Site Report for Oakland ARTCC (ZOA)

You can view the images for this ARTCC and related airports here.

Address: 5125 Central Avenue, Fremont, CA 94536

Airports listed for this ARTCC:
Oakland International (OAK)
San Francisco International (SFO)

Apprx. Coords- (OAK Tower 1) -122.21279 37.72279
Apprx. Coords- (OAK Tower 2) -122.21403 37.71288
Apprx. Coords- (SFO Tower) -122.38330 37.61745

Date of USGS Urban Imagery for OAK is dated 2/27/2004 and is quite good. Readers should investigate it for themselves.
Date of USGS Urban Imagery for SFO is dated 2/27/2004 and is quite good. Readers should investigate it for themselves.

Airports within this ARTCC that stream audio on web: None thus far.

Good links:

AF-1 information related to the following airports:

OAK- From an article at, Kaiser Air is a service support company for aircraft. They say:

"You're in Good Company at KaiserAir

Our passengers have included former U.S. presidents, British prime ministers and European royalty, and Fortune 500 executives who appreciate our safety, our security and our detail-oriented service. Our attention to security is such that that we serve as a refueling stop for Air Force One."

OSIN- Okay, and now for something totally different. Although this is not about the Oakland airport in California, it's one of those oddities I come across on the Internet that I had to share. Apparently, the Secret Service uses firefighters in protecting the President. Go to and take a look at the caption of the image. I would think that guarding the President is a little outside a firefighter's job description. It could be, unbeknownst to the firefighters, that they were convenient human shields, much like a lower cabinet minister or press secretary.

SFO- You know, AF-1 has landed at this airport, but I can find no instance where George Bush has actually visited the city of San Francisco. Maybe he doesn't like it when thousands throng the streets flipping him off? It's called free speech, but I guess he's punishing them for not supporting him. Or rewarding them, depending on your point of view. I can't believe he's that scared of a bunch of fags. It's not like god is going to smite it with fire and brimstone while his favorite cheerleader is visiting. And there's just as many fags in Washington, D.C. as there are in San Fran. You can tell that if you went to fags' favorite cruising places such as the Lincoln Memorial, Capital Hill, and Pentagon restrooms.