Syrian Computer Society (SCS Net)

Subnets 0-31 are all assigned to SCS.

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 0: 80
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 1-3
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 4: 20,37,49,53,58,63
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 5.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 6: 9,19,30
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 7: 207,220
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 8.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 9: 116,117,131,134,145,147,150,154,163,192
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 10.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 11: 58,71,75,78,94
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 12 & 13.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 14: 205,214,215,218,232,233,241,249,252,254
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 15.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 16: 187
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 17-19.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 20: 1,11,29,47
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 21.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 22: 41,79
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 23.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 24: 24,48
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 25-30.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 31: 1,4,100,251

Subnets 224-228 (SCS):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 224: 1,3,4,11,29,35,62,120,127,130,138,204,210,211,224,225
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 225: 37,38,39,40,65,76,80,82,87
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 226.
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 227: 10
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 228.

Subnet 229 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to UN's global development network; hosts 16-31 are assigned to SCS; hosts 32-35 are assigned to United Nations Population Fund; hosts 36-127 are assigned to SCS; hosts 128-135 are assigned to Ernst & Young Branch in Damascus; hosts 136-143 are assigned to SCS; hosts 144-151 are assigned to IOM; hosts 152-175 are assigned to SCS; hosts 176-191 are assigned to Ghazal Co; hosts 192-255 are assigned to SCS):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 229.

Subnet 230 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to SyriaTel GSM Operator in Damascus; hosts 32-39 are assigned to the Atomic Energy Commission of Syria (AECS); hosts 40-47 are assigned to SCS; hosts 48-55 are assigned to Haykal Group; hosts 56-63 are assigned to SCS; hosts 64-95 are assigned to SpaceTelSyria, GSM Provider to Syria; hosts 96-127 are assigned to SCS; hosts 128-135 are assigned to SyriaComm; hosts 136-143 are assigned to SCS; hosts 144-151 are assigned ISS Remote Systems Engineering Support Center; hosts 152-159 are assigned to SCS; hosts 160-175 are assigned to Syrian Virtual Univ E-learning provider; hosts 176-191 are assigned to SCS; hosts 192-255 are assigned to Syrian Higher Education Research Network SHERN):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 230: 151,157,158,167,176,177,179,181,182

Subnets 231-239 (SCS):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 231-235.
Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 236: 72
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 237-239.

Subnet 240 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to SpaceTelSyria GSM provider; hosts 64-255 are assigned to SCS):
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 240.

Subnets 241-255 (SCS):
Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 241: 68,79,97
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 242.
Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 243: 16,19,49,54,65,67,81,82,89,90,91
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 244.
Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 245: 53,55,57,58,73,96,97,127
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 246.
Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 247: 63,65,67,81,83,84,97,99
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 248-252.
Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 253: 1,2,5
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 254.
Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 255: 4,9,32,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95