesis account as "The Non-Presidential Burning Bush." Unless, god was making a threat against Bush in that story. Perhaps this office should investigate?

And now, I give you one of the strangest things I've ever come across on the Internet. Apparently, some woman thought she was a "non-human" and that the San Fran Field Office of the Secret Service thought so, too. Have a look at

Okay, this office is taking up way too much of my time. When you get time, go read about Daniel Culvey and his near collision course with the San Fran Office. But really, thank you "Hacker Fairy" for the ground shot of 345 Spear St. Now I know I have the right building. You see, where America shuns people like you, I embrace completely!

Here is an interesting interview, although dated (1999), which gives some information on how the San Fran office was structured at that time. Special Agent Von Holt confirms my belief that the field offices are put on special duty when VIPs arrive in town, except for Bush, who never comes to San Fran. Read the section called "How the San Francisco office works." Agent Holt (who needs a haircut) also gives an idea of what geographical areas they cover. The site is located at I'll say it again- One piece of information may seem inocuous, but bring that together with other pieces of information, and well, you know... >:P

Want to know what advice the SS gives people when driving in one of their motorcades? Read Ignore Sandy Buffett's gushing at Senator Kerry during the campaign in San Jose. Actually, I'm not sure why this came up under San Fran's searches.

You know, it must be hell working in a conservative office surrounded by hundreds of thousands of fags and liberals. Just read the reception the San Fran office got at Stanford when they asked the university and students to support the Electronic Crimes Task Force-

At this point, I'm going to end my searches for this office. However, the reader should go to Google and search for: "secret service" "san francisco office" to learn more.


San Jose Office
280 S First Street
San Jose, CA 95113
Phone: 408-535-5288
Apprx. Coords- -121.88672 37.33214

Google and Terrraserver do not agree on the location. The address I have has the building closer to downtown. Google's is further away. I will have to research this.

This is so weird. As soon as I finish San Fran, I come across Agent Von Holt again. He's becoming my "Warden Veach" of Project 2. Anyway, he used to be at the San Jose office and investigated a guy who printed Chelsea Clinton's address when she was a student there (1997). USA Today caught wind of the article and printed it, and in turn, "The Hillary" read it and exploded. Is it me, or do only Republicans use their connections to get their kids into good schools. You'd think with a father as President of the United States, Chelsea could have gotten into Harvard, but suprisingly, only George Bush, Jr. made the grade. That's why I'm a Yale man. George Bush, Sr., need not gloat. (The Secret Service should not expect that I actually went to Yale, or to any college for that matter, but I'm being flippant. >:P) The article is at

Although this data may be dated, the starting salary of a "Uniformed Division Police Officer" for the SS is $43,691.


Santa Ana Office
200 W. Santa Ana Blvd.
Santa Ana, CA 92701-4164
Phone: 714-246-8257
Apprx. Coords- -117.86887 33.74931

There's not much on this office. One case that made headlines was the case of Nicolas Jacobsen who was arrested at his apartment in Santa Ana for breaking into a T-Mobile server and using the account of Secret Service agent Peter Cavicchia of New York. After stealing celebrities' photos, he found solace in circulating SS documents in a computer underground IRC site. You can read about it at and countless other sites. But, note in this document how the SS uses these same guys to catch other criminals. That's why I never IRC.


Ventura Office
My list tells me they only have a PO Box. What's wrong with these people? >:(
Anyway, Google says the address is this:
5500 Telegraph Rd
Ventura, CA 93003
Phone: 805-339-9180
Apprx. Coords- -119.21931 34.27789

Earthsat imagery was of poor quality.