Site Report for New York ARTCC (ZNY)

You can view the images for this ARTCC and related airports here.

Address: 4205 Johnson Avenue, Long Island MacArthur Airport, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

Airports listed for this ARTCC:
Newark International (EWR)
Westchester County Airport (HPN)
Long Island MacArthur Airport (ISP)
John F. Kennedy International (JFK)
Laguardia International (LGA)
Philadelphia International (PHL)
Stewart International (SWF)

Apprx. Coords- (EWR Tower) -74.16905 40.69921
Apprx. Coords- (HPN Tower) -73.71224 41.06254
Apprx. Coords- (ISP Tower) -73.10243 40.79022
Apprx. Coords- (JFK Tower) -73.78069 40.64263
Apprx. Coords- (LGA Tower) -73.87541 40.77692
Apprx. Coords- (PHL Tower) -75.23267 39.86680
Apprx. Coords- (SWF Tower) -74.09780 41.50130

Date of USGS Imagery for EWR is dated 3/29/1995.
Date of USGS Imagery for HPN is dated 6/24/1993.
Date of USGS Imagery for ISP is dated 4/8/1994.
Date of USGS Imagery for JFK is dated 4/8/1994.
Date of USGS Imagery for LGA is dated 4/8/1994.
Date of USGS Imagery for PHL is dated 4/24/1999.
Date of USGS Imagery for SWF is dated 4/20/1994.

Airports within this ARTCC that stream audio on web:
JFK- (Delivery/Ground) (Tower) (Approach/Departure)

Good links:

AF-1 information related to the following airports:

EWR- Jimmy Carter was here in 1977, but probably not on a 747. One of the hijacked airliners on 9/11 took off from this airport (Flight 93). Most Internet searches on this airfield concern 9/11. However, EWR's 22R runway is more than long enough to support the 747 AF-1.

HPN- There is an article about AF-2 having to take evasive manuevers on its way to this airport. However, it's unclear which aircraft was used. I'm thinking it might have been the 757 as the longest runway at this airport is about 6500 feet. The FAA was accused of giving Hillary Clinton's plane special treatment when she was running for Senator of New York. This article is located at The interesting thing it mentions is that Hillary usually uses Westchester or La Guardia which is near her home in White Plains. It also mentions that the First Lady's plane is designated Executive Foxtrot One, although I'm not sure if that applies to Laura Bush now. Apparently AF-1 has been here as well, and while Hillary was campaigning in New York, an article at,AOpdAA2hBh---B.-B.-BGAQ3A!2!OpB.-Q3CQ3BYYQ25Q5124Q3A mentions that the President flew to this airport on a C-9 (Westchester cannot accomodate a 747). So, there are now 4 planes the President may use- a 747, a 757, a C-9, and a Gulfstream III.

Hmm. Apparently Bush was here during the 2004 campaign. This article at mentions that Bush is a native of New Haven. As I recall, people from the North who moved to the South after the Civil War were called "carpetbaggers", which is slightly better than being called a Texan. But let's give George the last word, shall we? "I came to this office to solve problems, not pass them on to future presidents and future generations," Bush said.

ISP- Apparently in 1972, Nixon flew to this airport by helicopter. I'm assuming AF-1 landed at JFK or LGA, since he stopped at Nassau County first before proceeding on to MacArthur in Suffolk County.

JFK- Obviously, this airfield is more than adequate to support all Presidential aircraft. Here is a sappy article written by an obviously biased reporter at Besides the fact he shows himself to be a sentimental suck-up, he gives me these interesting tidbits:

1. "I was the last person up the steps of Air Force One, save for a Secret Service agent behind me, literally pushing my rear end, ordering me to get up the steps as fast as I could." OSIN- Keil, have you considered he was coming on to you? >:P
2. "We were rolling down the runway even before I got into my seat in the press cabin. As I buckled my seatbelt, it seemed the engines were roaring louder than normal. What happened next I didn't confirm until nearly a year later, when I finally saw footage of those moments-the plane didn't take off, it lifted off. My head was pressed back against my seat by the gravitational forces; almost instantly, we were at 10,000 feet, beyond the range of any shoulder-fired missile." OSIN- This explains why they stop all traffic as AF-1 comes within 30 nautical miles. A maniac is flying it.
3. "Air Force One normally flies into JFK International Airport, and, from there, to avoid having a motorcade tie up traffic, the president takes a helicopter to the Wall Street Landing Zone. Flying over Queens and the East River, he touches down on the banks of the river in the heart of the financial district."

OSIN- So, JFK is the favorite. Thank you, mouthy reporter.

LGA- Although I found no real references of AF-1 stopping here (JFK is the favorite son), if it stopped at Westchester, I'm sure it could go here.

PHL- AF-1 was here in 2003. Its runways are more than long enough to accomodate Bush's private squardron of planes. Anyway, he visited here countless times during the 2004 election.

SWF- From the article at, it says this about Stewart International:

"Besides, Stewart has its own sort of cachet, if you want to start dropping names. It was where the 52 hostages held in Iran landed on Jan. 25, 1981, after their release from Iran. Air Force One lands at Stewart when the president visits nearby West Point. The Concorde has landed there, and it is the alternate landing site for the space shuttle, thanks to the extra-long runway it boasts thanks to its roots as a military base and training facility for West Point cadets."

OSIN- Hmm. That was interesting and grammatically incorrect. After thinking about it awhile and doing some quick research using my favorite weapon system, the Internet, it appears that the President, no matter which one, likes to give the commencement address at least to one service academy per year. My research indicates that this is rotated among the four major service academies, with poor little Merchant Marine Academy being tacked on as an afterthought. In 2002, Bush spoke at West Point. In 2003, he went to the Coast Guard Academy (yes, they have one). In 2004 he went to both the Air Force Academy and Merchant Marine. In 2005 he was at the Naval Academy. If the cycle repeats itself, in 2006 he will go back to West Point in late May/early June. I think I found my second scenario. 1