Site Report for Jacksonville ARTCC (ZJX)

You can view the images for this ARTCC and related airports here.

Address is listed as 37075 Aviation Ave., Hilliard, FL 32046.

Airports listed for this ARTCC:
Orlando International (MCO)
Tampa International (TPA)

Apprx. Coords- (MCO Tower) -81.30812 28.42751
Apprx. Coords- (TPA Tower) -82.53412 27.98149

Date of USGS Urban Imagery for MCO is dated 6/4/2002 and is quite good. Readers should visit it on their own.
Date of USGS Urban Imagery for TPA is dated 5/10/2002 and is quite good. Readers should visit it on their own.

Airports within this ARTCC that stream audio on web: None thus far.

Good links:

AF-1 information related to the following airports:

MCO- Yes, AF-1 has visited this airport. Bullshit was dispensed accordingly.

TPA- This is the airport that AF-1 left from after the 9/11 attacks. There is an article located at The article confirmed that the Secret Service and the FAA do coordinate flight activities for AF-1, especially in times of trouble. Here is a quote from the article:

"We were working with the Secret Service to get Air Force One out of the area," Zugay said. President Bush was making an appearance in Sarasota when the terrorists struck."


Here are some useful links-
This link gives insight in how the military (at least the Army) is tied into the FAA system. The first chapter gives an overview. Although it is dated, parts of the directive are probably still in place:

This link gives me addresses for some of the ARTCCs. I've been looking for this for weeks! Thanks, FAA!