
Subnets 224-255 are all assigned to NourNet.
Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnets 224-255.

Subnets 160 & 161 (NourNet):
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 160: 1,4,6-8,12,15,16,18,20,25-27,32,67,109,115,126,152,153,174,235,236,238,242,251
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 161: 5,12,41,112,113,133,135,147,227

Subnet 162 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to National Advanced Systems Co, NASCO; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Lazurde in Riyadh; hosts 80-87 are assigned to Al-Majal; hosts 88-95 are assigned to Muhannad-Rasheed; hosts 96-111 are assigned to APV(?); hosts 112-127 are assigned to MESC(?); hosts 128-143 are assigned to Sky2PC; hosts 144-147 are assigned to Riyadh Cables; hosts 148-151 are assigned to MetalCo; hosts 152-155 are assigned to AlSalam Aircraft; hosts 156-159 are assigned to NourNet Trading Co; hosts 160-175 are assigned to PortFolio; hosts 176-191 are assigned to MESC-2nd Subnet; hosts 192-199 are assigned to Tabuk Pharm. Co; hosts 200-207 are assigned to Tabuk Pharm. Co TPMC; hosts 208-215 are assigned to Rock Internet Cafe; hosts 216-223 are assigned to Native Solutions; hosts 224-231 are assigned to Ahmed Enazi Internet Cafe; hosts 232-239 are assigned to Abu Aljadayel Co in Riyadh; hosts 240-243 are assigned to Saudi Hotels, Riyadh, hosts 244-247 are assigned to United Motors Co UMC; hosts 248-251 are assigned to RamWorld; hosts 252-255 are assigned to Extra Co Dammam):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 162: 64,73,79,88-90,95-97,99,111-113,127,173,209,211,212,221,253,254

Subnet 163 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Y2K Internet Cafe; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Integrated Networks Co; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Al-Hamra Oasis Compound; hosts 128-131 are assigned to Carlton Hotel; hosts 132-135 are assigned to Dyrup Arabian Danish Paint Co; hosts 136-151 are assigned to Al-Jedaie; hosts 152-155 are assigned to Samaco Infonet Internal; hosts 156-159 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 160-167 are assigned to Saudi Credit Bureau; hosts 168-175 are assigned to Astra Polymers; hosts 176-191 are assigned to SCT Tourism Council; hosts 192-207 are assigned to APV InvenSys; hosts 208-215 are assigned to Prince Fahid Bin Mishari; hosts 216-223 are assigned to ADC Telecom Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Rikaz Co):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 163: 1-4,66,70-72,74,89,97,108,129,134,137,172,173,189,193,209,211

Subnet 164 (NourNet):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 164: 1,7,16,30,31,33,34,77,96,97,100,129,135,158,164,165,167,177,185,194,201-211,230-250

Subnet 165 (Hosts 0-7 are assigned to Henkel; hosts 8-15 are assigned to Azaq Al-Quraishi; hosts 16-31 are assigned to United Arab Motors UAM; hosts 32-47 are assigned to Al-Multaka Club; hosts 48-63 are assigned to NASCO; hosts 64-95 are assigned to House of Invention; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Arizona Compound Golf Resort; hosts 128-191 are assigned to AEC Co; hosts 192-207 are assigned to Ali Zaid Quraishi Electric AQESA; hosts 208-215 are assigned to Jiddah Islamic Port; hosts 216-223 are assigned to BMI Attar Travel; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Itessal Fouri Areej Cafe #2):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 165: 1,9,16-19,21-23,30-35,37-39,44,45,47-49,63-66,77,79,95-97,101,102,106,127,128,130,191,193,209,225,230,235,250

Subnet 166 (Hosts 0-7 are assigned Al Marhomi-Manzileah Est; hosts 8-15 are assigned to Telerate; hosts 16-23 are assigned to Nour VIP Villas; hosts 24-31 are assigned to NCMS Co in Dammam; hosts 32-47 are assigned to IBSF; hosts 48-55 are assigned to Mejdaf Riyadh; hosts 56-63 are assigned to Exi Telecom NoviaCom; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Saudi Snacks-Pepsico Int; hosts 80-95 are assigned to Detecon Saudi Arabia; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Al-Eid Compound and Villas; hosts 128-131 are assigned to Al-Rashed Motors; hosts 132-135 are assigned to Mr. Sami Abdulla Salman Riyadh Bank; hosts 136-143 are assigned to Harco Co; hosts 144-151 are assigned to Sawani Jeddah; hosts 152-159 are assigned to Drager; hosts 160-175 are assigned to Al-Juraid; hosts 176-183 are assigned to Alcatel Saudi Arabia; hosts 184-191 are assigned to Durrat Alwadi City Plaza Dammam; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Sara Holding Co; hosts 224-239 are assigned to Sara Holding Co 2nd Subnet; hosts 240-255 are assigned to Gulf Net):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 166: 1,2,4,17,25,28,33,37,59,61,64,65,79,80,82,95-99,103,106,118,123,124,126,127,129,133,145,146,148,153,161,173,174,177,180,185,186,193,194,223

Subnet 167 (Hosts 0-3 are assigned to Al-Zouman Co in Yanbu; hosts 4-7 are assigned to Focus Ad Co; hosts 8-15 are assigned to Al-Rabie Dairy Co; hosts 16-23 are assigned to IKEA; hosts 24-27 are assigned to Wave Lan Omni Link; hosts 28-31 are assigned to Alasker Internet Cafe; hosts 32-39 are assigned to PSI; hosts 40-47 are assigned to Y2K Internet Cafe; hosts 48-55 are assigned to Olayan Co; hosts 56-63 are assigned to Ashco Co Olayyan; hosts 64-71 are assigned to Aljedeai Furniture 1; hosts 72-79 are assigned Al-Shawaf Law Office; hosts 80-95 are assigned to Abu-Nayyan Group; hosts 96-103 are assigned to Wesa(?); hosts 104-111 are assigned to Al-Jadaan Law Firm; hosts 112-127 are assigned to ROC Compound 2nd Subnet; hosts 128-135 are assigned to SAMACO in Jeddah; hosts 136-143 are assigned to Baashen in Jeddah; hosts 144-159 are assigned to NourNet Office; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Duraibi; hosts 192-199 are assigned to Barwil-Dammam; hosts 200-207 are assigned to AICO Aqqad; hosts 208-223 are assigned to BETA IT Tammimi; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Ali Ziad Alquraishi):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 167: 9,38,40,41,47,49,65-67,72,73,79,81-87,93,104,105,111,140,145,194,196,201,209

Subnet 168 (0-63 are assigned to FAL Residential Compound; hosts 64-127 are assigned to ROC Compound; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Abdulla Fouad Co; hosts 144-159 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Y2K Internet Cafe; hosts 192-199 are assigned to Essam Arabian Projects ESAP; hosts 200-207 are assigned to Mohammad Al Ameer Co; hosts 208-223 are assigned to Sara Holding Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to NourNet):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 168: 1,7,25,27,29,33,35,36,42,45,49,50-53,66,67,70,72,108,136,161,192-194,199,225,226,234,241

Subnet 169 (Hosts 0-7 are assigned to Alcatel 2nd Subnet; hosts 8-15 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 16-23 are assigned to Danish Paints Dyrup; hosts 24-31 are assigned to MESC; hosts 32-39 are assigned to Saatchi & Saatchi Jeddah; hosts 40-47 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 48-55 are assigned to APV Dammam; hosts 56-63 are assigned to Patchi Jeddah; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Wallan Co; hosts 80-103 are assigned to KLM Saudi Arabia; hosts 104-111 are assigned to Eli Lilly; hosts 112-119 are assigned to Saudi Lighting Co; hosts 120-127 are assigned to Al-Sharq Plastic Factory; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Advanced Electronic Co; hosts 144-159 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 160-167 are assigned to Ahmed Elenazi Internet Cafe; hosts 168-175 are assigned to Elite Co; hosts 176-179 are assigned to Abu Nayyan Co in Dammam; hosts 180-183 are assigned to Imdad Medical Co; hosts 184-191 are assigned to Sukhtian House; hosts 192-223 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 224-227 are assigned to NourNet Office in Dammam; hosts 228-231 are assigned to Ruhaily Est. Jeddah; hosts 232-239 are assigned to NASCO in Jeddah; hosts 240-247 are assigned to Ghazal Travel; hosts 248-255 are assigned to Shell & Jomaih):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 169: 1,7-9,15-17,23,34,57,59,60,104,105,111-113,119,121-124,128,130,134,136,143,162,165,169,172-174,192,193,195

Subnet 170 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to NourNet Co-located Customer Servers; hosts 16-255 are assigned to NourNet):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 170: 1,49

Subnet 171 (NourNet ADLS Service Users Pool 2):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 171: 30,33,34,37-39,45,46,50,54,56,57,69,77,79,83,84,96,98,102,106,107,128,144,150

Subnet 172 (Hosts 0-7 are assigned to KSB abu Nayyan; hosts 8-15 are assigned to World Span Hajez; hosts 16-31 are assigned to Saatchi & Saatchi; hosts 32-39 are assigned to Wasseet Service; hosts 40-47 are assigned to Abdul Latif ALISA; hosts 48-55 are assigned to Horizon; hosts 56-63 are assigned to Saudi Lighting; hosts 64-71 are assigned to Devo Team Saudi Arabia; hosts 72-79 are assigned to Al Bandar Co City Plaza; hosts 80-87 are assigned to Callem Co; hosts 88-95 are assigned to NoviaCom 2nd Link; hosts 96-103 are assigned to Wallan Aviation Co; hosts 104-127 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Honda; hosts 160-175 are assigned to Saudi Council for Health; hosts 176-191 are assigned to Saudi EDI; hosts 192-195 are assigned to National Market; hosts 196-207 are assigned to FinPro; hosts 208-215 are assigned to Al-Kabli Trade Center; hosts 216-219 are assigned to Zaid Sleiman; hosts 220-255 are assigned to NourNet):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 172: 6,18-20,22,49,65,66,73,97,128,129,159,161,162,165,166,185-188,197,198,201,221,241,245,249

Subnet 173 (NourNet ADSL Fixed IP ADSL):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 173: 3,11,18-20,23,25,34,39,41,49,54,57,61,62,76,77,81,87,90-92,95,97-99,101,112,121,122

Subnet 174 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Savola; hosts 32-47 are assigned to Nour Communications; hosts 48-63 are assigned to Nour Communications Nokia Project; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Rowad Internet Cafe; hosts 80-95 are assigned to Imar Albayader Co; hosts 96-127 are assigned to Italian Embassy Trading Dept.; hosts 128-143 are assigned to STC World Span; hosts 144-147 are assigned to Saggaf Pharmacy; hosts 148-151 are assigned to Tunnel to Atheer; hosts 152-155 are assigned to Al Jazirah Pharmaceutical Co; hosts 156-159 are assigned to NCMS; hosts 160-191 are assigned to Al-Salam Aircraft 2nd Link; hosts 192-223 are assigned to Rock Internet Cafe; hosts 224-231 are assigned to Qusaibi Co in Jeddah; hosts 232-255 are assigned to NourNet):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 174: 33-40,65-69,80,81,95,97,153,154,163,164,167,168,170,171,175,184,185,193,225

Subnet 175 (Hajz Internet and MPLS Customers):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 175: 33,41

Subnet 176 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to NourNet-SCT; hosts 16-23 are assigned to Arab National Bank; hosts 24-31 are assigned to Aman Insurance Co; hosts 32-47 are assigned to Kanoo Norwich; hosts 48-63 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 64-79 are assigned to Nabarees Group; hosts 80-87 are assigned to Elite 2nd Subnet; hosts 88-95 are assigned to NourNet Jeddah Office; hosts 96-103 are assigned to Zahran Co; hosts 104-111 are assigned to American Meat Co; hosts 112-119 are assigned to Ram World Co; hosts 120-123 are assigned to FedEx SMSA 2nd Subnet; hosts 124-127 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 128-191 are assigned to Arab National Bank; hosts 192-254 are assigned to Saudi Pharmaceutical Industries & Medical Appliances SPIMACO):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 176: 1,2,5,6,10,25,49,50,53-55,80,81,85,87,89,90,97,113,114

Subnet 177 (Hosts 0-3 are assigned to Eli Lilly; hosts 4-7 are assigned to Extra Co; hosts 8-15 are assigned to Eli Lilly; hosts 16-23 are assigned to Zimmo-Sanofi; hosts 24-27 are assigned to Marhomi; hosts 28-31 are assigned to Jazirah Pharmacy; hosts 32-39 are assigned to Al-Zouman Aviation; hosts 40-47 are assigned to National Installment; hosts 48-55 are assigned to Blue Reef; hosts 56-59 are assigned to Actaris; hosts 60-63 are assigned to Extra Co 3; hosts 64-67 are assigned to Abu Aljadayel; hosts 68-79 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 80-87 are assigned to Americana; hosts 88-95 are assigned to IDCO Jeddah; hosts 96-103 are assigned to Abbar & Zainy Co; hosts 104-111 are assigned to Afifi Internet Cafe; hosts 112-127 are assigned to Azaq- Red Bull; hosts 128-135 are assigned to Actaris 2; hosts 136-143 are assigned to FedEx; hosts 144-159 are assigned to Saudi Port Authority; hosts 160-175 are assigned to Al-Rashid Co; hosts 176-183 are assigned to Saudi Wild Life Est.; hosts 184-191 are assigned to Prince Salman Center for Disability Research; hosts 192-199 are assigned to Wallan; hosts 200-207 are assigned to FedEx; hosts 208-223 are assigned to Computer Contracting Co; hosts 224-255 are assigned to Novo Nordisk):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 177: 1,2,8,9,15,17,37,42,56-59,65,69,73-75,81,90-92,101,102,126,129,138,139,145,161,194,209,225,233,249

Subnet 178 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to NourNet Use; hosts 16-23 are assigned to Abbot; hosts 24-31 are assigned to Beckman RYD; hosts 32-127 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 128-255 are assigned to NourNet EasyNet Pool):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 178: 1-6,17,25,130,134,155,161,163,181,193,196,220,227,231,247

Subnet 179 (World Span Dialup Users):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 179: 3,5,7,30-32,34,35,39,40-43,45,47,49,51,56,59,82

Subnet 180 (NourNet ADSL Fixed IP):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 180: 3,4,6,12,24

Subnet 181 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to DeteCon; hosts 32-39 are assigned to Dar Al-Tayar Investment Co; hosts 40-47 are assigned to BMI Attar Travel; hosts 48-55 are assigned to Al-Rabie Dairy; hosts 56-63 are assigned to National Flight Services Makshaf; hosts 64-71 are assigned to MIT Co NourNet; hosts 72-79 are assigned to Futuristic Architecture Co; hosts 80-87 are assigned to Sunbullah Co; hosts 88-95 are assigned to Nour Communications New Office; hosts 96-127 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 128-135 are assigned to Saudi Hollandi Bank; hosts 136-255 are assigned to NourNet):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 181: 37,56-58,61-63,80,81,87,89,93,97,98,100,129,145,147,149,169,176-178,180-183,193,201,209,217,218,225,233,241,243,246,249

Subnet 182 (Hosts 0-31 are assigned to Oxygen Internet Cafe; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Dammam Governorate Imara; hosts 64-71 are assigned to Saudi bureau SIMAH; hosts 72-79 Saggaf Warehouse; hosts 80-87 are assigned to HOI; hosts 88-123 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 124-127 are assigned to Barwel Jubeel; hosts 128-159 are assigned to Future Technology; hosts 160-175 are assigned to Harco DAM; hosts 176-183 are assigned to Arab National bank Head Office; hosts 184-191 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 192-199 are assigned to Jamiet AlBer Society; hosts 200-207 are assigned to Medgulf Insurance Co; hosts 208-255 are assigned to NourNet):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 182: 1,3-5,12,14,20,26-28,30,33-35,37,66,80,81,89,160-162,175,193,196,200-202,207,209,212,217,240,241,247

Subnet 183 (Hosts 0-15 are assigned to Tech Wonders; hosts 16-23 are assigned to Mohammad Siad; hosts 24-31 are assigned to PSI-Jed; hosts 32-63 are assigned to IKEA-Jed; hosts 64-79 are assignd to Gulf Air, Jeddah; hosts 80-87 are assigned to Abbar &Zainy-Jed; hosts 88-95 are assigned to Sabre TravelNet, Al-Shareif-Jed; hosts 96-111 are assigned to Gulf Air- Jed; hosts 112-119 are assigned to MBC-Jed; hosts 120-127 are assigned to Alkamal Office Co-Jed; hosts 128-143 are assigned to Zuhair Fayez-Jed; hosts 144-147 are assigned to Hesham Al-Swaidy; hosts 148-159 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 160-167 are assigned to Saudi Brothers; hosts 168-175 are assigned to Naela KAKI; hosts 176-183 are assigned to Haji Ali Riza; hosts 184-191 are assigned to Masarat; hosts 192-199 are assigned to Norwich Union DAM; hosts 200-209 are assigned to Hafil Transport-Jed; hosts 210-215 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 216-223 are assigned to Medi Services Co Riyadh; hosts 224-239 are assigned to Bayanat-Jed; hosts 240-247 are assigned to Barakat for Optics; hosts 248-255 are assigned to Yamamah Printing Press Co):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 183: 17,19,20,33-35,37,38,40,43-45,50,81,160-162,167,177-179,182,183,185-187,201,209,225,227,236,237,249,251,253

Subnet 184 (Hosts 0-3 are assigned to Hempel Paints; hosts 4-7 are assigned to M&A Albawardi; hosts 8-15 are assigned to Rassam; hosts 16-23 are assigned to Medi Services; hosts 24-27 are assigned to Vinnell; hosts 28-31 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 32-47 are assigned to Hoshon Co Riyadh; hosts 48-63 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 64-95 are assigned to Rana Cafe; hosts 96-103 are assigned to IKEA RYD; hosts 104-111 are assigned to Sky2PC 2nd subnet; hosts 112-119 are assigned to Extra Jeddah Office; hosts 120-127 are assigned to PaintCo Ryd; hosts 128-135 are assigned to Zuhair Fayez; hosts 136-143 are assigned to Saudi Contracting ADSL; hosts 144-159 are assigned to Al-Zoman Travel; hosts 160-175 are assigned to Waleed Internet Cafe; hosts 176-179 are assigned to Summit Project; hosts 180-191 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 192-207 are assigned to Prince Sultan; hosts 208-215 are assigned to Marriot Hotel; hosts 216-223 are assigned to Erdevel Europa; hosts 224-239 are assigned to Saeed Hajiri-Dammam Sabre Network; hosts 240-247 are assigned to WatanPac; hosts 248-251 are assigned to Faradan; hosts 252-255 are assigned to ESAP):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 184: 9,14,17-19,49,57,64,65,67,69,81,121-123,145,153,181,193,197,198,208,209,215,217,225,226

Subnet 185 (Hosts 0-7 are assigned to Atlas Riyadh; hosts 8-15 are assigned to Amico-Jed; hosts 16-23 are assigned to APRAL-Ommam; hosts 24-31 are assigned to Saudi Ports 2nd Link Riyadh; hosts 32-35 are assigned to Jarir-hani Jerjis; hosts 36-39 are assigned to NourNet DAM; hosts 40-44 are assigned to United Trading Co; hosts 45-47 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 48-63 are assigned to Tamimi Dammam; hosts 64-127 are assigned to Alshamel Cafe; hosts 128-135 are assigned to Hemple DAM Wireless; hosts 136-151 are assigned to Sadhan Temp; hosts 152-159 are assignd to Azaq; hosts 160-175 are assigned to Ahmed Abed; hosts 176-183 are assigned to Aljaber Riyadh; hosts 184-191 are assigned to SCT- Sudoiray Palace; hosts 192-255 are assigned to EID-LRE Subnet):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 185: 17,25,48,63,66-68,71,73,75-77,79,83,84,87-95,97-114,118-122,125,126,131,156,161,162,165-169,172,185,186,190,192,193,202,212

Subnet 186 (Hosts 0-7 are assigned to Marcom DSL; hosts 8-15 are assigned to Alrajhi National; hosts 16-31 are assigned to United Group; hosts 32-63 are assigned to Damman Internet Cafe; hosts 64-103 are assigned to Oxygen Internet Cafe Rayyan; hosts 104-255 are assigned to NourNet):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 186: 9,97,109,110,113,129,131,135,137,150,151

Subnet 187 (Hosts 0-63 are assigned to Askar Cafe; hosts 64-67 are assigned to HFSI RYD; hosts 68-79 are assigned to Olayyan; hosts 80-87 are assigned to Nour Communications in Dammam; hosts 88-95 are assigned to Arab National Bank; hosts 96-111 are assigned to Makkah Cafe; hosts 112-119 are assigned to Coco Cola; hostst 120-127 are assigned to Thunian DAM; hosts 128-143d are assigned to Y2K DSL; hosts 144-151 are assigned to Abdullah Sultan Bin Eisa; hosts 152-159 are assigned to Abdullah Al Sayed Trading Group; hosts 160-167 are assigned to IMAR; hosts 168-175 are assigned to Panda-Jeddah; hosts 176-179 are assigned to Al Danah Group; hosts 180-191 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 192-207 are assigned to ZFP; hosts 208-223 are assigned to Med Net, JED; hosts 224-231 are assigned to Bingaith Travel; hosts 232-239 are assigned to Hac(?); hosts 240-255 are assigned to Fouzan Internet):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 187: 1,33,65,69,70,73,81,83,115,122,153,169,181,182,185,189,209,210,225,228-230,238,241,251

Subnet 188 (Hosts 0-7 are assigned to Riyadh Jeddah Cable Connection; hosts 8-15 are assigned to NourNet; hosts 16-31 are assigned to Globe Marine Co; hosts 32-39 are assigned to Saudi Technical Eng Co; hosts 40-255 are assigned to NourNet):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 188: 3,9,33,41,43

Subnet 189 (NourNet):

Ping Sweep shows no hosts up on subnet 189.

Subnets 190 & 191 (NourNet ADSL Dialup Pool):

Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 190: 19,22,39,46,62,64,81,83,86,87,135,163,172
Ping Sweep shows these hosts up on subnet 191: 3,12,29,53,54,71,117,155